

Spiswel Gwennardec

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Alpha [Light]

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Afficher les attributs

Race / Ethnie / Sexe

Hyurois / ♂

Date de naissance

6e soleil de la 5e lune ombrale


Nymeia, la Fileuse

Cité de départ

Limsa Lominsa

Grande compagnie

Les Immortels / Capitaine

Compagnie libre

Royalty of STUFF



Attributs offensifs

Coups nets868

Attributs défensifs

Défense magique3551

Attributs physiques


Attributs magiques

Magie offensive3375
Magie curative3375



Niveau 90

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Spiswel Gwennardec is an introverted, eerie-looking person with an immensely kind nature and empathy beyond measure yet cursed with constant existential anxiety and an easily unraveled soul. He speaks relatively little but a quiet, hopeful smile is not an uncommon sight on his face.

Once a half-dead amnesiac found alone, naked and hardly awake on a beach in Vylbrand on the 5th anniversary of the 7th Umbral Calamity, he was nursed back to health by fishermen before setting for Limsa Lominsa with nothing but his name in mind, in search of purpose... and answers.

Although mortal still, he is physically unable to age anymore, his bodily aether having been vitrified in time around his late-twenties, leading him to using extensive glamour magic to hide more gruesome, extremely visible scars on his body and face before working out more permanent means of erasing them and leaving only the faded traces of a few wounds without and within, too deep to move on from completely yet.

Extremely proficient in all arts of magic but fragile in build, he lacks greatly in sheer physical aspects, making him a terrible martialist but a dread magician. He most often uses restorative, channelling and enfeebling magics, often aiming to subdue rather than outright kill. Those who have witnessed him in battle as their ally are often stricken by the cognitive gap between how harmless Spiswel looks and acts on a regular basis and how terrifying his battle magic prowess actually is.
A Garlean conscript taken prisoner was quoted describing this cognitive rift as a "glowering white spark lighting up the dull glass eyes of a soulless doll, still friendly in the frame of a man yet turned crushing and nightmarish as the weight of divinity" and an Eorzean Alliance soldier cited "the sudden change, an immediate, intense and permeating presence like a force of unknown nature, operating both with a stillness and a frenzy unknown to man, stirring up minds and quelling hearts in the same beat".

Despite the fame from his status as the Warrior of Light of the contemporary era, he still values his anonymity for as long as it may hold. He is most commonly seen wearing dark, practical travelling outfits, sometimes with a beaked hood or dark armour obscuring his frail build.

The resulting air of mystery often surrounding Spiswel, his interests or his secrets has sparked many a far-fetched rumour among the people of Eorzea. Surprisingly, there are relatively few people alive able to describe the man's precise features beyond a general "white hair that may have been dyed once, silver glassy eyes, short, frail, very pale and kind of sickly-looking".

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