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Oceanian Data Center Opens on Tuesday, January 25

We are pleased to announce the opening of our new Data Center in Oceania will be taking place on Tuesday, January 25, 2022 around 2:00 a.m. (PST), two weeks earlier than originally planned.

New Data Center / New Worlds

New Physical Data Center

  • Oceanian Data Center

New Logical Data Center on the Oceanian Data Center

  • Materia

New Worlds on the Materia Data Center

  • Bismarck
  • Ravana
  • Sephirot
  • Sophia
  • Zurvan

Character Creation Bonuses on New Worlds

Creating a character on a newly established World will grant the bonuses outlined below.

Please note the ability to use the Home World Transfer Service to transfer to the new Worlds will not be available immediately after the opening of the Data Center, but will begin Tuesday, January 25 around 10:00 p.m. (PST).

Character Creation Bonuses on New Worlds

Bonuses awarded at character creation

  • Double EXP bonus (until level 80 is reached)
  • Gift of 10 silver chocobo feathers, exchangeable for low-mid level gear to improve the leveling experience

Bonuses for characters created during bonus period that attain level 30 in any class

  • Gift of 1,000,000 gil (*1)
  • Gift of 15 days of free play time (*2)

*1 Limited to once per service account.
*2 Limited to once per service account when creating a new character on either a New or Preferred World.

Bonuses for Transferring to New Worlds

  • Home World Transfer Service is free of charge
  • Double EXP bonus (until level 80 is reached) (Valid for 90 days following transfer) *Newly added
  • Gift of 10 gold chocobo feathers, exchangeable for special rewards such as rare mounts
  • Owners of private estates/apartments are entitled to a certain amount of compensation in gil (*3)

*3 For private estates, DO NOT relinquish the land but remove all furnishings and your estate hall and then apply for a Home World Transfer.
For apartments, DO NOT vacate the apartment but remove all your furnishings and then apply for a Home World Transfer.
Please note that if you have relinquished the deed to your plot or the rights to your property, you will not be eligible to receive gil compensation.

Read on for more details regarding World Population Balancing Incentives.

These incentives will remain in place until the active player populations of the Worlds in question have grown to a specified number. Please note that once a World has been removed from the "Preferred World" category, the various bonuses will no longer be applied. In the case of newly created characters, these bonuses will continue for 90 days (including the day of creation) regardless of any change in World status.

Sale of Plots and Apartments

The various residential districts on the new Worlds will be unavailable at launch, in order to provide an opportunity for both existing and new players to purchase housing. This restriction will be lifted when the sale of plots and apartments begin in Patch 6.1.

Players will not be able to travel to the residential districts, with the exception of the first ward of Empyreum, which will be open for display only. As such, you will not be able to progress or complete the following quests until the sale of plots and apartments begin in Patch 6.1.

  • Sidequest: Where the Heart Is (Mist)
  • Sidequest: Where the Heart Is (The Goblet)
  • Sidequest: Where the Heart Is (The Lavender Beds)
  • Sidequest: I Dream of Shirogane

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