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Crystalline Conflict Season Ten Results Revealed as Season Eleven Commences!

Crystalline Conflict Season Ten has drawn to a close!

  • To Our Top-ranked Competitors

    Congratulations on a season well fought! Please be sure to collect your hard-earned ranking rewards from your local postmoogle.
    * Ranking rewards letters may take some time to arrive. We appreciate your patience.

  • To All Players Ranked Bronze or Higher
    Well fought and good show! Your tier rewards may be claimed by speaking with the seasonal quartermaster at the Wolves' Den Pier (X:4.9 Y:5.7).
    * Please note that Season Ten tier rewards may be collected until the end of Season Eleven. Don't forget to claim your spoils!

View the results for Season Ten.

Without further ado, we are delighted to send you back into the arena for Season Eleven! Aspire to even greater heights and secure your Crystalline legacy!

  • Season Eleven Preliminary Rankings

    Players will begin Season Eleven five risers lower than the rank at which they finished Season Ten. Rising Stars will be reset to zero.

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