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Trouvez le groupe de joueurs qui vous ressemble pour vivre pleinement
vos aventures dans FINAL FANTASY XIV !

Utilisation de la recherche d'aventuriers

  • Étape 1

    Chercher un groupe

  • Étape 2

    Prendre contact via la page de recrutement

  • Étape 3

    Faire connaissance et rejoindre

  • Qu'est-ce qu'une compagnie libre ?

    Les compagnies libres sont des groupes que les joueurs d'un même Monde peuvent rejoindre.

    Les joueurs qui font partie d'une compagnie libre (CL) peuvent par exemple discuter tous ensemble sur un canal de discussion privé ou acheter une maison de compagnie libre. Ils peuvent aussi utiliser des "bienfaits", des actions spéciales qui leur sont réservées et permettent entre autres d'augmenter l'expérience reçue pour tous les membres pendant un certain temps.

    Les compagnies libres sont chacune aussi différentes que les membres qui la composent. Choisissez celle qui s'aligne le mieux avec votre style de jeu !

  • Que sont les linkshells et les linkshells inter-Monde ?

    Les linkshells sont des canaux de discussion privés destinés aux joueurs qui partagent le même objectif.

    On les appelle plus couramment LS et LSIM. Elles permettent de discuter sur un canal privé avec les autres membres. Contrairement aux compagnies libres, les joueurs peuvent rejoindre plusieurs linkshells. Vous pouvez donc par exemple faire partie d'une linkshell pour les contrats de chasse et d'une autre pour la pêche.

    Rejoignez les linkshells en rapport avec vos activités préférées !

    Linkshells (LS) : seuls les joueurs d'un même Monde peuvent les rejoindre.
    Linkshells inter-Monde (LSIM) : tous les joueurs d'un même centre de traitement de données peuvent les rejoindre, peu importe leur Monde d'origine.
  • Qu'est-ce qu'une équipe JcJ ?

    Les équipes JcJ (Joueur contre Joueur) sont des équipes spécialement formées pour des affrontements entre joueurs.

    Trouvez l'équipe la plus adaptée pour vous, entraînez-vous ensemble et visez le haut du classement !

    Mode JcJ : toutes missions où le but est de combattre d'autres joueurs.
Compagnie libre

Zenith Recrutement de nouveaux membres



Recrutement de nouveaux membres

Sophia [Materia]

Télécharger la carte du groupe


Heures d'activité
En semaine
8:00 22:00
9:00 24:00
Membres actifs


Centre de données


Monde d'origine


Places à pourvoir




#Friendly Gaming Community
#Joueurs sociaux
#Débutants bienvenus
#Travailleurs bienvenus
#Amateurs de capture d'écran
I N D I V I D U A L L Y W E A R E A D R O P , T O G E T H E R W E A R E A N O C E A N

At Zenith <EON> we strive on being social in-game as well as out of game on Discord! We as a group enjoy adventuring with one another and meeting new friends, running all sorts of content together from PvE to PvP is how we like to spend our time. We would love to have you join us in our adventures too! We are a close-knit group and some have played together since Heavensward on Tonberry, we strive for quality of members over quantity of members. Currently, our group consists of members from NA, NZ, and AUS!

Additionally, we like to balance work and play as the Officers and myself are working adults who have numerous hobbies and interests as well, so our gaming hours are not as extensive as they used to be— but we will continue to work hard in trying to plan events, and enjoy each other's company.

PvE: We love running dungeons/trials/raids together! It's more fun being able to fight alongside friends after all.
Duty Roulette is done with members who need it every day. FC buffs for EXP gain as well as Teleportation fee reductions are on all the time.
・ We like doing quick unsynced trials for mount farms and achievement completion. We have a spreadsheet to keep track of the mounts members have.
Treasure Maps is one of our most favorite activities to do together, we love to earn gil and share profits with each other- the rng also makes for hilariously memorable moments.

PvP: Our members are on the more casual side when it comes to PvP, but we love to queue into a casual match together to get seasonal rewards!
Crystalline Conflict matches are done by members every other night, we stream on our Discord to share some laughs and get some kills.
・ We are also keen on doing other PvP content if members are interested in it!

Other: When we are not busy battling monsters or other players, we enjoy taking many pictures and sharing moments together.
Gposing is something that many members in our Free Company enjoy, we also like making various matching or themed glamours as a group.
FC Events for seasonal holidays or other fun moments will be brought back as well! We like to plan and organize event days for all to enjoy.

・ While playing FFXIV is our main game, we also like to explore and play other games as well, we also enjoy watching things together in our Discord server!
Games like Lethal Company, Path of Exile 2, Marvel Rivals, the upcoming Monster Hunter Wilds and even party games like Jackbox are just some of the games we dabble in as a group.
・ We may also be interested in playing party games or dabble into other activities during maintenance.

Participation: This does not mean 'log in daily', but rather please talk in the FC chat and Discord! We would all love to talk and get to know you.
Personality: We would like our members to be positive, mature, and welcoming to others! Having a sense of humor is a plus as well.
Voice Chat: Our members are to use Discord for better communication, if you are not comfortable with talking you can always type.

・ To provide a healthy and positive environment for our members so that we can all game safely.
・ To foster friendships that go beyond FFXIV, we are a Free Company but also a friend group outside of the game too.
・ To grow stronger together and bring our Free Company Zenith to higher ranks!
・ To continue growing the friendships that we have with one another, and most importantly having fun in the game always!

・ In general, if you ever have any questions, or suggestions, please feel free to reach out to myself here or join our Discord! We look forward to having you with us.
・Reach out to Echo Elysium (Guild Leader), Sloane Mercer (Vice-Leader), Argentoix Solimont (Officer) if you see any of us online,



Profil du groupe








Lavandière, secteur 2, parcelle 33 [Grand]

Description du logement

EON Summit


Prenez contact avec les membres de ce groupe en vue de le rejoindre !

Profil du recruteur

Membre du groupe

Echo Elysium Sophia [Materia]

Hi everyone! I'm Echo the FC Leader of Zenith~ Do feel free to reach out to me on Discord (@picturing) and apply to join here on our Community page. I will have an informal talk with all interested applicants to Zenith before we situate you into our Free Company! Thank you so much for your time and interest.



Membre du groupe Sloane Mercer Sophia [Materia]

Hello, Dawntrail hype man and #1 Zenith fanboy here to answer any questions and introduce you to the amazing new friends you're about to make when you reach out and apply to our Free Company.

I can often be contacted in-game if I'm not responding to comments here.

Looking for more friends for the adventures ahead! Reach out and apply to Zenith.


Calick Ko Sophia [Materia]

Hi, I'm new to the game by like a month give or take. I'm only at level 54 but I am looking for a fun new FC to join. I usually work on main quests and try to get my skills up in carpentry, mining, and sewing.

I am hoping you are all still looking for people to join the last place I reached out to never got back to me.


Membre du groupe Echo Elysium Sophia [Materia]

Hello! It is very nice to meet you, thank you so much for reaching out. We have new members who are also working through leveling and MSQ and we always welcome all to run content with.

We are most certainly still recruiting, so if you want to talk further about the admission process please do feel free to join our Discord. Hope to hear from you soon!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Exhi Spyre Sophia [Materia]

Hiya! New-ish/Returning player looking to find a chill group of people to hang out with in/out of game =)
I tried joining the Discord channel but the link looks to be expired, but very excited to be a part of Zenith if I can!


Vanillr Thundr Sophia [Materia]

Hi, long time player returning to the game after a long-ish break and looking for an active yet chill Free company. I was on Kujata previously and new to Oceanic.


Membre du groupe Echo Elysium Sophia [Materia]

Hello all! Zenith is back to recruiting active members for Dawntrail~ Please drop a comment here or join our Discord to inquire more about our application process.


Galvant Wraith Sophia [Materia]

Evening guys returning player after several years away hoping to join fc and enjoy msq and help where I can cheers and just wondering about application process

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Soft Tofu Sophia [Materia]

Hey! I just left Free Trial jail, looking for a FC to chill in :).


Membre du groupe Echo Elysium Sophia [Materia]

Hello! If you are still interested in joining us please join our Discord :) we can talk more there!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Eondarron Arusther Golem [Dynamis]

hello im a midcore player looking for an fc to chat people with im happy to help with anything for sprouts


Membre du groupe Echo Elysium Sophia [Materia]

Hello! Thank you so much for reaching out ~ if you are still interested in joining us please hop into our Discord server ^^

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


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