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Trouvez le groupe de joueurs qui vous ressemble pour vivre pleinement
vos aventures dans FINAL FANTASY XIV !

Utilisation de la recherche d'aventuriers

  • Étape 1

    Chercher un groupe

  • Étape 2

    Prendre contact via la page de recrutement

  • Étape 3

    Faire connaissance et rejoindre

  • Qu'est-ce qu'une compagnie libre ?

    Les compagnies libres sont des groupes que les joueurs d'un même Monde peuvent rejoindre.

    Les joueurs qui font partie d'une compagnie libre (CL) peuvent par exemple discuter tous ensemble sur un canal de discussion privé ou acheter une maison de compagnie libre. Ils peuvent aussi utiliser des "bienfaits", des actions spéciales qui leur sont réservées et permettent entre autres d'augmenter l'expérience reçue pour tous les membres pendant un certain temps.

    Les compagnies libres sont chacune aussi différentes que les membres qui la composent. Choisissez celle qui s'aligne le mieux avec votre style de jeu !

  • Que sont les linkshells et les linkshells inter-Monde ?

    Les linkshells sont des canaux de discussion privés destinés aux joueurs qui partagent le même objectif.

    On les appelle plus couramment LS et LSIM. Elles permettent de discuter sur un canal privé avec les autres membres. Contrairement aux compagnies libres, les joueurs peuvent rejoindre plusieurs linkshells. Vous pouvez donc par exemple faire partie d'une linkshell pour les contrats de chasse et d'une autre pour la pêche.

    Rejoignez les linkshells en rapport avec vos activités préférées !

    Linkshells (LS) : seuls les joueurs d'un même Monde peuvent les rejoindre.
    Linkshells inter-Monde (LSIM) : tous les joueurs d'un même centre de traitement de données peuvent les rejoindre, peu importe leur Monde d'origine.
  • Qu'est-ce qu'une équipe JcJ ?

    Les équipes JcJ (Joueur contre Joueur) sont des équipes spécialement formées pour des affrontements entre joueurs.

    Trouvez l'équipe la plus adaptée pour vous, entraînez-vous ensemble et visez le haut du classement !

    Mode JcJ : toutes missions où le but est de combattre d'autres joueurs.
Compagnie libre

The Solo Phantom Recrutement de nouveaux membres


The Solo Phantom

Recrutement de nouveaux membres

Jenova [Aether]

Télécharger la carte du groupe


Heures d'activité
En semaine
10:00 22:00
10:00 22:00
Membres actifs


Centre de données


Monde d'origine


Places à pourvoir




#A Home To Any
#Jeu détendu
#Amateurs de mirage
#Débutants bienvenus
#Amateurs d'histoire
We are looking for some people to have fun with us! c:
Whether you want to join for FC buffs, or just want to chat and make some new friends. We try to get everyone involved and we want to help everyone do what they want to achieve in game whether that's just giving advice or actually helping you with content. we would love to have you join us.

Activities including but not limited to:
Three time divorcee, Afking, Sudden break-dancing, Maps, Making fun of our FC members, Torturing ourselves, Attending weddings, Mount farming, Uber service, Eurekan bunny farmers, Chaperones, Wage gap, Pain, Arthritis, More Pain, Keyboard drift???(Deja vu),Immense Pain, 1000 days and counting offline member, Perma Fc Sprout, A school of Gunbreakers desynthesizing in Old Gridania Did I mention Pain?,A real life Australian, A cuddle corner, Experienced onion farmers, Casual ware, Avid fishers, The Cliff of Sadness, Open Bench in Gridania, Social Anxiety, Social Butterflies, NoT BeInG AlBe To TyPe CorRecTyL, q.q 0.0 :|, Talking about other games, Bragging, The Friend's Discount, Professional loner, Bumping Music, Procrastination, Whats A Blue Quest>?, Memers, Scuffed photoshop, Early 20's Life Crisis, Wonderous Tails, Roulettes, MSQ's, Moogles?, The legendary hero Samurai Trash, "Who is Samurai Trash?", Elven strippers/giggolos at your service, Raids?, Endgame content?, Your Local Scp, Mister Sir, Mahjong nights, The Mahjong Mobile, Rare and elusive voices, the Lalafell Fanatic, Saint Bannings of the Clouded Heavens Patron of the Drowsy and Nocturnal, Cult, Extreme Farming, crying about no drops, Trails Fanatics, The Lucky Pairs, Drunk Raiding and content, The Twin Lalas, "Mechanics are for Cars", Rare Vocal Tones, Spontaneous Cat/Dog Watching during raid break, :stare:, namazu obsession, permanently on enrage prog, POGAZU, Perhaps Pain?, AaAaaaAAAaAaaaAAA?!, Emperyeum Hype, Elephant Aymeric Boi Sighting, Jumping Puzzle behind house, designated Lala babysitters, and Recreational activities including more pain for your pleasure. BIG DAWNTRAIL WAITING ROOM.

Important Lore:
As a young lad of five summers, Tio Tot rode a bicycle of metal frame, forged strong through the heats of industry. Little did he know, that one fateful day. his brother would attempt fratricide, and push him off his bicycle. Suffering utter and complete despair, all seemed loss. But then, a lone hero emerged from the fog - Guy Bannings, he who would save Tio from the dark path.

Contact Info
If you are interested consider joining us, Everyone is welcome, no matter what you want to do, we will try to accomplish. We want everyone to feel welcome and be apart of the group. If you're interested in joining feel free to contact the FC leader on Discord at congojay or the recruiter on Discord at Niaka. For the Fastest Response

Otherwise Leave a comment Below and we will get back at you whenever we can.

If you want to whisper someone in-game regarding on joining, feel free to look for: Jessica Dinkleberg, and Tio Tot

Profil du groupe








Empyrée, secteur 16, parcelle 26 [Moyen]

Description du logement

The Anchor of Strife


Prenez contact avec les membres de ce groupe en vue de le rejoindre !

Profil du recruteur

Membre du groupe

Jessica Dinkleberg Jenova [Aether]

Heyo/ Thank you for contacting this Local Dragon Girl and for reading our page, Please consider reaching out to us, we would love to get to know you more. c:



Membre du groupe Niaka Hiteki Jenova [Aether]

Hiya! Would like to apply for your FC if you're still recruiting. Kind of a newish player (started in Dec. 2020). But super casual and just want to make friends and ask questions about the game. c:


Membre du groupe Jessica Dinkleberg Jenova [Aether]

yea sure thing, let me know you get on Ill add ya

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Membre du groupe Niaka Hiteki Jenova [Aether]

I'm currently online! Sitting afk in New Gridania next to the Aetheryte.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

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Membre du groupe Jessica Dinkleberg Jenova [Aether]

no kidding so are we

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Ilsanna Saros Halicarnassus [Dynamis]

Hi there! Just transferred servers, looking for a new group to join that's not too crowded :D I'm online atm, just send me a lil cheeky tell if you're around :)


Membre du groupe Tio Tot Jenova [Aether]

Hello! You guys sound great! I've been looking for a smaller FC to make friends with. I'll be on all day if you want to send a tell :)


Membre du groupe Tio Tot Jenova [Aether]

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Membre du groupe Tio Tot Jenova [Aether]

Happy belated 1 year :partying_face:

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Membre du groupe Tio Tot Jenova [Aether]

2 years of purgatory complete (I was 2 days late last year)

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Membre du groupe Tio Tot Jenova [Aether]


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Eve Noctem Raiden [Light]

Hello!!! I'm a part time sprout and a full time Early 20's Life Crisis-er, if there's still space for a fellow pain enthusiast like me aha pls (if I'm not online by the time y'all read this will be dming from Riu#6969 when I wake up :D)

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Membre du groupe Jessica Dinkleberg Jenova [Aether]

Perfect, yea just let me know, when you are around

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Morgan Blackhart Maduin [Dynamis]

Hello I currently have my own FC but by myself. Looking to put my alt to keep it around while I try to find friends and do some content. I am currently working on the SHB ex trials and also looking to make friends. Being solo sucks and not as fun


Membre du groupe Jessica Dinkleberg Jenova [Aether]

mhmm, sounds good to me c: We would love to have your alt for a while and keep you company until you get your own fc rocking
p.s send me a tell or applicant in game ill get you set up.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500

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Morgan Blackhart Maduin [Dynamis]

Before I do do you guys do mount farming in SHB content? Also it wouldn't be my alt it be my main which is this. My alt holds my spot for the FC if I decide to venture out ^^

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Membre du groupe Jessica Dinkleberg Jenova [Aether]

Gotcha, we are mount farming for Innocence and Titania Gwibers for Trials, and we have a group starting to Prog E4S for Raid Mount this Sundays. Currently we only have Farms on Sundays, but have people around most other days If you want to plan something.

Just a note we are more casual so if you are looking for more hardcore mount farming, you might want to look elsewhere being honest with you.

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Morgan Blackhart Maduin [Dynamis]

ok thank you ^^

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Terry Mcginnis Lamia [Primal]

If you are still recruiting I'm interested. I recently switched to the server.


Membre du groupe Jessica Dinkleberg Jenova [Aether]

Yeah, we would love to have you. Just let me know when you are around.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500

Ce commentaire a été supprimé par son auteur.

Membre du groupe Azora Lavey Jenova [Aether]

Hi, If you still have space id love to join. Im a returning player that came back to my long time fc family only to find it had been reduced to nothing :(


Membre du groupe Niaka Hiteki Jenova [Aether]

Hi Azora! If you still need an FC. I can meet up with you and invite ya! :)

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Membre du groupe Saki Blossom Jenova [Aether]

Hi, im looking for an fc for my aether alt and you guys sound great would love to join!


Membre du groupe Jessica Dinkleberg Jenova [Aether]

Hiiiiii, Let me know when you are around. We can do some formal onboarding and scary stuff and all that -Smile-
P.S Ill try to be on XIV for the next few hours, so you can DM me.

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0 / 500

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Membre du groupe Niaka Hiteki Jenova [Aether]

Hi Saki! c: Just letting you know I'm online afk for a while in game. Feel free to whisper me so I can invite ya. :)

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Athena Nhivasa Exodus [Primal]

Hi! Wanting to join your FC if you guys are still recruiting :)


Membre du groupe Jessica Dinkleberg Jenova [Aether]

Yes !! I am on FF. Just let me know when you are around n.n

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

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Myasha Nbolo Jenova [Aether]

Love the list of activities! Would love to join if you are still recruiting!


Membre du groupe Tio Tot Jenova [Aether]

Hi Myasha! You're more than welcome to join! What time are you usually on? I'll check in-game from time to time and say hello if I see you. You can also shoot a message to one of the Discord tags in the post :)

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500

Cette réponse a été supprimée par son auteur.

Dani Wondermoon Jenova [Aether]

Hi there! my wife and i are looking for an FC to join! we would love to join you guys if you would have us!


Membre du groupe Jessica Dinkleberg Jenova [Aether]

Sounds great, if you are still interested. Let me know when you are around.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Membre du groupe Niaka Hiteki Jenova [Aether]

Hi Danius! Just wanted to let you know if you or your wife are on, I will be afk all day in game if you would like to join. :D

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Dani Wondermoon Jenova [Aether]

Sorry! i was in the middle of moving and stuff and just got back around to gaming! Ill be online for most of today!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


-- -- ----

hey, do you guys also recruit alt characters? finished Endwalker on my old main but I wanted to start anew in another data center. also flushed 18 dollars down the drain from Primal because of duty roulette pain. so if youre cool with a jaded introvert please pick me up im scared

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Membre du groupe Jessica Dinkleberg Jenova [Aether]

The More the Merrier. Let me know when you are around.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


-- -- ----

sorry for the late response, real life's keeping me busy. my timezone's UTC +8 but I still try to be online as much as I can. I figured I'd send a friend request over on Discord under the name Haileychi to congojay so that it'd be easier :)

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Membre du groupe Bobette Samura Jenova [Aether]

I sent a friend request on discord. I'd love to learn more about the important lore implications on the greater FF community. Oh and join the FC if we vibe.


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