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Les joueurs qui font partie d'une compagnie libre (CL) peuvent par exemple discuter tous ensemble sur un canal de discussion privé ou acheter une maison de compagnie libre. Ils peuvent aussi utiliser des "bienfaits", des actions spéciales qui leur sont réservées et permettent entre autres d'augmenter l'expérience reçue pour tous les membres pendant un certain temps.
Les compagnies libres sont chacune aussi différentes que les membres qui la composent. Choisissez celle qui s'aligne le mieux avec votre style de jeu !
On les appelle plus couramment LS et LSIM. Elles permettent de discuter sur un canal privé avec les autres membres. Contrairement aux compagnies libres, les joueurs peuvent rejoindre plusieurs linkshells. Vous pouvez donc par exemple faire partie d'une linkshell pour les contrats de chasse et d'une autre pour la pêche.
Rejoignez les linkshells en rapport avec vos activités préférées !
Trouvez l'équipe la plus adaptée pour vous, entraînez-vous ensemble et visez le haut du classement !
Mode JcJ : toutes missions où le but est de combattre d'autres joueurs.The Saltmine! Recrutement de nouveaux membres
Prenez contact avec les membres de ce groupe en vue de le rejoindre !
A'ramin Tia Zalera [Crystal]
Current status: Offline! Just join the discord at: and ask for an invite to the linkshell from there. The first two CWLS are full but we have a third with room in it!
?Aramine Shah'dn Diabolos [Crystal]
Can I get and invite please. Been trying to get into some old content and other stuff, so I am just trying different avenues.
Ymir Sindra Coeurl [Crystal]
I'd like an invite too please!
Membre du groupe A'ramin Tia Zalera [Crystal]
Hi Ymir, I'll be on later tonight to invite those who want to the CWLS. In the meantime, please check out the discord at
We're still small but growing, and we'd love to have you onboard!
Noire Blanc Malboro [Crystal]
this sounds fun, i need people to run with
Membre du groupe A'ramin Tia Zalera [Crystal]
Hey Noire, I'll be on to invite to the CWLS later tonight. You're welcome to check out the discord:
We're currently running weekly maps and have a few other events in the works. One of our moderators is a raiding recruiter so if you're looking for a static, we'll be able to help out with that as well. Hope to see you there!
Kyno Ayakashi Malboro [Crystal]
This does sound fun and I would love to do some leveling with people and doing runs with people
Membre du groupe A'ramin Tia Zalera [Crystal]
Hi Kyno! As I've mentioned to the two people before you, I'll be on to invite to the CWLS later tonight. Our discord is where most of the community is (most aren't even in the linkshell). We're still small, but growing and would love to see you there!
Membre du groupe A'ramin Tia Zalera [Crystal]
I'll announce above in the recruiter profile when I am in-game and can invite!
Membre du groupe Barthollow Ubermensch Balmung [Crystal]
Would love a chance to join this CWLS if you still have room.
Membre du groupe A'ramin Tia Zalera [Crystal]
I'm currently doing maps on Hethurin Chanclair on Zalera if you want to message me quick so I can add you. Otherwise, I can try tracking you down after!
Membre du groupe Shion Isaki Zalera [Crystal]
is it possible to get a invite to join this CWLS?
Membre du groupe A'ramin Tia Zalera [Crystal]
It is. I'm currently doing maps on Hethurin Chanclair, or I can track you down after!
Membre du groupe Shion Isaki Zalera [Crystal]
if you have time after that would be great. ive never been to Hethurin Chanclair before
Membre du groupe A'ramin Tia Zalera [Crystal]
Oh, I meant my alt, also on Zalera, and maps ran late tonight. I'm back on A'ramin now and have a few minutes before my dragon farm static starts
Membre du groupe Agatryss Slaftrachwyn Zalera [Crystal]
Hey, if you have room, can I get an invite?
Membre du groupe A'ramin Tia Zalera [Crystal]
We have room. I'm still doing maps on my alt tonight, but I will look for you after!
Kuro Lee Malboro [Crystal]
Hi there, I would like to join if there's still room!
Daeg Blythe Diabolos [Crystal]
Hi, I'll take an invite please
Membre du groupe A'ramin Tia Zalera [Crystal]
Hi, I'm still working on catching you online to invite!
Chey Kitty Malboro [Crystal]
Hello! If you have room Id love to join! Trying to broaden my horizons on the game and meet new people. >.<
Membre du groupe A'ramin Tia Zalera [Crystal]
Hello, there's still room in the linkshell. I'll try to catch you next time you're on!
Tashiduo Yakimina Diabolos [Crystal]
Super casual player just returning and looking to join an FC as my old one has gone silent
Membre du groupe A'ramin Tia Zalera [Crystal]
Hey Tashiduo, the FC associated with starting this CWLS is not recruiting, but there is room in the linkshell, and always room in the discord for players who are looking for some social interaction!
Kenji Zero Balmung [Crystal]
Hi! I'd like to join if there's still room. Invite please ^.^
Membre du groupe A'ramin Tia Zalera [Crystal]
Hey! I'll be on in about two hours and I'll look for you then!
Ehko Rhyn Kraken [Dynamis]
I'd love to join if there is room. Trying to meet people to talk and run stuff with!
Membre du groupe A'ramin Tia Zalera [Crystal]
There's still room! I'll look for you!
Membre du groupe Iriana Nico Diabolos [Crystal]
Hi I'm new so I'm still learning what all of Eorzea has to offer and I would like to make friends and do fun things if you want to adopt a sprout :)
Membre du groupe A'ramin Tia Zalera [Crystal]
You are absolutely welcome to join! I'll look for you online tomorrow for the CWLS invite (I'm mostly unavailable tonight). Also, if you haven't already, join the discord! We have a sprout event up, as well as a giveaway for 1 million gil! We have some veterans and a few other sprouts too, and we all like to help out.
Varsh Le'muun Goblin [Crystal]
I'd like to Join! Any one in the linkshell doing hunts as well?
Membre du groupe A'ramin Tia Zalera [Crystal]
I don't think we currently have anyone doing hunt trains on a regular basis. I join in on them when there's a content update, and I know a few of the others do. We do not currently relay hunt trains in the linkshell, but it is something that's likely to happen when Endwalker drops. I will look for you later for an invite to the CWLS!
Catnip Tassels Zalera [Crystal]
Howdy! I'd love an invite to the CWLS! I just joined the Discord too :) Thanks!
Membre du groupe A'ramin Tia Zalera [Crystal]
Great, I regularly announce times on the discord when I'm available to world hop and get people in the CWLS. Welcome!
Membre du groupe Draxula Longfang Zalera [Crystal]
Hiya can i get an invite?
Membre du groupe A'ramin Tia Zalera [Crystal]
I'll look for you online in the coming days! If you've joined the discord, I'll even be announcing there when I'm available to world hop and invite people.
Tomato Sauce Ravana [Materia]
Keen for an invite
Membre du groupe A'ramin Tia Zalera [Crystal]
I will look for you tomorrow!
Veronika Leonhart Halicarnassus [Dynamis]
joined the discord and would love the join the cwls. I'll keep an eye out for when you are available :)
Membre du groupe A'ramin Tia Zalera [Crystal]
I'll make sure to make myself available tomorrow evening! I'll be announcing when in the discord.
Panana Pana Brynhildr [Crystal]
Hello. I've joined the discord earlier today. Would like an invite to game whenever you are available.
Membre du groupe A'ramin Tia Zalera [Crystal]
I'll be on soon and will try to get the invite to you!
Mirara Miko Diabolos [Crystal]
hey can i join in the reindeer games too?
Membre du groupe A'ramin Tia Zalera [Crystal]
Tria Moonlily Seraph [Dynamis]
Hi I am Looking for a CWLS to join, I too Love my small FC but its not very active an i would like to do stuff an make friends and chat, If you got room id love to join! thanks
Membre du groupe A'ramin Tia Zalera [Crystal]
I'll look for you to send an invite!
Tria Moonlily Seraph [Dynamis]
Great cant wait :D
Slamwell Jamson Goblin [Crystal]
I'm interested in a replacement for the Novice Network. General FFXIV and some off-topic talk, where I sometimes make bad puns or ask questions too esoteric for google.
So if that seems to mesh with the members you're looking for... inv plz?
Membre du groupe A'ramin Tia Zalera [Crystal]
I'll look for you in-game!
Rizza Akatsuki Zalera [Crystal]
Hi There, I'm interested in joining the community and helping it grow. I'm pretty much up for anything and looking for others to hang with.
Membre du groupe A'ramin Tia Zalera [Crystal]
That would be great, I'll look for you!
Wilfred Bloode Diabolos [Crystal]
Hi, I would be interested in a CWLS. I'd be looking forward to the events that are put together!
Membre du groupe A'ramin Tia Zalera [Crystal]
We'd love to have you. I'll look for you online. If you haven't yet, please consider joining the discord. It makes it ten times easier to coordinate the invites!
Membre du groupe Jung Kook' Diabolos [Crystal]
if you still have room, would like to join. been looking for a link shell to join since my FC is small but dont want to leave it.
Flouvr Pot Balmung [Crystal]
Heya id like to join if possible, would be fun to make new friends and do activities in the game.
I joined the discord as flouvr pot so just tell me and ill loggin for invite hopefully.
Boone Dubhaill Balmung [Crystal]
Hi, I'm still pretty new to FF14 been solo leveling as a PLD. I've been tanking on WoW both in a hardcore and completionism sense always striving to be the best of the best in each bit of content (except PVP) I'm a quick learner respectable person but most of all I'm dedicated to learning, be it about optimizing my class, gems/stats and most importantly.. GLAMOUR baby! haha.. Ok but seriously Im new and looking for friends and a place to call home to expirience this wonderful game with, thanks
Grimace Reaper Maduin [Dynamis]
Interested in joining, would be nice to have some more people to run various stuff with. :)
Meli Desu Goblin [Crystal]
I'm interested in joining the linkshell if possible! Just looking to make some new friends
Jicoa Condaro Adamantoise [Aether]
Would love to join up!!! :)
Membre du groupe A'ramin Tia Zalera [Crystal]
I missed you today, but I'll try to get in touch with you tomorrow
Tye Senpai Zalera [Crystal]
Hey i would love to join to ^^
Sephariel Dawnbringer Brynhildr [Crystal]
I'd like to join if possible. New and looking for community.
Mir Rax Mateus [Crystal]
Can I get an invite please
Kekili Kamae Coeurl [Crystal]
Aloha - I would like an invite to this LS please.
Zipher Insight Brynhildr [Crystal]
Hello, Looking for an invite to the cwl have also join the discord
Kirokito Kazuto Coeurl [Crystal]
Would love to join the linkshell!
Halo Drac Diabolos [Crystal]
Can I join as well as get an invite? This looks fun :)
Reliquaryn Aella Mateus [Crystal]
Would absolutely like to join! Still relatively new to the game, so this would be great!! ^^
Kinea Xion Malboro [Crystal]
Been looking for an active LS to join, would love to discuss an intvite.
Membre du groupe Amythia Maydock Zalera [Crystal]
Hiya! Can I join the CWLS? I'm in a small tight-knit FC but I would love some more friends to play with!
Pasu Parei Siren [Aether]
Heyo! If you guys are still looking to invite people, hmu. Just trying to liven up my casual playing a bit more!
Rud Gishamir Coeurl [Crystal]
Hi I'd like an invite. I'm typically on in the evenings after 4:00PM EST
Gourmet Knight Coeurl [Crystal]
Hello, I'd like to join the linkshell. I'm typically online after 4pm EST.
Koro Kelm Coeurl [Crystal]
Would like to join the Linkshell as well. I'm on usually around 6 or 7 Pm CST
Ursylla Perreault Mateus [Crystal]
Can I get an invite to the CWLS?
Az Wren Mateus [Crystal]
I am interested in the cross world LS. i am in a small FC like you but life happens and there are times i'm the only logged in for a week. I don't wish to leave them so this sounds like a perfect social/event community.
Eras Ft Zalera [Crystal]
i like to join plz
Terpy Terps Balmung [Crystal]
I would like to join, may I have an invite?
Madame Death Zalera [Crystal]
Can I have an invite please? :3
Sinister Moon Mateus [Crystal]
I would like to join, may I please have an invite?
Josen Ravelin Goblin [Crystal]
I'd like to join! I'm a new tank looking to play with some nice/patient people as I learn fights. Also if anyone wants to farm mid 50s fates or dungeons tomorrow, I'll be leveling my way to 60!
Ahraliah Sjrin Mateus [Crystal]
I'd like to join. Sounds like what I'm looking for.
Allyria Lhea Exodus [Primal]
Hello! If you're still taking new people on I would love to join. :) My FC is small so more people to talk to would be nice.
Membre du groupe Savannah Rae Zalera [Crystal]
I'd like to join the CWLS if there is still room! One of my FC mates already appears to be here as well! ^_^
Boofimir Bleu'ciel Coeurl [Crystal]
Hi! i'd like to join!
-- -- ----
I've joined the Discord. If there is room I'd appreciate an invite to the Linkshell. Thank you.
Sorrel Withers Seraph [Dynamis]
hello im a new player lookin to join and chat with others
Aenslo Bonghand Balmung [Crystal]
Hi I'm still pretty new to the game but would love to have more people to chat with as I make my way through the story. Working my way through hte through the Maelstrom patch rn
Sefen Branford Halicarnassus [Dynamis]
I'd love to join, invite please :)
Membre du groupe Pandoras Heart Seraph [Dynamis]
Hello, I'd love to join your ls. I'm a very new player, looking for a friendly group of folks to do content with ^_^
Scorpio Miura Jenova [Aether]
Hi hi! I'd love to join the the company if there's still room! Would love to meet new friends! :D
Lunara Fenrier Diabolos [Crystal]
Hi there! I would love to join if there is still room. I am looking for new friends to run with.
Shiryl St-rouge Diabolos [Crystal]
Hello, like a lot of others here I too am looking for a fellowship to join for events like maps and FATES; I am part of a smaller FC/fellowship that unfortunately isn't active anymore; a lot of people left during the EW hype/congestion, and so I'd like to join the linkshell if possible, and if not the discord is fine too. I play in central timezone, and available usually after 6 pm to 12 am central. Thanks in advance. :)
Scyan Hylian Mateus [Crystal]
hello! could i join :>
Yisu Bai-lian Balmung [Crystal]
Looks like a neat group! I've linked up on the Discord server but please let me know if there's room in a linkshell!
Azura Lynn Balmung [Crystal]
Hello, looking for a fun home while I adventure, I am a long time player that has lost a lot of friends along the FFXIV journey and looking to make more. :)
Kokoyu Koyu Coeurl [Crystal]
Hi there! I’d love to join your LS, I’m pretty new to the game and would love to have some friends to do stuff with. ^^
Andoron Karmakh Coeurl [Crystal]
Hello! I recently upgraded from free trial and would love to join your FC!
Alerria Windrunner Coeurl [Crystal]
I would like to get an invite please. I've been wanting to get into treasure maps for a long while now yet finding a group is extraordinarily difficult.
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