Bienvenue sur la page de recherche d'aventuriers !

Trouvez le groupe de joueurs qui vous ressemble pour vivre pleinement
vos aventures dans FINAL FANTASY XIV !

Utilisation de la recherche d'aventuriers

  • Étape 1

    Chercher un groupe

  • Étape 2

    Prendre contact via la page de recrutement

  • Étape 3

    Faire connaissance et rejoindre

  • Qu'est-ce qu'une compagnie libre ?

    Les compagnies libres sont des groupes que les joueurs d'un même Monde peuvent rejoindre.

    Les joueurs qui font partie d'une compagnie libre (CL) peuvent par exemple discuter tous ensemble sur un canal de discussion privé ou acheter une maison de compagnie libre. Ils peuvent aussi utiliser des "bienfaits", des actions spéciales qui leur sont réservées et permettent entre autres d'augmenter l'expérience reçue pour tous les membres pendant un certain temps.

    Les compagnies libres sont chacune aussi différentes que les membres qui la composent. Choisissez celle qui s'aligne le mieux avec votre style de jeu !

  • Que sont les linkshells et les linkshells inter-Monde ?

    Les linkshells sont des canaux de discussion privés destinés aux joueurs qui partagent le même objectif.

    On les appelle plus couramment LS et LSIM. Elles permettent de discuter sur un canal privé avec les autres membres. Contrairement aux compagnies libres, les joueurs peuvent rejoindre plusieurs linkshells. Vous pouvez donc par exemple faire partie d'une linkshell pour les contrats de chasse et d'une autre pour la pêche.

    Rejoignez les linkshells en rapport avec vos activités préférées !

    Linkshells (LS) : seuls les joueurs d'un même Monde peuvent les rejoindre.
    Linkshells inter-Monde (LSIM) : tous les joueurs d'un même centre de traitement de données peuvent les rejoindre, peu importe leur Monde d'origine.
  • Qu'est-ce qu'une équipe JcJ ?

    Les équipes JcJ (Joueur contre Joueur) sont des équipes spécialement formées pour des affrontements entre joueurs.

    Trouvez l'équipe la plus adaptée pour vous, entraînez-vous ensemble et visez le haut du classement !

    Mode JcJ : toutes missions où le but est de combattre d'autres joueurs.
Compagnie libre

Recrutement - Hyperion Asteri



Heures d'activité
En semaine
8:00 3:00
8:00 3:00
Membres actifs


Centre de données


Monde d'origine


Places à pourvoir


#Active Social FC
#Joueurs sociaux
#Événements joueurs
#Amateurs de logement
#Amateurs de capture d'écran
Hyperion Asteri is now in it's second year! We are a Free Company of like-minded people who are aiming to build a nice family in a safe, drama free environment. We have already grown to around 30 members and run regular events including, but not limited to treasure maps, quizzes, mount farms and social get togethers!

Our people have varied interests: raiding, mount farms, housing, socialising, gposing, etc. We have several members who are omnicrafters and will be happy to help with whatever you need!

We have a great new mansion in Shirogane. Here you can grab yourself a room as most of us have and design to your hearts content.
If you are a social type looking for a home, bored of lazy leaders or disappearing into the anonymity of a large FC, then give us a try. Everyone is welcome - whatever your shape, colour, religion or sense of humour might be.

We are an English language FC but accept people from anywhere as long as your English is fluent enough to converse easily.
We have a Discord server too, which is in frequent use for socialising, event organising, and posting media from in game or out. ♥

We do require you to be 18+.
If you are interested in Hyperion Asteri and want to know more, get in touch with any of the below!

Aurora Skyy
Aine Finn

Profil du groupe










Shirogane, secteur 26, parcelle 7 [Grand]

Description du logement

The House of Dawn


Prenez contact avec les membres de ce groupe en vue de le rejoindre !

Profil du recruteur

Membre du groupe

Aurora SkyyZodiark [Light]

We are currently looking for active, sociable players to add to our small group. If you are looking for a casual, relaxed environment, get in touch with either myself Aurora Skyy or Aine Finn on Zodiark. We accept all races, sexes, and skill levels. English fluency is required.


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Membre du groupe Aine FinnZodiark [Light]

Hmm, looks like a nice FC!

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Nari MoonPhoenix [Light]

This looks like a really fun place to be! I would love to join if you will have me. I’ve submitted an application in game as well ^-^


Membre du groupe Aurora SkyyZodiark [Light]

Hey Nari, sorry, we tried to contact you on multiple occasions but you weren't online.

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Goracio DuskheartZodiark [Light]

Pleasant people, chill atmosphere and venerable load of events \o/


Villa VerlizeAlpha [Light]

Best smaller FC on Zodiark. Small but friendly, regular events, run really well and drama free. Great bunch of people.

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Kara LastknightZodiark [Light]

Really lovely people. Positive chill environment, events every week. Best small family!


Sokhatai DazkarTwintania [Light]

Most wonderful fc I've been a part of! Would have it no other way!


Gdeeriya FarisZodiark [Light]

i've had the pleasure of being part of this wonderful fc for a short while, nice people and fun events, really felt like i'm part of something. would have loved to stay under different circumstances but that's life


Enno InoueRaiden [Light]

Hiya, I would love to join if you would have me :)


Enno InoueRaiden [Light]

How would I go about applying?


Membre du groupe Ridley HarmaZodiark [Light]

Easy bunch of lovelies to get to know ♥
My only regret is not joining sooner


Amari TrigedakruLich [Light]

Hiya! Would it be possible to reach out over Discord to have a chat? I think your FC looks lovely but I would like to talk/ask a few questions if possible :3


Membre du groupe Aurora SkyyZodiark [Light]

Will try contact you shortly.

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Membre du groupe Aurora SkyyZodiark [Light]

Hi guys, we don't generally invite to Disc from scratch but I will contact you in the game and have a chat with you ok?


Membre du groupe Aurora SkyyZodiark [Light]

Hi both, tried to find you online but you aren't on, send me a tell in game when you are ok.


Siph OrionZodiark [Light]

Hi! Definitely interested in your FC :) I'm looking for a social group which I can do certain content with and overall just have a good time. If you're interested in having me on board you can add me on Disco Jonker#6974 or msg me in game whatever is easier, I'll be on most evenings :)


Membre du groupe Aurora SkyyZodiark [Light]

Hi Siphal, thanks for the interest! Currently we only take people who are up to date (or close to) with the MSQ, but feel free to get back in touch once you get there! :)

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Kazito VinsmokeZodiark [Light]

Hello, I'm interested in joining if you'll have me :)
If i happen to be offline you can just reach out to me on Discord @ kazito


Membre du groupe Aurora SkyyZodiark [Light]

Hiya Kazito, will try and catch you later today!

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Prae AstrophelZodiark [Light]

I'm interested in joining!


Membre du groupe Aurora SkyyZodiark [Light]

Welcome aboard!

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Ophelia HighwindZodiark [Light]

Hey I've tried finding you both in game but no luck (guessing you're offline or in a duty?)
Would I be able to contact either of you via Discord by any chance? My username is miiaaow if you'd like to add me so we can chat. I'm interested in joining but I just have a few questions :) thank you so much xo


Membre du groupe Aurora SkyyZodiark [Light]

Welcome onboard Ophelia :)

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Talitha AnasaziZodiark [Light]

Hello, I am interested in joining your FC. I am a returning somewhat casual player looking for a fairly active FC. Currently working towards leveling all my Jobs (but slowly).


Membre du groupe Aurora SkyyZodiark [Light]

Hi Talitha, sorry just saw this, come find us in game and we can have a chat ok. Or send an application in!

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Membre du groupe Cera HavallenZodiark [Light]

Hello there!

Myself and my partner (Tali'ara Rahl) are currently searching for a Free Company to call home and yours has caught our eyes :)

We're currently looking for something active but on a smaller scale as opposed to some of the larger and more daunting Free Companies out there, so Hyperion Asteri sounds like a good match.

Maybe we can get in touch? If we don't find each other in-game, I'm available on Discord (@miandryrth)

Thanks :)


Membre du groupe Aurora SkyyZodiark [Light]

Welcome onboard :)

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Veleari FheyZodiark [Light]

Hi, Im looking for small FC, and found interest in yours FC.

Would love to join!

If you wont find me in a game you can contact me on discord @veleari


Membre du groupe Aurora SkyyZodiark [Light]

Welcome onboard Vel!

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Amiru ThegreatZodiark [Light]

im a new player, i wanna join an active community to do group content with.


Membre du groupe Aurora SkyyZodiark [Light]

Hi Amiru, apologies for slow reply, i've been away. We will contact you soon.

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0 / 500

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