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Les joueurs qui font partie d'une compagnie libre (CL) peuvent par exemple discuter tous ensemble sur un canal de discussion privé ou acheter une maison de compagnie libre. Ils peuvent aussi utiliser des "bienfaits", des actions spéciales qui leur sont réservées et permettent entre autres d'augmenter l'expérience reçue pour tous les membres pendant un certain temps.
Les compagnies libres sont chacune aussi différentes que les membres qui la composent. Choisissez celle qui s'aligne le mieux avec votre style de jeu !
On les appelle plus couramment LS et LSIM. Elles permettent de discuter sur un canal privé avec les autres membres. Contrairement aux compagnies libres, les joueurs peuvent rejoindre plusieurs linkshells. Vous pouvez donc par exemple faire partie d'une linkshell pour les contrats de chasse et d'une autre pour la pêche.
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Mode JcJ : toutes missions où le but est de combattre d'autres joueurs.Floral Tea Recrutement de nouveaux membres
Lavandière, secteur 3, parcelle 57 [Moyen]
Floral Tea Garden
Prenez contact avec les membres de ce groupe en vue de le rejoindre !
Profil du recruteur
Lady Leen Faerie [Aether]
?Hsien Loong Faerie [Aether]
Dear members of Floral,
I would like to join your ranks as a free company member. I am seeking a community of like-minded friends to play with, and your free company is the best fit for me.
I am a dedicated & friendly player who enjoys helping others and participating in grp activities such as dungeons, raids, and crafting. I am eager to contribute to the community in any way I can and make new friends.
Thank you for considering my application.
Hsien Loong
Membre du groupe Lady Leen Faerie [Aether]
Hi Hsien,
It would be an honor to have you join our Free Company!
We are located in Ward 1, Plot 47, or if it's easier please add me on your friend's list and just submit your application, and someone will approve your application at the earliest opportunity.
Thank you for showing your interest in Floral Tea, and we hope to see you very soon!
Tosh Aku Faerie [Aether]
Your fc is pretty chill! i'll be dropping an application!
Membre du groupe Lady Leen Faerie [Aether]
Hi Tosh!
Thank you for your application and welcome aboard! We're looking forward to meeting and chilling with you! :D
Aldrich Backstabber Faerie [Aether]
Hello! I'm interested in joining. How does the process work?
Membre du groupe Lady Leen Faerie [Aether]
Thank you for expressing your interest in joining our group. You could either send a tell to me or Miku Mitsunari or friend either of us if we're not online, or you can come to the FC house at Ward 1, Plot 47 and apply via the housing placard.
Hope to see you soon!
Fish Tank Faerie [Aether]
Hello im new to the hard content and been looking for a chill group to play with! Do you guys do Ultimates?
Membre du groupe Lady Leen Faerie [Aether]
Thank you for showing interest in our FC. Unfortunately, I don't see us doing Ultimate anytime soon. We do have people showing interest in savage raid, but that's still possibly a couple months away.
However, after bringing it up with one of my raid members, he's willing to see if his group is looking for new participants for the next Ultimate, should you still want to join.
I apologize if this isn't the response you're looking for, and wish you best luck on your search.
Lainey Planter Faerie [Aether]
Heyo, long time player coming back after a bit of a break and looking for a chill FC to join up with. New alt means I haven't gotten to SB yet though, so no access to Shirogane just yet... I'm not sure how to request to join other than posting here and hoping someone sees!
Membre du groupe Lady Leen Faerie [Aether]
Thank you for showing interest in our FC!
If you're unable to access Shirogane, please feel free to add me or Miku Mitsunari and we can get you in straight away.
Hope to see you soon!
Lainey Planter Faerie [Aether]
I'll have to find you when we're both online. I'll be on around 8/830pm EDT tonight. If I miss you today it's alright, I'll try again another day.
Membre du groupe Lady Leen Faerie [Aether]
My apologies on the delay. I work nights, so I usually don't get home until 3am your time.
I'll be sure to ask some of my members to try to drop you an invite as soon as they see you online.
But for now, here's our discord link in case you'd like an easier way of contacting us until then. :)
-- -- ----
Hello! I'm very interested in joining your FC! I am a long-time player that is just coming back from a hiatus!
Membre du groupe Lady Leen Faerie [Aether]
Thank you for expressing interest in joining our FC! I apologize for not seeing this message sooner.
I am usually online during the extreme early mornings, so please reach out to Aki Ika if you're not able to stop by the FC house. If neither options are available, please join us in discord so that we may be able to have someone send you an invite. :)
Hope to meet you soon!
Favela Rhynes Faerie [Aether]
Hello, I'm a newer player and i would absolutely love to join your fc I do not have the housing worlds unlocked yet so what would be the best way to reach out to get an invite? thank you so much for taking the time to read this and i look forward to hearing from you soon~!
Membre du groupe Lady Leen Faerie [Aether]
Thank you for showing interest in joining our FC!
I will be on all day tomorrow after 2pm PDT/5pm EDT if you want to add me in game. I will be on the lookout for you as well, and then I can send you an invite!
Hope to see you soon!
Membre du groupe Eggy Scramblini Faerie [Aether]
O/ hiya I saw the active times for your FC and I wanted to express my interest since I just came back to the game :) I tried the discord link though and it's invalid :(
Membre du groupe Lady Leen Faerie [Aether]
Thank you for expressing your interest in joining the FC. I will be on all day today, so feel free to add me at Lady Leen, or stop by the FC house at Shirogane, Ward 1, Plot 47. Hope to meet you soon!
Membre du groupe Koneko Komi Faerie [Aether]
Hello! I'm a new player and was looking to join but haven't unlocked Shirogane yet. What is the best way to reach out? thank you and can't wait to meet everyone if I'm accepted!
Membre du groupe Lady Leen Faerie [Aether]
Hi and welcome to the game!
I will be online all of today, so I'll see if I can catch you online and add you. You'll be able to teleport to the FC at that point. Hope to meet you soon!
Buster Brown Faerie [Aether]
Hi, I am a returning player and now my current FC is skeleton crew, basically no activity. So I was thinking of leaving and looking for a FC that is more active. However, I live in Hawaii and work a full-time job, so when I get home, it's already bed time for folks in the US mainland. So I was wondering if there are people active on weekdays from 9PM PDT to 3AM PDT. If there are, I would be interested in joining your FC.
Membre du groupe Lady Leen Faerie [Aether]
Thank you expressing interest in joining us. We are still an FC that is predominantly in the early evenings. However, we do have a couple of people that are around during the later evenings, and our discord is definitely still active during the times you mentioned. I myself work night shifts and don't get home until after 12am PDT, so I'd be more than happy if I could have someone to keep me company as well. :)
Hope to see you soon!
Membre du groupe Tiger-milk Tea Faerie [Aether]
Im a long time player looking for a chill FC for my alt. Im usually online pretty late depending on what Im doing that day. Ill be on this alt more often as I finish up savage reclears on my main. I also love housing and crafting, and would love to help anyone out if they need a craft. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Membre du groupe Lady Leen Faerie [Aether]
Thank you for showing interest in joining our FC! We are predominantly active in the early evenings, but have a couple of members that are active late night. We would be honored to have you join us if you'd like. You can find me online all of today, or head over to Shirogane, Ward 1 Plot 47 and apply to join at the placard.
Hope to see you soon!
Membre du groupe Shanttotto Chavalier Faerie [Aether]
Hi there I am interested in your FC :) I was wondering if your FC has anyone playing current savage content? Or provide buffs for raiding some days of the week? Just wondering!
Membre du groupe Lady Leen Faerie [Aether]
Thank you for showing interest in our FC! We have a static group attempting p9s on Tuesdays, and they potentially need a tank spot filled. However, they're all learners and we don't have buffs geared towards raiding for now as we have quite a bit of members still going through HW - Endwalker.
I do apologize if this is not the ideal answer you were looking for, but if you'd still like to be around for the company we would be more than honored to have you. Hope to hear from you!
Fiction Fantasia Faerie [Aether]
I was looking for a relaxed guild to hang out with and do some events. Im still pretty low level but plan to stick thru and eventually do some raid content. I had an account a bit ago that was about level 65 but forgot what the account name was. So im working my way back up but wanted to do it with a FC this time thou..
Membre du groupe Frel Hrafvik Faerie [Aether]
Oh, this FC looks so neat!! I'm still fairly new (since I wasn't able to play as often due to college), but I wanted to reach out and express interest in joining! :D
Membre du groupe Lady Leen Faerie [Aether]
Apologies for the delay in response. We would be more than happy for you to join us. :) We are located in Lavender Beds, Ward 3, Plot 57, so feel free to apply whenever you're available.
Hope to see you soon!
Grace Gravadore Faerie [Aether]
Is this post still active? Im interested but was wondering what are you guys active on or activities u guys do. Your guys aesthetics really fits my vibe but if u guys have any openings lemme know My discord is pastelgal0307
Membre du groupe Suiseiseki Kosaka Faerie [Aether]
Hello, I would like to join your free company. Let me know if there are any openings thx. :)
Membre du groupe Lady Leen Faerie [Aether]
Sorry for the super late reply, but yes we always have openings! :) Feel free to stop by Lavender Beds Ward 3, Plot 57 and apply. Hope to see you soon <3
Membre du groupe Suiseiseki Kosaka Faerie [Aether]
Hello, thx. I do not see a 3rd ward only a 10th ward. My character is Suiseiseki Kosaka. Hope to join soon.
Membre du groupe Lady Leen Faerie [Aether]
I'm online and tried to invite you. I'll be up all day today so hope to see you soon!
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