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vos aventures dans FINAL FANTASY XIV !
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Les joueurs qui font partie d'une compagnie libre (CL) peuvent par exemple discuter tous ensemble sur un canal de discussion privé ou acheter une maison de compagnie libre. Ils peuvent aussi utiliser des "bienfaits", des actions spéciales qui leur sont réservées et permettent entre autres d'augmenter l'expérience reçue pour tous les membres pendant un certain temps.
Les compagnies libres sont chacune aussi différentes que les membres qui la composent. Choisissez celle qui s'aligne le mieux avec votre style de jeu !
On les appelle plus couramment LS et LSIM. Elles permettent de discuter sur un canal privé avec les autres membres. Contrairement aux compagnies libres, les joueurs peuvent rejoindre plusieurs linkshells. Vous pouvez donc par exemple faire partie d'une linkshell pour les contrats de chasse et d'une autre pour la pêche.
Rejoignez les linkshells en rapport avec vos activités préférées !
Trouvez l'équipe la plus adaptée pour vous, entraînez-vous ensemble et visez le haut du classement !
Mode JcJ : toutes missions où le but est de combattre d'autres joueurs.Ishin Recrutement de nouveaux membres
Anglais / Français
Shirogane, secteur 25, parcelle 30 [Grand]
Ishin's Onsen
Prenez contact avec les membres de ce groupe en vue de le rejoindre !
Wulf Winter Adamantoise [Aether]
Feel Free To Contact Me, Foolie Cooly, Ravenna Winter Or Valarynn Faelmora On Aether Adamantoise At Any Time For More Details & Inquiries! You Can Also Leave A Comment Down Below We Will Get Back To You ASAP!!
?Ghostey Corwell Adamantoise [Aether]
If you're still recruiting id like to join!
Membre du groupe Wulf Winter Adamantoise [Aether]
yes i am currently in game if you want to meet
Roachita Goress Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello, I'd like to join!
Cinder Yatsurugi Adamantoise [Aether]
Are you guys still recruiting?
Clarence Winstone Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello! I am interested in joining!
Amethyst Lux Siren [Aether]
Hello! Im interested in joining the fc ^^
Membre du groupe Wulf Winter Adamantoise [Aether]
for sure please hit me up in game or discord (Radflick) !!!
Trixy Strife Adamantoise [Aether]
My wife and I ran into one of your members last night and we wanted to join if there's still space, Her name is Yunolesca Nanami
Membre du groupe Wulf Winter Adamantoise [Aether]
for sure just hit me up when you are in game, i am online !! or you can apply direclty on our fc board!
Koyoto Shadow Hyperion [Primal]
Are you still recruiting? I'd like to apply.
Nuevo Mondo Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello, I would like to join if still recruiting! (Est time zone)
Membre du groupe Wulf Winter Adamantoise [Aether]
hello sir for sure please feel free to come check us in game, we have some captain online right now
-- -- ----
I was wondering if you were still recruiting. Sounds like a friendly place and i just started the game and was looking for a place to chill with others.
Nori Kageyama Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello, I would like to join Ishin, if you are still recruiting?
Membre du groupe Wulf Winter Adamantoise [Aether]
we do indeed hit me up ing as soon that you can
Nori Kageyama Adamantoise [Aether]
I had submitted an application within the game if that helps!
Membre du groupe Wulf Winter Adamantoise [Aether]
Yep i see you just like to meet peoples before we approve the application :)
Miss Sprinks Sargatanas [Aether]
Hi there! I’d like to know if you are currently recruiting new members ?
Membre du groupe Wulf Winter Adamantoise [Aether]
we do indeed feel free to come visit us
Femboy Sparky Spriggan [Chaos]
Hey im a returning player but dont really know much about the game still haha are you guys still recruiting? :3
Membre du groupe Wulf Winter Adamantoise [Aether]
we do, sadly you seem to be playing on a EU Server, we are located in North America
Vendrick Mercer Adamantoise [Aether]
Hi, I am interested in joining if you guys are still recruiting.
Membre du groupe Wulf Winter Adamantoise [Aether]
for sure feel free to hit us up in game today, come visit the fc house there is always someone there
Jin Kaze Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello, I'm interested in joining the FC if you'll have me.
Membre du groupe Wulf Winter Adamantoise [Aether]
for sure i am currently online, feel free to hit me up
Draco Chagrin Adamantoise [Aether]
Definitely looking for the more mature crowd and have some homies. It’s my first MMO, lvl 52 on my first character - finished ARR. just came back after a few months, down to clown.
Membre du groupe Wulf Winter Adamantoise [Aether]
if you are still looking feel free to hit us up in game
Zeo Flux Kraken [Dynamis]
Hi I'm interested in joining your fc
Nebula Prime Gilgamesh [Aether]
Would love to join if you guys are still accepting
Membre du groupe Wulf Winter Adamantoise [Aether]
we do indeed!
Eranthiz Aconitum Adamantoise [Aether]
Hi! I'm interested in joining :D
Membre du groupe Wulf Winter Adamantoise [Aether]
it would be a pleasure to meet you!
Chlaxee Foss Adamantoise [Aether]
Hey! Looking to heal people! Make friends. I'm interested in joining please.
Membre du groupe Wulf Winter Adamantoise [Aether]
hello if you are still looking feel free to hit us up
Makin Bears Jenova [Aether]
Hey there! I just resubbed and you guys seem fun. I think I found you on Discord and sent a friend request, but my name is Makinbears.
Stupid Duck Adamantoise [Aether]
hi i'd love to join!
Membre du groupe Wulf Winter Adamantoise [Aether]
feel free to hit us up in game today or discord !!!
Membre du groupe Kom Byne Adamantoise [Aether]
Sent a Friend Request in Discord But figured I would post here too. I am Interested in This FC.
Rebel Kitty Alpha [Light]
Hi there, I’m currently on Chaos DC (EU) but looking to move back to NA DC at the end of the month and I’m curious to know if your still recruiting? I’m in BST time (UK) so I hope that won’t be a problem. My discord is reggiej_19 if you want to add me there and talk more ?
Membre du groupe Wulf Winter Adamantoise [Aether]
we actually have a few members from the UK so that should not be a problem, i can dm you on discord later if you wish!
Rebel Kitty Alpha [Light]
Yeah that’s cool with me ?
Kaizer Kaz Siren [Aether]
Greetings from Canada! Newbie here....are you still recruiting? if so, let me know how I can join. I do not have discord yet...will install and register by end of today. Cheers!
Membre du groupe Wulf Winter Adamantoise [Aether]
we sur do fellow canadian sadly we do not play on the same server you would have to start a character on adamantoise
Kirigo Wojak Midgardsormr [Aether]
Can I please join the guild plz
-- -- ----
Can I join ruby_redflowers
Alexios Stormbringer Adamantoise [Aether]
I have two questions one Can I join and two Can someone help me need to be level pushed over at Castrum Occidens by Wineport to level push my Rogue.
Hamelin Ahvi Adamantoise [Aether]
Hi! I'd like to join your FC! I'm a new-ish member looking for a community to belong and have fun with while playing the game!
Darsidan Crowborn Adamantoise [Aether]
If you're recruiting I'd like to join. Level 71, play semi consistently. Looking for a good group to hang out and help with!
Xelia Minno Mateus [Crystal]
hi just wondering if you are still recruiting my current fc is dead and looking for an active fc that will help out others when needed or just to hang out.
ive done almost all the raids, dungeons and trials
Membre du groupe Wulf Winter Adamantoise [Aether]
we are still active and currently running the current ex tier, we are located on adamantoise aether tho
Michelle Obama Sagittarius [Chaos]
I'd like to join if that's ok :3
Membre du groupe Qonz Spirit Adamantoise [Aether]
hello how do i join? im just looking for a small fc and to relax.
Membre du groupe Wulf Winter Adamantoise [Aether]
you can hit me up here, in game or on discord ( Radflick is my user name)
Rin Rhalgr Siren [Aether]
Hey returning to the game after a very long break. I would love to join.
Selene Lancaster Adamantoise [Aether]
Hi I would love to talk to you and see if I'll be a good fit for the community I would love to join
Mochi Rae Mateus [Crystal]
Hello! I’d like to apply.
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