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Trouvez le groupe de joueurs qui vous ressemble pour vivre pleinement
vos aventures dans FINAL FANTASY XIV !

Utilisation de la recherche d'aventuriers

  • Étape 1

    Chercher un groupe

  • Étape 2

    Prendre contact via la page de recrutement

  • Étape 3

    Faire connaissance et rejoindre

  • Qu'est-ce qu'une compagnie libre ?

    Les compagnies libres sont des groupes que les joueurs d'un même Monde peuvent rejoindre.

    Les joueurs qui font partie d'une compagnie libre (CL) peuvent par exemple discuter tous ensemble sur un canal de discussion privé ou acheter une maison de compagnie libre. Ils peuvent aussi utiliser des "bienfaits", des actions spéciales qui leur sont réservées et permettent entre autres d'augmenter l'expérience reçue pour tous les membres pendant un certain temps.

    Les compagnies libres sont chacune aussi différentes que les membres qui la composent. Choisissez celle qui s'aligne le mieux avec votre style de jeu !

  • Que sont les linkshells et les linkshells inter-Monde ?

    Les linkshells sont des canaux de discussion privés destinés aux joueurs qui partagent le même objectif.

    On les appelle plus couramment LS et LSIM. Elles permettent de discuter sur un canal privé avec les autres membres. Contrairement aux compagnies libres, les joueurs peuvent rejoindre plusieurs linkshells. Vous pouvez donc par exemple faire partie d'une linkshell pour les contrats de chasse et d'une autre pour la pêche.

    Rejoignez les linkshells en rapport avec vos activités préférées !

    Linkshells (LS) : seuls les joueurs d'un même Monde peuvent les rejoindre.
    Linkshells inter-Monde (LSIM) : tous les joueurs d'un même centre de traitement de données peuvent les rejoindre, peu importe leur Monde d'origine.
  • Qu'est-ce qu'une équipe JcJ ?

    Les équipes JcJ (Joueur contre Joueur) sont des équipes spécialement formées pour des affrontements entre joueurs.

    Trouvez l'équipe la plus adaptée pour vous, entraînez-vous ensemble et visez le haut du classement !

    Mode JcJ : toutes missions où le but est de combattre d'autres joueurs.
Compagnie libre

Recrutement - Coffee Enthusiasts



Heures d'activité
En semaine
1:00 24:00
1:00 24:00
Membres actifs


Centre de données


Monde d'origine


Places à pourvoir


#New Player Friendly
#Débutants bienvenus
#Travailleurs bienvenus
#Amateurs de mirage
#Jeu détendu
Coffee Enthusiasts is a active FC looking for new members!

We offer a medium FC house (café opening soon!), fun events and weekly contests! Daily company actions (bonus to battle XP and discounts for teleport/10% MGP bonus on Saturdays!) Discord server with friendly, helpful members. The environment is chill and relaxed. We're very new player friendly, with a mix of people new to the game and experienced with the game. We have a static that meets every week and are excited to tackle more content as a group! We also have many casual players, so you are sure to find a place amongst our family! So come share your love for coffee, grab a cup and join Coffee Enthusiasts!

We are now also offering FC House Room reimbursement! And of course, free coffee!


All players welcome! Even if you dislike coffee

If you would like to apply or learn more, please comment below or visit us at Plot 45, 18 Ward, Shirogane!

By applying to join Coffee Enthusiasts, you agree to following the rules posted below.

Please be respectful to others! Do not purposely antagonize others or create a hostile environment via text and/or voice chat. This FC promotes a happy, casual atmosphere, aimed at helping players - new or otherwise.

NO NSFW. This game is ages 13+, so if you break this rule in any capacity, it is an auto kick from FC.

Keep any drama to a minimum. Anything beyond a few comments back and forth needs to be taken to DMs; this is a game not a debate server. If things get too heated, anyone is free to let a @Café Managers know.

If you'd like any clarification or have any concerns, please message a member of our Staff!

Profil du groupe










Shirogane, secteur 18, parcelle 45 [Moyen]

Description du logement

JAVA Bee Cafe


Prenez contact avec les membres de ce groupe en vue de le rejoindre !

Profil du recruteur

Membre du groupe

Aura Natsumi Diabolos [Crystal]

Message Aura Natsumi or Vaho Blacksteel in game to apply! You can also send an Application in-game! Visit us at Plot 45, 18 Ward, Shirogane.


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Membre du groupe Alpheus Watergate Diabolos [Crystal]

I would like to join :)


Membre du groupe Aura Natsumi Diabolos [Crystal]

Awesome! Send me a tell next time you're online and i'll add you!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Malatesto De'orvista Diabolos [Crystal]

Greetings! I am a casual player on Playstation. Looking for a group I can call home to socialize with, Heal for, chill out with and chat. My current group is all PC and I cant chat because I am on playstation. If this is a group I can settle down with I would love to get to know you all.


Malatesto De'orvista Diabolos [Crystal]

Usual play time is 8:00 pm -12 Central Standard time.

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0 / 500


Membre du groupe Aura Natsumi Diabolos [Crystal]

You're totally welcome to join! We use both in-game chat and discord so you being on PlayStation wouldn't be an issue at all.

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0 / 500


Malatesto De'orvista Diabolos [Crystal]

Greetings again. Sorry about the delay I had to step away from the game for a few months for personal family reasons. Im back in action and working to get ready for endwalker. I stepped away from the Astro for a bit and am now leveling my bard (its where my heart truly lies) and I have fishing up to 70 (had to get back to the MSQ because I cant buy higher end Yellow script gear until I progress the MSQ more)

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0 / 500

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Cromagnum Dawn Diabolos [Crystal]

Hi, I'm a new player and I'm interested in joining your FC.


Membre du groupe Aura Natsumi Diabolos [Crystal]

Awesome! You can send in a app or I can meet you online :)

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Anwyle Loradun Diabolos [Crystal]

Hi, I am a new player coming over from another MMO. I am retired military so I have lots of time on my hands and I am looking for an FC to call home. I would be interested in hooking up on discord and learning a little more about your FC.


Leela Lockheart Diabolos [Crystal]

Been playing for a little over a week. Coming from wow and a bit lost with a lot of questions. I'm looking for a free company. I don't use discord very much. I am casuel player play random times because having 3 kids and a wife takes up alot of time lol. hoping to get endwalker by weeks end and am looking to put in a lot of work into my character(s) as much as i did in wow for 16 plus years. just looking to enjoy a mmo again and not feel like a second job. thanks :)


-- -- ----

Hi! I enjoy coffee and have been looking for a free company. ^^


Membre du groupe Aura Natsumi Diabolos [Crystal]

Awesome! You can send in an app in-game or I can meet you online. Can also join our discord (if you use discord) with this link

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0 / 500


Kyo Shon Diabolos [Crystal]

Hi im a somewhat new player and looking for a good and fun free company. wondering if i could join :) im pretty active and just really love this game and want to make some new friends.


Membre du groupe Aura Natsumi Diabolos [Crystal]

I'll invite you! :) Or you can message me in game or on our discord. :)

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0 / 500

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Kyo Shon Diabolos [Crystal]

I think discord would be the easiest mine is something#1092 ^^

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0 / 500


Membre du groupe Babami Yumishi Diabolos [Crystal]

I would like to join if that's all right. I'm a casual player who enjoys the game and coffee XD


Membre du groupe Seradra Warsong Diabolos [Crystal]

Hi, my wife and I just transferred to Diabolos, this seems like a lovely FC to join!


Azalea Belmont Diabolos [Crystal]

Hiya! Coffee and caffeine addict here! Is there anywhere I can learn more about your FC, kinda get a feel for the people before I join? I'm interested!

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Membre du groupe Vaho Blacksteel Diabolos [Crystal]

If you're interested in applying after you have a look around, I can recruit you! :)

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Darius Noxii Diabolos [Crystal]

Hey this community looks really nice I was wondering if I could join by chance? I'm very new to the game.


Membre du groupe Aura Natsumi Diabolos [Crystal]

Sure! You can send a message to me or Vaho Blacksteel in game and we can invite you! :)

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0 / 500


Membre du groupe Verne Wilde Diabolos [Crystal]

Can I apply for Join iwi ?✨


Synyster Shadows Diabolos [Crystal]

Interested in joining you guys, still kinda new to mmo and ff14


Siggy Mythborn Diabolos [Crystal]

Hi, to visit and get more of a feel of the FC. I've been looking all over, but cannot locate the FC house. Ward 18, plot 45, right? Are you tucked in a corner that I cannot find?


Membre du groupe Aura Natsumi Diabolos [Crystal]

Hi! Yes we are in Ward 18 and plot 45. The house has an otter theme to it.

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0 / 500


Malatesto De'orvista Diabolos [Crystal]

Greetings! Sorry it has been quite a while since i petitioned to join. Had to take a break to focus on a few real irl items. I am looking for a FC that actually talks. The one i am currently in no one chats and it gets real lonely and hard to make connections. From your recruitment posts i am sensing more community. Is this true?

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Membre du groupe Vaho Blacksteel Diabolos [Crystal]

We do have quiet periods of the day, but we are certainly more active in the afternoon/evenings with members in different timezones! Our discord is active and people are often in VC. :) Everyone's really friendly and we're a little on the smaller side for a FC. :) We'd love to have you if you're interested!

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0 / 500


Malatesto De'orvista Diabolos [Crystal]

I will be on starting in about an hour and would love to join. So i play on PS4. Do yall voice chat through discord?

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0 / 500

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Membre du groupe Vaho Blacksteel Diabolos [Crystal]

Yes, we use voice chat through discord. Sorry, I had to hop off early last night, so I missed you.

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0 / 500


Malatesto De'orvista Diabolos [Crystal]

Its okay will you be on any today 6/2/22 for me to catch you?

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0 / 500


Membre du groupe Vaho Blacksteel Diabolos [Crystal]

Yes, I'm on right now. :)

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0 / 500


Siggy Mythborn Diabolos [Crystal]

I'm a lvl 82 player (healer and dps) looking for an FC that will truly embrace playing with a newcomer in dungeons, trials and whatever. I'm a team player who will enthusiastically embrace positive FC commitments and goals. I'd welcome a conversation with the FC leader to chat about a mutual fit. If interested, please note a day/time/place and I would love to meet in discord to discuss the possibilities!


Membre du groupe Vaho Blacksteel Diabolos [Crystal]

Yes, we're always welcoming newcomers and have quite a few new players already. :) If you'd like to meet in discord, I could meet tomorrow (6/5) at 5PM EST, if that works for you!

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0 / 500

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Membre du groupe Iya Favro Diabolos [Crystal]

Hello! I love coffee and am looking for an FC and y'all seem what I am looking for so I would like to join!


Zale Kinnia Diabolos [Crystal]

Heya. I'm on the newer side and looking for a group to play with, and considering the reason I chose my ign, this seems like a perfect place to start.


Jian Berry Lamia [Primal]

Helloo, I just started playing Final Fantasy XIV recently and I'm looking for a free company to join. I'm more of a tea person than coffee but may I still join? ^^


Membre du groupe Aura Natsumi Diabolos [Crystal]

Of course! I'll send you an invite very soon or just send me a tell the next time your online!

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0 / 500

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Ash Hena Diabolos [Crystal]

I would like to join this group, thanks.


Membre du groupe Aura Natsumi Diabolos [Crystal]

Awesome! Send me a tell next time you're online.

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0 / 500

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Abbye Anne Seraph [Dynamis]

Hiya! I've been looking for a more active - but still laid back - FC to join. Oh, and I lervvvvv my coffee (and tea and I make killer tea lattes.) Also life-work balance, yes, please. And I'd love to get into a static group! We called them prog groups in ESO, but I loved the teamwork and camaraderie. Anyhoo, the point is: I would love to join any group that loves coffee - and Coffee Enthusiasts - an FC name after my own heart!

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Membre du groupe Vaho Blacksteel Diabolos [Crystal]

We would love to have you. Our static group is currently on a bit of a break, but we'll be starting up once the next EX is released.

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0 / 500


Membre du groupe Silly Tortellini Diabolos [Crystal]

Salutations! I've been looking for a FC to join as I have come to realize I have never really found a sense of community in-game despite having played FF for quite some time. While I consider myself a rather casual and relaxed player, I am eager to help wherever (and whoever) I can. Currently in college so I have an abundance of free time which keeps me available as well, so I hope you'll have me!


Membre du groupe Vaho Blacksteel Diabolos [Crystal]

We would love to have you. I can send you an invite next time you're on!

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0 / 500


Membre du groupe Silly Tortellini Diabolos [Crystal]

I am currently online, ready and waiting! o/

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Membre du groupe Em'ile Averdeen Diabolos [Crystal]

Howdy! I've been looking for a community to join in this game as I've been playing for a while but never really been in an active FC. I'm a pretty casual player but love doing content when I can and would be very happy in a group called Coffee Enthusiasts (I am literally addicted to coffee cuz college)


Membre du groupe Vaho Blacksteel Diabolos [Crystal]

We'd love to have you! I can send an invite whenever you're on!

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0 / 500


Membre du groupe Em'ile Averdeen Diabolos [Crystal]

I'll be online pretty much all day today!

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Laenyra Blackfyre Diabolos [Crystal]

Hello I was looking for a free company to join and I would be delighted if you would have me! I'm a somewhat casual player but that's mostly because I have been playing by myself!


Membre du groupe Aura Natsumi Diabolos [Crystal]

Awesome! You can send an application or I can add you next time were both online. Whatever works best for you!

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0 / 500


Scarlett Kitsune Excalibur [Primal]

Hi submitted an app I'd like to join. Casual player just want some friends to lvl with. Discord would be my preferred contact since I play more on console anymore.


Nio Lugo Diabolos [Crystal]

Hello Id like to join the Coffee Enthusiasts :)


Membre du groupe Aura Natsumi Diabolos [Crystal]

Send one of our staff a message next time you're online or you can just send in an application. :)

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0 / 500


Membre du groupe Elizabeth Proctor Diabolos [Crystal]

Afternoon, I am a new and casual player looking for a home :). I would like to join Coffee Enthusiasts!

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Unicrngirl Sunshine Diabolos [Crystal]

Ijust recently came back to the game so a bit a sprout.Was a healer on eso for 10 and switched to this game.Would love to learn from seasoned players to hone in on my craft.Looking for relaxing chill people to get to know and have fun with would love to join if you have room <3 i am compleatly addicted to coffee by the way lo"wink" "Wink"

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