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Les joueurs qui font partie d'une compagnie libre (CL) peuvent par exemple discuter tous ensemble sur un canal de discussion privé ou acheter une maison de compagnie libre. Ils peuvent aussi utiliser des "bienfaits", des actions spéciales qui leur sont réservées et permettent entre autres d'augmenter l'expérience reçue pour tous les membres pendant un certain temps.
Les compagnies libres sont chacune aussi différentes que les membres qui la composent. Choisissez celle qui s'aligne le mieux avec votre style de jeu !
On les appelle plus couramment LS et LSIM. Elles permettent de discuter sur un canal privé avec les autres membres. Contrairement aux compagnies libres, les joueurs peuvent rejoindre plusieurs linkshells. Vous pouvez donc par exemple faire partie d'une linkshell pour les contrats de chasse et d'une autre pour la pêche.
Rejoignez les linkshells en rapport avec vos activités préférées !
Trouvez l'équipe la plus adaptée pour vous, entraînez-vous ensemble et visez le haut du classement !
Mode JcJ : toutes missions où le but est de combattre d'autres joueurs.Syncademy Recrutement de nouveaux membres
Prenez contact avec les membres de ce groupe en vue de le rejoindre !
Profil du recruteur
Bangladesh Mandalore Spriggan [Chaos]
Greetings! My name is Bangladesh and I'm a Faculty Assistant for Syncademy. I've started my FF14 journey in June of 2023 and had joined the community one month later. In comparison to WoW and GW2, my experience of getting into raiding in FF14 was the smoothest, fastest and most pleasant, and I think that the reason is the combination of 'Level Sync' feature and a community that's build around enjoying old raids . If you have interest in exploring this game's most engaging PVE content, I believe Syncademy is a good place to start.
?Yennefer Yenn Moogle [Chaos]
Heya i would like to join you guys :) I'm newbie in end game content but I would like to learn In safe environment
Cap Dawnbringer Moogle [Chaos]
Hey, I'm interested in joining, I've sent over a friend request on discord
Chad Wick Louisoix [Chaos]
Hey I would like to join i sent a request on discord
Membre du groupe Tsukiyo Nightshade Omega [Chaos]
I'd like to join your merry band. Sent a friend request on discord.
Enard Grible Spriggan [Chaos]
I would love to join aswell. I've sent friend request on discord.
Woloky Yyy Louisoix [Chaos]
Hey id like to join. Im a returning player trying to get back into the game.
Membre du groupe Bangladesh Mandalore Spriggan [Chaos]
Hi, Woloky, send me a message on Discord.
Seraphine K'eria Phantom [Chaos]
Heya ! Im an old player too. I did T13 before i stopped ( i stopped before heavensward ) . Tell me if i can join ! Cyaaaa
Membre du groupe Bangladesh Mandalore Spriggan [Chaos]
Hi, Seraphine, hit me up on Discord.
Freya Melindiel Spriggan [Chaos]
Hi! This is the kind of community I've been looking for. I've sent over a friend request on discord. :)
Noelle Dawnbringer Ragnarok [Chaos]
Hello <3 this is exactly the content I was hoping to find.
Been playing FFXIV since ARR launch (on and off).
Can I please join your FC?
Membre du groupe Bangladesh Mandalore Spriggan [Chaos]
Hello, Noelle. Sure, just message me in Discord.
Uber Banan Cerberus [Chaos]
Can I please join to is guys? But i m nebwie . 10 years agp was playing Arr coil 1 turn 5 . But looking gulid some like you guys
Membre du groupe Bangladesh Mandalore Spriggan [Chaos]
Hi, Uber, you can message me in Discord @cake_walker
Vex Bailey Louisoix [Chaos]
Hi, I've been playing for about 3 years now. This is the content I want to do, but my friends I play with don't. Could I join your free company please?
Membre du groupe Bangladesh Mandalore Spriggan [Chaos]
Hello, Vex, message me in discord for an invite @cake_walker
Rael Roda Louisoix [Chaos]
Hello, I started FFXIV a few weeks ago and I want to both learn and do end game raids. If you guys are recruiting I would love to join!
Membre du groupe Bangladesh Mandalore Spriggan [Chaos]
Hi, Rael, you can hit me up in Discord @cake_walker
Dead By-design Phantom [Chaos]
Hello, would love to join and do all the cool content available. Thanks in advance!
Membre du groupe Bangladesh Mandalore Spriggan [Chaos]
Hello, you can reach me in Discord @cake_walker
Khara Santanico Moogle [Chaos]
I'm interested. I want to do ARR EX Trials synced
Membre du groupe Bangladesh Mandalore Spriggan [Chaos]
Hi, you can message me on Discord @cake_walker
Carly Rose Louisoix [Chaos]
hello i am a new player to ff14 but play alot off MMO want to learn to raid and have a bit off fun aswell
Membre du groupe Bangladesh Mandalore Spriggan [Chaos]
Hi, Carly, feel free to message me in discord @cake_walker
Nickolas Debeen Sephirot [Materia]
Hello. I am a member of your Discord Server, and wouldn't mind going into your network.
Kitty Miouri Louisoix [Chaos]
Hi I'd like to join I sent over a friend req on discord thx
Yolini Kwt Zodiark [Light]
Hello, could you add me to the LS? I'd like to join
Membre du groupe Bangladesh Mandalore Spriggan [Chaos]
Sure, message me on discord @cake_walker
Selena Valariaux Raiden [Light]
Hi there Id be interested in joining the raiding community. I’m based on Chaos but can jump over for raids :) I’ve sent a FR
Franz Nic Phantom [Chaos]
would like to join, discord: franz_nic
Membre du groupe Bangladesh Mandalore Spriggan [Chaos]
Hi, feel free to message me @cake_walker
Twewy Beat Omega [Chaos]
Are you still recruiting? I would be happy if i could become a member
Membre du groupe Bangladesh Mandalore Spriggan [Chaos]
Sure, feel free to message me in Discord: @cake_walker
Shin Toki Phantom [Chaos]
Hello i would love to join the community please ! :)
Silvaire Highwind Sagittarius [Chaos]
I'd be interested in joining :)
Eighard Swordbreaker Phantom [Chaos]
Hello, I would really like to join please
Mayonesa Cigarro Ragnarok [Chaos]
Hi! Me and some friend would like to join!
Floed'a Calaidor Phantom [Chaos]
Hey ^^ Are you still recruiting? Because I would be interested in joining.
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