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Trouvez le groupe de joueurs qui vous ressemble pour vivre pleinement
vos aventures dans FINAL FANTASY XIV !

Utilisation de la recherche d'aventuriers

  • Étape 1

    Chercher un groupe

  • Étape 2

    Prendre contact via la page de recrutement

  • Étape 3

    Faire connaissance et rejoindre

  • Qu'est-ce qu'une compagnie libre ?

    Les compagnies libres sont des groupes que les joueurs d'un même Monde peuvent rejoindre.

    Les joueurs qui font partie d'une compagnie libre (CL) peuvent par exemple discuter tous ensemble sur un canal de discussion privé ou acheter une maison de compagnie libre. Ils peuvent aussi utiliser des "bienfaits", des actions spéciales qui leur sont réservées et permettent entre autres d'augmenter l'expérience reçue pour tous les membres pendant un certain temps.

    Les compagnies libres sont chacune aussi différentes que les membres qui la composent. Choisissez celle qui s'aligne le mieux avec votre style de jeu !

  • Que sont les linkshells et les linkshells inter-Monde ?

    Les linkshells sont des canaux de discussion privés destinés aux joueurs qui partagent le même objectif.

    On les appelle plus couramment LS et LSIM. Elles permettent de discuter sur un canal privé avec les autres membres. Contrairement aux compagnies libres, les joueurs peuvent rejoindre plusieurs linkshells. Vous pouvez donc par exemple faire partie d'une linkshell pour les contrats de chasse et d'une autre pour la pêche.

    Rejoignez les linkshells en rapport avec vos activités préférées !

    Linkshells (LS) : seuls les joueurs d'un même Monde peuvent les rejoindre.
    Linkshells inter-Monde (LSIM) : tous les joueurs d'un même centre de traitement de données peuvent les rejoindre, peu importe leur Monde d'origine.
  • Qu'est-ce qu'une équipe JcJ ?

    Les équipes JcJ (Joueur contre Joueur) sont des équipes spécialement formées pour des affrontements entre joueurs.

    Trouvez l'équipe la plus adaptée pour vous, entraînez-vous ensemble et visez le haut du classement !

    Mode JcJ : toutes missions où le but est de combattre d'autres joueurs.
Linkshell inter-Monde

Syncademy Recrutement de nouveaux membres



Recrutement de nouveaux membres


Télécharger la carte du groupe


Heures d'activité
En semaine
19:00 22:00
18:00 22:00
Membres actifs


Centre de données


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#Synced & MIL Content
#Jeu soutenu
#Contenu difficile
#Débutants bienvenus
#Événements joueurs
Syncademy - A synchronized (min. ilvl) content community

Syncademy is a Discord community based on the Light DC. We are dedicated to providing a relaxed place to learn synced raiding in FFXIV and a chance to get into raid leading for sprouts and veterans alike. Syncademy organizes raids up to 5 days per week during EU prime time and employs a calendar signup system which allows us to raid and progress on a community level with non-static groups since our foundation at the end of November 2019!

Community Hard Facts
- 2500+ Discord members and more than 900 of them joined our raids at least once
- Over 800 raid courses organized over the last 4 years
- 130+ active players on a monthly basis with about 150 individual signups per week
- 4-5 raid groups per raid evening and sometimes even up to 6 simultaneous groups
- 8 active Study Groups (in-house static groups)

Community Benefits
We encourage participation by using a community level and achievement system. You will earn experience as well as custom badges and roles in our Discord as you keep participating in the raids.

Regular participation also grants you access to our Linkshell Network. It consists of a Crossworld Linkshell (CWLS) for each EU Data Center (DC) and local Linkshells (LS) for each world on the Light DC. It is meant to be our **ingame social hub**, where you can hang around with others, who currently are online, by chatting and doing activities together.

Community Activities
Outside of raids we have community members organizing all kinds of activities on their own. Anything from Sastasha, roulettes or even Ultimate trials to non-raid activities like treasure maps or Blue Mage Football can be found here. Some of those are even Regular Activities such as Scavenger Hunts or Unreal Clears for Faux Hollows and much more!

For those who want a more consistent experience we also offer our crown jewel: Study Groups! Those groups are our in-house static groups, and that allows you to easily advertise, find and create your own group to raid any and all content with.
Study Groups have their own personal chat channel on the server and we also grant them badges with the limitation for one expansion's content per group because we try to keep them temporary and not being a closed group within the community.

Community Free Companies
Since we are based on Light DC originally, Syncademy is able to offer FCs on its five worlds (Twintania, Lich, Odin, Raiden and Alpha) as a place to chat and socialize with some of our community members from your world. All of them have more or less decorated FC houses, the gardens and workshops are more or less maintained, but could always need another helping hand. We also offer full chocobo training, coloring & leveling support next to FC buffs for raiding, teleportation, leveling and MGP!

Community Achievements
All old Savage Raids have been approached by us multiple times on a community level. About 3-4 groups each time have cleared them together by figuring out the mechanics at a Simulated-Blind level before moving on to the next bosses.

Along those Savage Raid progressions we have expanded our raids into two Raid Series: One for Coils and Alexander and the other for Omega and Eden. The first series is completing its fights so fast, that we also added Blue Mage raiding to its portfolio!

Additionally we're in the 8th season of re-clearing all Extreme Trials (including the newest additions from Endwalker) and Alliance Raids on MIL (min. item level) and some even undergeared or without jobstones! (Cape Westwind, you'll be missed!)

Our Sprout Mondays offer both newcomers and veteran players an ideal environment to learn the basics of raiding, to try out a new role or job or even to have a shot at leading a raid under guidance of one of our raid leaders. So far it has enjoyed great popularity since its inception in 2021!

During all that raiding countless Study Groups also reached their goals. Those included all Savage Raids and Extreme Trials, nearly all Ultimates and even more unique goals like Deep and Criterion Dungeons and mount farming in content, while it was current.

And, whenever possible, we try to help our students with their MSQ by creating an immersive experience by completing the final dungeons and Trials on MIL with them.

Reaching us
You will find a detailed calendar of our weekly raids on our Discord server. If you would like to join Syncademy's ranks or are curious about more details, simply search for the Fellowship with the same name or contact us directly ingame or via Discord:
- Bangladesh Mandalore (@sand__witch)
- Black Leather (@shaddura)
- Qullium Donk (@qullium)
- Agatifyr Hyrtbharsyn (@amberforge)
- Turael Dreamwalker (@hotelfox)

Profil du groupe






Prenez contact avec les membres de ce groupe en vue de le rejoindre !

Profil du recruteur

Membre du groupe

Bangladesh Mandalore Spriggan [Chaos]

Greetings! My name is Bangladesh and I'm a Faculty Assistant for Syncademy. I've started my FF14 journey in June of 2023 and had joined the community one month later. In comparison to WoW and GW2, my experience of getting into raiding in FF14 was the smoothest, fastest and most pleasant, and I think that the reason is the combination of 'Level Sync' feature and a community that's build around enjoying old raids . If you have interest in exploring this game's most engaging PVE content, I believe Syncademy is a good place to start.



Yennefer Yenn Moogle [Chaos]

Heya i would like to join you guys :) I'm newbie in end game content but I would like to learn In safe environment


Cap Dawnbringer Moogle [Chaos]

Hey, I'm interested in joining, I've sent over a friend request on discord


Chad Wick Louisoix [Chaos]

Hey I would like to join i sent a request on discord


Membre du groupe Tsukiyo Nightshade Omega [Chaos]

I'd like to join your merry band. Sent a friend request on discord.


Enard Grible Spriggan [Chaos]

I would love to join aswell. I've sent friend request on discord.


Woloky Yyy Louisoix [Chaos]

Hey id like to join. Im a returning player trying to get back into the game.


Membre du groupe Bangladesh Mandalore Spriggan [Chaos]

Hi, Woloky, send me a message on Discord.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Seraphine K'eria Phantom [Chaos]

Heya ! Im an old player too. I did T13 before i stopped ( i stopped before heavensward ) . Tell me if i can join ! Cyaaaa

(modifié)  -

Membre du groupe Bangladesh Mandalore Spriggan [Chaos]

Hi, Seraphine, hit me up on Discord.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Freya Melindiel Spriggan [Chaos]

Hi! This is the kind of community I've been looking for. I've sent over a friend request on discord. :)


Noelle Dawnbringer Ragnarok [Chaos]

Hello <3 this is exactly the content I was hoping to find.
Been playing FFXIV since ARR launch (on and off).
Can I please join your FC?


Membre du groupe Bangladesh Mandalore Spriggan [Chaos]

Hello, Noelle. Sure, just message me in Discord.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Uber Banan Cerberus [Chaos]

Can I please join to is guys? But i m nebwie . 10 years agp was playing Arr coil 1 turn 5 . But looking gulid some like you guys


Membre du groupe Bangladesh Mandalore Spriggan [Chaos]

Hi, Uber, you can message me in Discord @cake_walker

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500

(modifié)  -

Vex Bailey Louisoix [Chaos]

Hi, I've been playing for about 3 years now. This is the content I want to do, but my friends I play with don't. Could I join your free company please?


Membre du groupe Bangladesh Mandalore Spriggan [Chaos]

Hello, Vex, message me in discord for an invite @cake_walker

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Rael Roda Louisoix [Chaos]

Hello, I started FFXIV a few weeks ago and I want to both learn and do end game raids. If you guys are recruiting I would love to join!


Membre du groupe Bangladesh Mandalore Spriggan [Chaos]

Hi, Rael, you can hit me up in Discord @cake_walker

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Dead By-design Phantom [Chaos]

Hello, would love to join and do all the cool content available. Thanks in advance!


Membre du groupe Bangladesh Mandalore Spriggan [Chaos]

Hello, you can reach me in Discord @cake_walker

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Khara Santanico Moogle [Chaos]

I'm interested. I want to do ARR EX Trials synced


Membre du groupe Bangladesh Mandalore Spriggan [Chaos]

Hi, you can message me on Discord @cake_walker

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Carly Rose Louisoix [Chaos]

hello i am a new player to ff14 but play alot off MMO want to learn to raid and have a bit off fun aswell


Membre du groupe Bangladesh Mandalore Spriggan [Chaos]

Hi, Carly, feel free to message me in discord @cake_walker

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Nickolas Debeen Sephirot [Materia]

Hello. I am a member of your Discord Server, and wouldn't mind going into your network.


Kitty Miouri Louisoix [Chaos]

Hi I'd like to join I sent over a friend req on discord thx


Yolini Kwt Zodiark [Light]

Hello, could you add me to the LS? I'd like to join


Membre du groupe Bangladesh Mandalore Spriggan [Chaos]

Sure, message me on discord @cake_walker

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Selena Valariaux Raiden [Light]

Hi there Id be interested in joining the raiding community. I’m based on Chaos but can jump over for raids :) I’ve sent a FR


Franz Nic Phantom [Chaos]

would like to join, discord: franz_nic


Membre du groupe Bangladesh Mandalore Spriggan [Chaos]

Hi, feel free to message me @cake_walker

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500

Ce commentaire a été supprimé par son auteur.

Twewy Beat Omega [Chaos]

Are you still recruiting? I would be happy if i could become a member


Membre du groupe Bangladesh Mandalore Spriggan [Chaos]

Sure, feel free to message me in Discord: @cake_walker

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Shin Toki Phantom [Chaos]

Hello i would love to join the community please ! :)


Silvaire Highwind Sagittarius [Chaos]

I'd be interested in joining :)


Eighard Swordbreaker Phantom [Chaos]

Hello, I would really like to join please


Mayonesa Cigarro Ragnarok [Chaos]

Hi! Me and some friend would like to join!


Floed'a Calaidor Phantom [Chaos]

Hey ^^ Are you still recruiting? Because I would be interested in joining.


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