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vos aventures dans FINAL FANTASY XIV !

Utilisation de la recherche d'aventuriers

  • Étape 1

    Chercher un groupe

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    Prendre contact via la page de recrutement

  • Étape 3

    Faire connaissance et rejoindre

  • Qu'est-ce qu'une compagnie libre ?

    Les compagnies libres sont des groupes que les joueurs d'un même Monde peuvent rejoindre.

    Les joueurs qui font partie d'une compagnie libre (CL) peuvent par exemple discuter tous ensemble sur un canal de discussion privé ou acheter une maison de compagnie libre. Ils peuvent aussi utiliser des "bienfaits", des actions spéciales qui leur sont réservées et permettent entre autres d'augmenter l'expérience reçue pour tous les membres pendant un certain temps.

    Les compagnies libres sont chacune aussi différentes que les membres qui la composent. Choisissez celle qui s'aligne le mieux avec votre style de jeu !

  • Que sont les linkshells et les linkshells inter-Monde ?

    Les linkshells sont des canaux de discussion privés destinés aux joueurs qui partagent le même objectif.

    On les appelle plus couramment LS et LSIM. Elles permettent de discuter sur un canal privé avec les autres membres. Contrairement aux compagnies libres, les joueurs peuvent rejoindre plusieurs linkshells. Vous pouvez donc par exemple faire partie d'une linkshell pour les contrats de chasse et d'une autre pour la pêche.

    Rejoignez les linkshells en rapport avec vos activités préférées !

    Linkshells (LS) : seuls les joueurs d'un même Monde peuvent les rejoindre.
    Linkshells inter-Monde (LSIM) : tous les joueurs d'un même centre de traitement de données peuvent les rejoindre, peu importe leur Monde d'origine.
  • Qu'est-ce qu'une équipe JcJ ?

    Les équipes JcJ (Joueur contre Joueur) sont des équipes spécialement formées pour des affrontements entre joueurs.

    Trouvez l'équipe la plus adaptée pour vous, entraînez-vous ensemble et visez le haut du classement !

    Mode JcJ : toutes missions où le but est de combattre d'autres joueurs.
Linkshell inter-Monde

Syncademy Recrutement de nouveaux membres



Recrutement de nouveaux membres


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Heures d'activité
En semaine
18:00 21:00
17:00 21:00
Membres actifs


Centre de données


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#Synced & MIL Content
#Jeu soutenu
#Contenu difficile
#Débutants bienvenus
#Événements joueurs
Syncademy - A synchronized (min. ilvl) content community

Syncademy is a Discord community based on the Light DC. We are dedicated to providing a relaxed place to learn synced raiding in FFXIV and a chance to get into raid leading for sprouts and veterans alike. Syncademy organizes raids up to 5 days per week during EU prime time and employs a calendar signup system which allows us to raid and progress on a community level with non-static groups since our foundation at the end of November 2019!

Community Hard Facts
- 2300+ Discord members and more than 800 of them joined our raids at least once
- Nearly 800 raid courses organized over the last 4 years
- 100+ active players on a monthly basis with about 130 individual signups per week
- 4-5 raid groups per raid evening and sometimes even up to 6 simultaneous groups
- 10 active Study Groups (in-house static groups)

Community Benefits
We encourage participation by using a community level and achievement system. You will earn experience as well as custom badges and roles in our Discord as you keep participating in the raids.

Regular participation also grants you access to our Linkshell Network consisting of a local LS for each world and a CWLS where we relink between worlds. Within the LS Network you can receive notifications for official or non-official ongoing raids, relax and socialise in-game, while also being able to look for players if you need a last minute backup or a quick group for any other activity.

Community Activities
Outside of raids we have community members organizing all kinds of activities on their own. Anything from Sastasha, roulettes or even Ultimate trials to non-raid activities like treasure maps or Blue Mage Football can be found here. Some of those are even Regular Activities such as Scavenger Hunts or Unreal Clears for Faux Hollows and much more!

For those who want a more consistent experience we also offer our crown jewel: Study Groups! Those groups are our in-house static groups, and that allows you to easily advertise, find and create your own group to raid any and all content.
Study Groups have their own personal chat channel on the server and we also grant them badges with the limitation for one expansion's content per group because we try to keep them temporary and not being a closed group within the community.

Community Free Companies
Currently we're able to offer FCs on five worlds (Twintania, Lich, Odin, Raiden and Alpha) as a place to hang around with some of our community members. All of them have more or less decorated FC houses, offer full chocobo training & coloring support, and FC buffs for raiding, teleportation, leveling and MGP!
Additionally are Twintania's and Raiden's FC also offering Fashion Report items each week.

Community Achievements
We have completed all Savage Raids up to Eden so far. On our way up to that point we have expanded our raids into two Raid Series: One for Coils and Alexander and the other for Omega and Eden. The first series has already completed all of the fights twice and therefore also added Blue Mage raiding to its portfolio!

Additionally we're in the 7th season of re-clearing all Extreme Trials (including the newest additions from Endwalker) and Alliance Raids on MIL (min. item level) and some even undergeared or without jobstones! (Cape Westwind, you'll be missed!)

Our Sprout Mondays offer both newcomers and veteran players an ideal environment to learn the basics of raiding, to try out a new role or job or even to have a shot at leading a raid under guidance of one of our raid leaders. So far it has enjoyed great popularity since its inception!

During all that raiding 23 Study Groups also reached their goals. Those included all Savage Raids and Extreme Trials from ARR up to SB, one Ultimate and even more unique goals like both Deep Dungeons and current content mount farming in ShB.

And, whenever possible, we try to help our students with their MSQ by creating an immersive experience out of completing the final dungeons and Trials on MIL.

Reaching us
You will find a detailed calendar of our weekly raids on our Discord server. If you would like to join Syncademy's ranks or are curious about more details, simply search for the Fellowship with the same name or contact us directly ingame or via Discord:

- Bangladesh Mandalore (@sand__witch)
- Black Leather (@shaddura)
- Qullium Donk (@qullium)

- Agatifyr Hyrtbharsyn (@amberforge)

- Turael Dreamwalker (@hotelfox)

In case of being interested to join one of our Free Companies, then please send us an application or reach out to us ingame or via Discord:

- Twintania: Silas Greybeard (@silas_greybeard)
- Lich: Brandy Rood (ingame after joining Discord)
- Odin: Phufur Tumnus (@.pufi)
- Raiden: Turael Dreamwalker (@hotelfox)
- Alpha: Sanada Sarugaku (@sand.king)

Profil du groupe






Prenez contact avec les membres de ce groupe en vue de le rejoindre !

Profil du recruteur

Membre du groupe

Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heyo! My name is Qullium and I'm the Faculty Assistant working on Recruitment for Syncademy. To give you an idea of me and our community, I have been a part of Syncademy for almost a year now and joined as a complete newbie who did not even know his proper rotation at level 80.

Here I slowly but surely grew as a player and got comfortable in my class with the assistance I got from Syncademy. That also included being lead to other community resources such as the Balance Discord. With the growth I made, I felt like I was able to return the favour and help with running our server and our community

I personally see the community as completely beginner-friendly and I have seen it help beginners to improve in their jobs and in raiding in general.

If you feel like talking or want to know more about the community, feel free to add me. Discord ID: Qullium#1619



B'gholoh Tia Lich [Light]

hi im interested into joining


Membre du groupe Turael Dreamwalker Raiden [Light]

Hey there, please reach out to me on Discord (Hotelfox#8756) or search for the Fellowship ingame, which serves as our first point of contact to get initial information about us =)

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Em Six Twintania [Light]

Can I play BLU or do you have no fun allowed rules


Membre du groupe Turael Dreamwalker Raiden [Light]

We don't want to mix the BLU side content with the synced content experience to have an experience more closer to what it was meant to be, while we intend to do BLU-only synced/MIL runs in the future because it's a different way of synced content and fits our portfolio.

Just the combination wouldn't fit, because some mechanics behave differently with BLUs in the party (especially Tank/Healer related mechanics, which won't hit a BLU healer because he counts as a DPS and then causes trouble)

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Membre du groupe Turael Dreamwalker Raiden [Light]

Syncademy reached a new milestone last weekend by successfully leading five Tsukuyomi Extreme MIL groups (40 players) and afterwards two full Rabanastre MIL Alliance Raids (48 players) into battle.

The last month has been an incredible experience so far and the demand for synced Stormblood content is at an all time high. Just over the last week only we could confirm over 75 unique players, who participated in our official raids!


Aar Thuur Zodiark [Light]

Hello! I am interested in joining Syncademy. I'm still new to FFXIV but would like to do more synced content. Especially the older content as I went through most of it unsynced in attempts to catch up.


Membre du groupe Turael Dreamwalker Raiden [Light]

Hey Aar Thuur, there is no need to do any content unsynced. Especially for catching up, because all of the harder endgame content is just optional next to the MSQ and can be done synced at any later point.
This way you don't spoil yourself the chance to experience those duties in a way of how they're meant to be.

Please reach out to me on Discord (Hotelfox#8756) or search for the Fellowship ingame, which serves as our first point of contact to get initial information about us =)

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Membre du groupe Turael Dreamwalker Raiden [Light]

This week will be our last official raiding week before Syncademy will have a two-week-long vacation during the holiday season.
Last raiding day of 2020: Sunday, December 20th
First raiding day of 2021: Wednesday, January 6th

Syncademy wishes you all a relaxing holiday season and a happy New Year!


Yukio Tia Raiden [Light]

Hey how to join your group?


Membre du groupe Turael Dreamwalker Raiden [Light]

Hey Yukio,
sorry for the late response here.
Also you already made your way on our Discord and reached directly out to me for gaining permissions there. Hope to see you in our raids soon =)

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Gandy Zu Odin [Light]

Can I join ?


Membre du groupe Turael Dreamwalker Raiden [Light]

Hey Gandyzu, of course can you join our community.

Please reach out to me on Discord (Hotelfox#8756) or search for the Fellowship ingame, which serves as our first point of contact to get initial information about us =)

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Membre du groupe Turael Dreamwalker Raiden [Light]

This week will be our last official raiding week before Syncademy will have another two-week-long vacation during the Easter season.
Last raiding day before the break: Sunday, March 28th
First raiding day after the break: Wednesday, April 14th

Syncademy wishes you all a relaxing Easter season!


Otho Bombadil Odin [Light]

Hi there! I'd like to join please :)


Membre du groupe Turael Dreamwalker Raiden [Light]

Hey Yukio,
sorry for the late response here. You already found your way on our Discord and I'm looking forward to see you in our raids soon =)

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Nomad Jr Zodiark [Light]

Hey :) Are you still active and if you are how can i join?


Membre du groupe Turael Dreamwalker Raiden [Light]

Hey Nomad, of course are we active. We never skipped any of our four raids per week outside of our break times, which are also mentioned here in some replies.

Please reach out to one of us on Discord (IDs can be found in the main post) or search for the Fellowship ingame, which serves as our first point of contact to get initial information about us =)

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Lokaan Sanguine Odin [Light]

This would be an amazing opportunity! Where do I sign?


Membre du groupe Turael Dreamwalker Raiden [Light]

Hey Lokaan, you can sign up to our raids on our Discord server.

Please reach out to one of us on Discord (IDs can be found in the main post) or search for the Fellowship ingame, which serves as our first point of contact to get initial information about us =)

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Niharen Kragon Odin [Light]

Hi. I would like to join.


Membre du groupe Turael Dreamwalker Raiden [Light]

Hey Niharen, of course can you join us.

Please reach out to one of us on Discord (IDs can be found in the main post) or search for the Fellowship ingame, which serves as our first point of contact to get initial information about us =)

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0 / 500


Moki Toki Twintania [Light]

Heyo! I'm a Portuguese ffxiv player (SMN main) and i'm interested in joining Syncademy to go back to some previous game content now that i reached lvl 80.
Is there any opening available? (i sent a discord friend request)


Yuki Tokugawa Lich [Light]

Hi, I am a complete newbie who is level 20 atm, and wants to join you guys, is there space for someone like me in your company?


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heya! There definitely still is room, however if you aim for the Free Company you should look for the special Syncademy FC Post in Twintania, which you can not join from Lich sadly (unless you server change). You can however still take part in many of the activities which doesn't require you being in Twintania. I believe you've already reached out to me on Discord. We'll handle it from there =).

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(modifié)  -

Drater Ark Phoenix [Light]

Hey, would love to join and learn about about the end game


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heyo! You would be more than welcome to join the Discord to learn more about raiding. Small reminder is that we don't do that much of the current End Game (E9S-E12S) in our official runs but we do a lot of the old content. May that still be to your likings, please look up the above names or reach out to me on Discord: Qullium#1619 .

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0 / 500


Ninida Nidazan Odin [Light]

hey there! i joined the fellowship and then the discord, very interested in joining low il events!!


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey! Sorry for the delayed reply as I had some subscription issues. I see you have already found your way to our discord, welcome and I hope to see you around in a raid =) . May you have any type of questions do not hesitate to reach out to me.

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0 / 500


Loikona Shi'vanti Zodiark [Light]

Hi I'm a fairly fresh player to the game looking to get into more high end raiding. Discord is Echos#4685

So far I'm interested in either tanking or healing mainly. Gearing up paladin and white mage first.


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Loikona! I believe you already reached out to me on Discord, we'll handle it from there. Hopefully we'll see you around in some fight! ^_^

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Psy Dena Alpha [Light]

How can i join you guys, im interested


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Psy! In the post above you can find our Discord ID's where you can add us on to get in contact with one of us. We'll provide you further information on Discord about Syncademy and an invite link. Please send me a friend request/message on Discord: Qullium#1619

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0 / 500


Membre du groupe Turael Dreamwalker Raiden [Light]

This week will be our last official raiding week before Syncademy will have another two-week-long vacation during the summer.
Last raiding day before the break: Sunday, August 1st
First raiding day after the break: Wednesday, August 18th

Syncademy wishes you all a cool and relaxing summer break!


The- Slacker Zodiark [Light]

I would like to join, Im still pritty unexperienced in FFXIV im at level 50 rn, Im interested in getting into hard content & have fun raiding. I got years of MMORPG experience from GW2, ESO, littlebit WoW.
Im looking for a community to join teach myself & help out in.

Hope to hear from you guys discord: @zettrex#4926


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey! We've already talked through Discord and you've already been successfully added to Syncademy, I hope you'll have a pleasant stay =).

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0 / 500


Curtavious Palindar Zodiark [Light]

Hey would love to join if you are still recruiting. Nearly at level 50 with a Dragoon so interested in DPS, however I’m going to level a marauder after so can tank if needed:) Really enjoying dungeon/raid content so far and can certainly see myself getting into the hardcore side. Discord is Curtavious#3930, all the best:)


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heyo! We've also had contact through Discord and you also got added to Syncademy. Welcome on in to Syncademy and I hope you'll have a pleasant stay too ^_^

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Erydel Bellerose Phoenix [Light]

Hello. I would love to join if you are still recruiting. I play as a healer and at the moment I have a white mage and an astrologian in level 60. I like doing dungeons and raids and I would really like to participate in group to evolve my playing and do more pve related content. My Discord ID is Erydel#0584. Take care!


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Erydel Bellerose! I'll try and get in touch with you via Discord, there I can give you further information about our Discord and how to join us =) .

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0 / 500


Mythic Bad Zodiark [Light]

hey, I'm interesting in joining - coming from world of warcraft so (raiding is my thing), if you are still recruiting that is :)I would love to join, my current job is sam level 80 and dragoon 70+


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heyhey! In the post above you can find our Discord ID's. There you can have further contact with us and get some extra information if you want to. Looking forward to hearing something from you, you can always add me on Discord aswell: Qullium#1619.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Shiro Vandal Twintania [Light]

Hey people, new in the game and i love it. Looking for fun with friends to enjoy even more .


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heyo! In the post above you can find our Discord ID's where you can get in further contact with us for extra information and an invite. You can always contact me too, Qullium#1619

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Zasilon Bywater Phoenix [Light]

Hey there this FC seems to be exactly what I'm looking for, would love to join if u would have me :)


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Zasilon! Glad to hear you really like the concept, however if you want to join the FC you'd have to be on the Twintania server. Not that it matters too much, all the activities that are mentioned above are for everyone as long as you're on the Light Data Center, I'm on Lich myself too. May you still need some information and/or an invite you can contact me on Discord, Qullium#1619.

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0 / 500


Jeorghi Jhonson Lich [Light]

Hi there,

looking to join in a few savages and ultimates. :)
Would love to join your group and am able to play nearly everything. If you need something specificly I'll just switch and play it, since I'm mostly in it for the group atmosphere and challenge of the raid.


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Jeorghi! I see you've already tried to add me on Discord, I've accepted your friend request and did send something back. Hopefully we can get your further via Discord. See you around!

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0 / 500


Mh Salah Phoenix [Light]

Hey idid content with some members of the Syncademy and i had great time i wish to join and be part of this great group


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey! Glad to hear you had some good experience with some of our members. Please reach out to me on Discord so we can get you in! Qullium#1619

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0 / 500


Scarlett Willow Odin [Light]

Heyy could I join the linkshell please


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

You could surely join our community. Please contact me on Discord, Qullium#1619 so we can get you further into it :)

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0 / 500


Katsukii Bakugo Shiva [Light]

i'd like to join :)


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heya, sure thing! Please do contact one of us on Discord, the tags can be found in the post, or you can simply contact me: Qullium#1619

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0 / 500


Nao Tribal Phoenix [Light]

hi there, this sounds really interesting. I just sent you a friend request on Discord, would love to have a little chat with you


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heya! As I see your name I realize we've already had contact over Discord :).

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0 / 500


Membre du groupe Turael Dreamwalker Raiden [Light]

Syncademy will have a five-week-long vacation during the Endwalker release and holiday season.
Our first raiding day after the break will be Monday, 3rd of January 2022.

Syncademy wishes you all a lot of fun during Endwalker release, a relaxing holiday season and a happy New Year!


Chuni Azal Twintania [Light]

Would love to joiN!


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Chuni we'd be happy to have you join our community, please do contact me on Discord: Qullium#1619 or anyone else of the above post!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Feoh Windrunner Shiva [Light]

HI, iam from Shiva (light) Would like to join the group :)


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heyo! Please do contact me on Discord: Qullium#1619 or any of the other people mentioned above. We can answer your further questions there, see you!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Hunter Okami Zodiark [Light]

hello, i am interested in joining for new upcoming savage. I new player to the High-end Duty synched content. have experience in extremes synced and unsynced some savage. would like to do most content synched with no echo. would like to work up to Ultimate within a Years time.


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heyo Hunter, please send me a message on Discord: Qullium#1619 or any of the above tags. Please do keep in mind we're mostly about Synced/MIL Old content though we do have our eyes on new upcoming raids and trials :).

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Hunter Okami Zodiark [Light]

Cheers Qullium, I added you on Discord and yes i understand that its mostly Synced/ MiniIL old content. Struggles to find the method of messaging directly prior or add to friend or having prior contact (right click message etc).

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Bold Qualli Twintania [Light]

I'm interesting in joining. I already find your fellowship. And I want join to linkshell as well, please


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Bold, please do contact one of our staff members mentioned at the top or directly message me on Discord: Qullium#1619. From there on we can pick it up further!

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G'arasu Nunh Twintania [Light]

Please add me! :D
BRD il576 can work on my SCH and GNB if needed


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heyhey! We've already had contact over Discord and you've successfully been added. Enjoy your stay :)!

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Ce commentaire a été supprimé par son auteur.

Lucy Feer Zodiark [Light]

Would love to join.


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Lucy! Please contact me on Discord to get involved further: Qullium#1619. May you feel more comfortable with anyone else please look at the message above and add any of the other staff-members.

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Lun Green-knight Lich [Light]

This sounds awesome! I would really love to be a part of this group ^_^


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heyhey! I've already spoken to you on Discord, I'll wish you a pleasant stay and hopefully see you around! =)

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Ruslan Sekandar Phoenix [Light]

Hey, sent you a friend request in discord (xarop_pa_toss). Very interested in doing the tougher content :D


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Ruslan! I see I've already send a response, we'll speak to each other on Discord!

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Shaun Heidegger Twintania [Light]

Really like the sound of this, I've joined the fellowship already but would love to join proper, thanks in advance


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Shaun! Please contact one of us on Discord, that way we can pick it up properly and get you further into Syncademy. My Discord is: Qullium#1619

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Tora Noyama Phoenix [Light]

Hey! I have some questions to ask about this CWLS. I send a friend request to you on Discord so we can talk there!


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heyhey! I see you've already been given a welcome. Glad to have you aboard and hopefully see you around =).

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Fanso Valentin Raiden [Light]

Hi would be fun to join the FC im new to the game with a 60+ bard


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Fanso! Please do shoot me a DM on Discord: Qullium#1619 or try and reach out to any of the other staff members mentioned above!

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Sasha Xanfun Zodiark [Light]

Hi! can I join your community?
Alex Xanfun#9803


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey! We've already had contact over Discord, welcome on in and do enjoy your stay :)

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Ce commentaire a été supprimé par son auteur.

Marcus Carl Shiva [Light]

Hi, can I join your community?


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Marcus! Sorry for my very late response but we've already spoken on Discord and you've already been welcomed in the community. Do enjoy your stay!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

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Ryu King Raiden [Light]

Hello there, i really want to join your community :) i already send a friend request @Qullium (Im MegaMan#9889) ^^ thanks in advance


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heya! We have already had contact over Discord and you've already been given the rights. Enjoy your stay and hopefully see you around someday.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Shadow Blackstar Zodiark [Light]

Hey, I like to join if its okay


Membre du groupe Turael Dreamwalker Raiden [Light]

Hey Robyn, of course can you join our community.

Please contact one of us on Discord, that way we can pick it up properly and get you into Syncademy. My Discord is: Hotelfox#8756

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

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L'mizuno Yui Cerberus [Chaos]

sounds truly wonderful I have added Hotelfox on disco and look forward to speaking to you


Membre du groupe Turael Dreamwalker Raiden [Light]

Hey L'mizuno, thanks for reaching out to me and welcome again to Syncademy =)

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Fay Anoana Shiva [Light]

Hi there! I'd be very interested to join the community! Added Hotelfox on Discord! :)


Membre du groupe Turael Dreamwalker Raiden [Light]

Hey Fay, it was nice chatting with you yesterday and welcome again to Syncademy =)

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Membre du groupe Turael Dreamwalker Raiden [Light]

This week will be our last official raiding week before Syncademy will have another two-week-long vacation during the summer.
Last raiding day before the break: Monday, 1st of August
First raiding day after the break: Monday, 15th of August

Syncademy wishes you all a cool and relaxing summer break!


Sanji Kuroashi Zodiark [Light]

I'm interested to join. Just send a friend request via Discord - or you can add me under Sanji#1043


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Sanji! I see you've already been added to the Discord, do enjoy your stay and hopefully see you around someday :).

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Rin Skylark Phoenix [Light]

This sounds like my sort of thing, but I'm barely into Heavensward; do you do much early game content?


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Rin! We do as much early game content as late game content. Everything comes by eventually so it isn't limited to a specific expansion. We try and mix in more of the Free Trial aspects together with other trials/raids that aren't available to Free Trial players. If you're interested or want to see more about us please contact me on Discord: Qullium#1619.

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0 / 500


Hoki Den Twintania [Light]

Sign me in. Discord: Reichi#0812

(modifié)  -

Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Hoki, I've send you a friendrequest on Discord. Please give me a message on Discord if you're available for a few questions :).

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Ban Dool Phoenix [Light]

Hi there! I'm interested in joining as I've recently completed Heavensward, and party finder just isn't doing it for me anymore. My discord is JapJap#8924, so please send me an invite!


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Ban! I just send a friendrequest your way on Discord. Please send me a message when you've time for a few questions so I can grant you access after!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Data Party Odin [Light]

Hey there! I've been trying to do most hard-content in expansions before moving on to the next expansion and Syncademy seems to be a place I would enjoy. Currently tracking through Heavensward.
My discord is DataParty#1998, looking forward yo hear from you. ^^


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heya Bree! I'm sending a friendrequest right now, feel free to send me a message when you have some free time.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Eriu Agoni Odin [Light]

Hello there o/ - I'm in a FC with two friends but the negative aspect of it is, that if there are not playing I'm just playing alone which is kinda boring long term. I'm looking for some mates to do group stuff together and have a good time doing so :) Would be awesome If I could join. You can add me ingame and or in Discord


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Good morning Eriu! I just send you a friendrequest on Discord, please send me a message when you've accepted then we can get it settled :) .

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0 / 500


Azuros Arcanum Phoenix [Light]

heya, im interested in joining for min ilvl content :3 my discord is Azuros Arcanum#4025


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heya Azuros! I tried to add you on Discord but it says that the said name and tag doesn't exist. Please try and add me instead on Discord: Qullium#1619

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0 / 500

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Demetrius Blackhaven Phoenix [Light]

Can I get a LS inv please? If that's a thing?


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Demetrius! Please reach out to me on Discord: Qullium#1619 , there I can explain more about us :)

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0 / 500

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Ce commentaire a été supprimé par son auteur.
Ce commentaire a été supprimé par son auteur.
Ce commentaire a été supprimé par son auteur.

Ishtar Khaenri'ah Phoenix [Light]

I'm gladly to join Syncademy


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Ishtar, please contact me on Discord: Qullium#1619 or any of the others mentioned in the post. From there on we'll sort it out :).

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


-- -- ----

Hey i would like to join you guys :) but I am really sprout still on MAIN STORY started end walker and learning tanking


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Pretty Scarlet! There is nothing wrong with still going through the mainstory and being new to raiding, please contact me (or any off the others mentioned above) to get access to our Discord and maybe get in some additional questions :). Qullium#1619 is my Discord!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Milo Morningstar Raiden [Light]

Hello :) I would like to join us :) I'm still beginner. If can we talk ingame or discord let me where can i find you :)


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heya, we've already had contact over Discord. Welcome to the community and I hope you'll enjoy your stay :)

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Lala Fae Omega [Chaos]

Hello, this is super interesting to me. I am a vet player of many thousand hours, but haven't done a whole lot of raiding content, in terms of current content or synced because of major anxiety. I preface that I am a disabled player so, although I am actually pretty good at mechanics etc, I do sometimes miss skills on rotation. It'd be great to have help and get better, my irl other half would be keen too ❤️


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Lala! That all is totally fine, please contact me on Discord: Qullium#1619, there we'll handle it further and if you have any type of questions do not hesitate to ask :) .

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500

Ce commentaire a été supprimé par son auteur.

Zoicite Ardent Lich [Light]

Hello there! Super interested in joining!


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey there! Sorry for my delayed response, please contact me on Discord: Qullium#1619 I'll be happy to guide you further from there :).

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0 / 500


Bobby Bigburst Zodiark [Light]

Would there be a static in Zodiark that needs a Healer still ?


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey, we've already spoken on Discord. I hope you'll find what you need!

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0 / 500


Fallen Soul Zodiark [Light]

Greetings mate, i sent you a request on Discord, very interested in joining. Mainly want to do the extreme trails (Synced) as they are to me the perfect balance of both fun and challenge.


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heyo! We've already spoken on Discord. Welcome to Syncademy and we hope you'll enjoy your stay :D

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Yennefer Yenn Moogle [Chaos]

Hello I would like to join your fellowship I’m sprout just finished endwalker but I would like to learn how to play properly in the harder content . My main is ninja and dancer I’m levelling classes as well .

(modifié)  -

Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Yenefer! Sounds like it'd be a good place for you to start, please contact me on Discord. My ID is qullium on there aswell

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Otto Denwolf Odin [Light]


Old school gamer
fan of FF
Just picked up gaming after years, been playing FFXIV for 5 weeks

About to get into Ishgard (finished Reborn), could have progressed much faster but chosen to stop and "learn", while I cleared every extreme trail open to me, I still feel I'm lacking as a tank and want to work to be better.

joining a few groups to find my place to learn, improve and make friends. So If you would have me I would be happy to prove my self.

discord #nnk50004
Game Otto Denwolf


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Otto! I was not able to locate you on Discord, my ID on Discord is qullium. Please contact me there so we can get you in!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Otto Denwolf Odin [Light]

Send a friend request with my apology not asking first, but the DM didn't go through

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Amaia Aurora Raiden [Light]

Hi all, I would be interested in joining you if still possible. I have little to none experience in savage raiding, though, and am a bit shy and axious (which is the reason I have little experience so far, I guess. ^^; ). I'm a healer (WHM/SGE/AST) main, but can do other jobs as well.
Discord: maerchenmond

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Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Amaya! I did send you a friendrequest over at Discord, we'll settle it from there.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Assar Ying Odin [Light]

Hoi Qullium
I would like to join the academy and enjoy some challenging content together :) discord: assar_


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey! We've already had contact on Discord, please do enjoy your stay :D.

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0 / 500


Muqa Xiv Odin [Light]

Hey, i'm interested in joining ^^
My discord: cp2n


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Shizue! Please reach out to any of the Discords mentioned above that is not me, I'll be gone for the coming few days. They'll be able to help you to get to our server :).

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Moku Raiji Twintania [Light]

Hello, I’m interested in joining your discord :)
Discord: izzmokuuu


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Sorry for my incredibly late response as I've read past it multiple times somehow (or my community page must've been glitched?). Anyway shot you a Discord Friend Request, we're definitely still active :)

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500

Ce commentaire a été supprimé par son auteur.

Ayla Nymeia Twintania [Light]

Hello, been struggling for a while to find groups for ARR trials and raids and this seems like a great community. Could i get an invite to the discord?

.fireflii is my username there

(modifié)  -

Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heyhey! We've already talked on to Discord and gotten you into the Discord. Welcome, hope you enjoy your stay \o

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


-- -- ----

Hello , relatively new player here. I just switched from an NA server to an European server because time-schedules just weren't lining up for me. Your Syncademy looks just what I was looking for : people doing and enjoying older raids as they were meant to be fought. May I join?


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Of course you can, apologies for my very late answer. Please do contact me on Discord so we can settle it further, my discord ID is: qullium

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Alicia Celestine Lich [Light]

Hey there! I was wondering if Sync Academy is still active and open for recruitment. I'm relatively new to FFXIV, but I've managed to complete Endwalker. My tank and DPS are at level 90, and my healer is at level 88. I'm really interested in finding a group that can help me learn raids and I heard that your FC is one of the place for newcomers. Can you please let me know if you are still accepting new members? Thanks!


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Alicia! Please contact me on Discord, my ID is: qullium. To clarify a few things, to take part in some of our activities has no requirement of being part in one of our FC's though you're totally welcome to if you're interested. We are always taking in new members and active, though we're going on our Summer Break for 2 weeks from Monday the 7th until Monday the 21th.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Alicia Celestine Lich [Light]

I have sent a friend request, I think I cant message you unless I am on your friends list.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Alicia Celestine Lich [Light]

I have sent a friend request, I think I cant message you unless I am on your friends list.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey! I just accepted and send you a message, we'll continue it on Discord from here :).

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Abe Sakke Phoenix [Light]

would love to join


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heyo! Please contact me on Discord, my ID on Discord is: qullium. We'll get you into our server from there :)

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Diana Arjuna Phoenix [Light]

hey can i join fc? im searching friendly and helpful players cuz im newbie :) discord : feitaN


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey! I saw you did add me on Discord, I did send you a message. We´ll take it from there!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Trix Quasar Omega [Chaos]

Hi, Im interested in joining the linkshell, I've added qullium on discord


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey! I got your friendrequest and did send you a message on Discord, we'll take it from there :).

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Neon Machine Odin [Light]

Hi there I'm traditionally a solo player but I'm looking to complete all the backlog of all the ex content (blind/synced) with some others.

Discord is: sweatycatfish


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey! Sorry for the late reply, we're currently on a summer break but we'll be rolling out again the 23th! I've added you on Discord and we'll take it from there :).

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Shion Mizuhiki Alpha [Light]

Hello, I'm interested in joining. I have sent a friend request to qullium. Discord: Vee#2391


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Shion! I did accept the request and shoot you a message, we'll take it from there :).

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Doomah Iscariot Odin [Light]

Hi, would love to join your FC. Returning player after 2 years break. Have sent a friend request on Disc.


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey! I believe we've already spoken on Discord, shame it didn't suit. Maybe see you around in the future :).

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Zirnwyb Crocus Alpha [Light]

Hello , I'm a new player and would like to learn the way to tackle this game's hard content and one of my FC mates told me about your community. How do i sign up ?


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Zirnwyb! Please do contact me on Discord my ID is: qullium. From there on we'll get you aboard our Discord server where you can sign up to tackle the harder content.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Zirnwyb Crocus Alpha [Light]

Hello qullium . I have sent you the friend request by the name of P_gami .

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0 / 500

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Marfur Ni Lich [Light]

Hi, i have sent a friend request to "qullium" from account "marfur9" on discord. Interested to join up


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heyhey, we already did get you in. Enjoy your stay and hopefully see you around :).

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Altani Malaguld Twintania [Light]

Hello, I'm playing for a time now but never was brave enough to do the hardest content and I would like to join you! I'm a one handed player, but I manage and play tank, healer or dps at any convenience! I'm french tho so my game is in french, I may need the translation tool for spells and specifics, but for everything else, I manage. If any of those things don't bother you, hope to join you soon!


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Altani, we can have a bit of a talk on Discord if you'd like. My Discord ID is: qullium. We'll get you into our Discord community after that ^^.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Altani Malaguld Twintania [Light]

I sent you a request on Discord ^^

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Membre du groupe Atalante Ephese Zodiark [Light]

Hey there o/, i heard about your community while recruiting on PF. My objective is to clear every single EX trials before DT release (actually on HW ex) and i'm really interrested to join you in order to help me to get through this challenge.


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey! Sounds like the perfect place for you and your objective, please contact me on Discord: qullium. From there we could get you into our Discord where you can partake in our activities.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Suiiz Tzushii Twintania [Light]

Hey, i'm also interested in joining!


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Suiiz, I've already welcomed you to our Discord. Happy new year and maybe see you around!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Bucharan Avagnar Alpha [Light]

Hello. You still active. I’m just finished ShB and started to get into the higher content and like to join the fellowship to develop before DT comes out. Think I sent a request on discord


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Bucharan, we've just been in touch and got you into our Discord. Happy new year and hopefully see you around :).

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500

Ce commentaire a été supprimé par son auteur.

Zarah Bleak-walker Sagittarius [Chaos]

Hello, Me and a friend are interested in getting experience but i could not find the Discord on my own so i send a friend request. Discord: @daggerrobin


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heya, I just accepted your friend request on Discord. We'll take it on from there, see you soon!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Yumei Zoldik Odin [Light]

Hello, I'm really interested. If I've understood correctly, you're proposing to re-make content that's more or less old, with the minimum level of equipment and levels to allow all players (new and old alike) to discover the challenge of this content. If that's it, I've been looking for this for a long time!


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Yumei. That indeed is what we're about, if you're interested in joining please do send me a message on Discord: qullium .

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Philip Dorich Shiva [Light]

Hello, I am interested in raiding difficult content in the game. I sent a Discord friend request to qullium. Discord: knightfilip.


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Philip, we've already spoken on Discord and got you into our community. Hopefully see you around sometime!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Yoshikage Tatewaki Lich [Light]

Hi im still a newbie and i want to learn game properly and farm some hard content


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Yoshikage, apologies for my very delayed response as I've been rather busy. You can contact me on Discord: qullium. I'll be gone until Monday but can get it back up from there if you want to, otherwise you can contact any of the other names mentioned above to get you inside our Discord community!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Caliga Mvrder Adamantoise [Aether]

Qullium, I can't seem to figure out how to message you on Discord. I sent you a friend request on it to try. I'm very interested in joining your group with synced raiding content, especially older ones.


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Caliga, I did just shoot you a message on Discord. We'll take it from there!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Cursed One Alpha [Light]

Hello ?, i am new to ffxiv but not new in mmorpg. I am interested to join your FC, so where i can apply ?

(modifié)  -

Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Cursed One. First to clarify, you do not need to be a part of one of our FC's in order to partake in our events, but if you wish to that's totally possible. I also see you've already tried to add me on Discord, we'll take it from there.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Zev Arvid Raiden [Light]

I would like to join the discord. Still levelling in arr content so will be a little while before I can contribute.


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heya, apologies for my very late response. If you're done with ARR is probably the earliest you can partake in our events, but you can already join the Discord if you do want to. Please reach out to me on Discord my ID on their is just: qullium. Hopefully see you around.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Hunava Yuji Shiva [Light]

Hello. I would like to join the discord if possible. Returning player and this time I'd love to focus on raids and dungeons more


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Hunava. Please do send me a message on Discord then we can get you into our server. My Discord ID is: qullium. Hopefully talk to you there!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Irene Saintala Raiden [Light]

Hello, i would like to join if possible. Would hopefully like to do some raids like coils of bahamut as intended with people, thank you.


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heyhey! Sounds like the place to be for you, please send me a message on Discord my ID is: qullium. From there I will get you on board to our community.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Irene Saintala Raiden [Light]

Okay, sent a message on discord.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Blondeeh Blond Zodiark [Light]

Hi! Would love to join the LS, my DC: blondeehdahuii. Thanks!


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heya, I did send you a friend request on Discord, we'll take it from there!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Kay Drinkwater Alpha [Light]

Hello! I would like to join you! My discord: lovebeagles Thank you!


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Kay! I just send you a friendrequest please message me on Discord and we'll settle it from there!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Rem Crescent Ragnarok [Chaos]

Hello, I'm on Chaos atm but very interested to this community. Just came back from a long break (stormblood) and would love to do some old content. My discord is R3m#2506


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Rem, I just send you a friend request on Discord. Sorry for the delay in response, we're currently on a small break due to DT but we'll be up and running again soon!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Rem Crescent Ragnarok [Chaos]

Sorry, just saw that and for some reason you are not in my fl of Discord? I just sent you a friend request btw!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Zoidpool Zoidpoolio Odin [Light]

Hi, I would like to join and put my Tank head bashes to use. Discord is zoidpool.


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heya Zoidpool! I can not send you a friend request due to your privacy settings so please add me instead my Discord ID is simply: qullium we'll take it from there. Apologies for my delayed response, we're currently on a small break due to the release of DT but we will be up and running again soon!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Nixima Vahli Shiva [Light]

Hi! I would love a spot in your FC if possible, our goals align when it comes to content you guys do in game :)
discord Moonsteak

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Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heya! Just saw you send me a friend request on Discord, we'll take it from there :).

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Wyra Nelhi Zodiark [Light]

I would love to get into clearing EX and Savages, and joining your discord/linkshells seems like a good place to start!
My discord is spacedustic


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey! I did shoot you an invite on Discord, please answer me there and we'll get you in.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Arcana Eleos Alpha [Light]

Heya! I'd love to try and get explore MINE content and would love to join the discord and get to know more people with the same interest!
My discord is arc_eleos


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heyhey. Apologies for the delay I've just send you a friend request over at Discord, we'll take it from there and get you on board!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Midnight Lucis Spriggan [Chaos]

Hello, I would like to join!
My dream/my goal was to do the ultimates and hard raids ever since I started to play 5 years ago!
Really looking forward to join!
Discord: prettyheathertakesyourheart


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Cereza! I see you've already contacted one of our staff members and been welcomed into our community. Enjoy your stay!

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0 / 500


Fuoco Kryos Raiden [Light]

Hello would love to join to go through all MINE content! Discord username is luigilauro!

(modifié)  -

Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey! You've already contacted me on Discord, we'll take it from there.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Oki Uyagir Alpha [Light]

Hello! I've started playing during EW .x and would love to have more opportunities to discover old content at the intendend difficulty. Discord username: Lulink


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Oki, I did send you a message on Discord, we'll take it from there!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Akimitsu Sasaki Alpha [Light]

G'day, I've been interested in raiding for quite some time and I would like to join; here is my discord username: Kiztru


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heya! I just send you a friend request as I am not able to message you without being friends due to your settings. We'll take it from there.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Yolini Kwt Zodiark [Light]

Hello, I would like to join the LS please. my discord is Yolini_

(modifié)  -

Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Picto, I did just add you on Discord but can not send a message to your due to your settings. Please contact me further on Discord and we'll get you on board!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Bayonetta Slay Raiden [Light]

Hello, i would like to join pls. my discord:l00ly


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heyhey! I send a friend request over to you on Discord but can not contact you due to your settings. Please shoot me a message on Discord and then we'll get you in.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Sekito Kisen Raiden [Light]

Hey, I’m a new player with some experience in other MMO’s, looking for a place to learn and grow/experience the game with chill people, I’m aiming to do endgame content in some form once I’ve levelled up worked through some of the quests etc. I’ve added Hotelfox on discord I think? Would appreciate a message if you would be willing to let me join. Thank you :)


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Sekito! I believe you've already been welcomed to our community, welcome and hopefully see you around some day :).

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Zoddy Moonspell Raiden [Light]

Hello, I am interested in joining in if this is still open. Not new to savage. Just wanna have more fun and learn.


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heya, please add me on Discord: qullium or contact any of the others mentioned above. We'll take it from there and get you aboard!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Yamato Saito Phoenix [Light]

Hey there! Using PF has been so stressful, with hardly any hits for synced content. I'm interested in joining this group. I desperately want to play all content synced haha My discord is GilgaMax305

(modifié)  -

Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

I see Yamato! I think I just received a friend request for you, I did shoot you a message over on Discord we'll take it from there :).

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Riso Rhiki Alpha [Light]

Hiya, I would be interested in joining, PF is alot of anxiety for me for harder content especially with people just rage quitting during prog, on Extremes or Savage content. I've been trying to work my way up to savage content but with PF it has been difficult. I would like to have some chill folks to enjoy harder content with^^ Discord is risofennec


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heya! I see you've already been welcomed into our community, hope you'll enjoy your stay and hopefully see you around someday!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


James Strife Alpha [Light]

Hi there i am in intrested in joining have had quite a bit of practice on latest savage and extremes but pf jus has become quite fruatrating jus looking for some raid groups to play with of possible please


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey James! Please add me over on Discord: qullium. We'll take it from there and get you on board :)

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Heisn Calix Raiden [Light]

Hey Im interested in your Linkshell :) I cleared several old extremes with MINE, the current expansion extremes and M1S, M2S via PF


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heya, please contact me over at Discord: qullium or any other of the above mentioned members. We'll take it from there!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Rune Anastasius Twintania [Light]

Hi, would like to join.. I started during EW and was mostly focusing on MSQ and would like to learn and do more high end contect from old ones to new


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Oh hey Rune! I think we've already had contact over Discord? If that's not the case please add me: qullium. You can also add any of the other names mentioned above. Hopefully see you around someday!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Brosuke Pompadorarara Faerie [Aether]

Hi, I'd like to join for doing old content. My discord is piecrafter.


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Brosuke! I just shot you a message over at Discord, we'll take it from there!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Slone Lannister Twintania [Light]

Hello guys you'r look like u'r the big one i'd like to join for doing old content cause i'm kinda a new player and going for the new one when i get to it. My discord is dwarf_0_0 my dm are open (cause i don't who i need to pm)


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heya! Apologies for the late answer here but I believe we have already onboarded you. Enjoy your stay and if you have any questions feel free to hit me up

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Yeetus Deletes Diabolos [Crystal]

I just started playing a few weeks ago and would like to join. Thank you!


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Yeetus! Please contact me on Discord: qullium . You can also add any of the other recruiters mentioned above, from there we'll take you into our Discord community.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Jun Kai Spriggan [Chaos]

Hello :) I would love to join discord community. I've started playing like a month ago and yea, I'm still learning, mostly from the observation of more experienced players. I would love to learn more about raids and my current job to take out its full potential <3


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Hey Mihk'li! Apologies for the late response, please add me on Discord: qullium. We can take it from there and take you into our community :)

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Jun Kai Spriggan [Chaos]

I've sent an request to you on Discord :)

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Muffin Freak Alpha [Light]

Hello do you still accept new members i see your doing high end stuff and would like to learn since no one in PF is taking new players. I play for year and half on and off cause of job but still have lot to learn.So i am fearly new stll.


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

Heya! We're always accepting new members, please contact me on Discord: qullium. We'll take it from there and get you on board!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Bucharan Avagnar Alpha [Light]

Can I join? I was part a long time ago when first started and returned wanting to do savage. I’ve sent friend request (couldn’t find way of sending message on app) to see if can be accepted


Membre du groupe Qullium Donk Lich [Light]

I think I spoke to you on Discord. Welcome aboard!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


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