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Les joueurs qui font partie d'une compagnie libre (CL) peuvent par exemple discuter tous ensemble sur un canal de discussion privé ou acheter une maison de compagnie libre. Ils peuvent aussi utiliser des "bienfaits", des actions spéciales qui leur sont réservées et permettent entre autres d'augmenter l'expérience reçue pour tous les membres pendant un certain temps.
Les compagnies libres sont chacune aussi différentes que les membres qui la composent. Choisissez celle qui s'aligne le mieux avec votre style de jeu !
On les appelle plus couramment LS et LSIM. Elles permettent de discuter sur un canal privé avec les autres membres. Contrairement aux compagnies libres, les joueurs peuvent rejoindre plusieurs linkshells. Vous pouvez donc par exemple faire partie d'une linkshell pour les contrats de chasse et d'une autre pour la pêche.
Rejoignez les linkshells en rapport avec vos activités préférées !
Trouvez l'équipe la plus adaptée pour vous, entraînez-vous ensemble et visez le haut du classement !
Mode JcJ : toutes missions où le but est de combattre d'autres joueurs.FFXIV - UK Recrutement de nouveaux membres
Prenez contact avec les membres de ce groupe en vue de le rejoindre !
Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Chaos - Phantom
Crosly - FFXI (04-10)
Crosly - Xbox/PSN
UK, Newcastle
?It's Oddly Spriggan [Chaos]
holi could i get an invite? i'm online evenings, almost always between 6 and 11 pm. :)
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey, yeah sure. I just logged but I can relog to inv you if you are on or soon?
Korah Valentine Phantom [Chaos]
That is exactly what I was looking for, can I join please? I'm usually online between 8 ~ 12 pm
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Yeah sure. I will try to catch you. If it's mornings you play the next time I can catch you is Sunday if you on^^
Luna Pops Omega [Chaos]
Can I have an invite? I just came back from a long hiatus and looking to relearn everything and make some friends again :)
Oren Varen Cerberus [Chaos]
Hey. Picking up the game again and want a UK based FC. Mind throwing me an invite?
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey. This is different to a FC, it's a Cross World Linkshell. If you'd still like to join I can invite you if you are online now.
Oren Varen Cerberus [Chaos]
Oh my bad. Yeah id still like an invite. Ill be online a bit later. Probably around 9pm.
Membre du groupe Kiht Alistair Phantom [Chaos]
heyo wouldnt mind an invite, online right now until around 11pm, usually active in the evenings and all of friday-sunday
Bendy Rosenthal Phoenix [Light]
Hi, if you're still recruiting for this CWLS I would like an invite, been looking for UK based people to do content with. I'm on sporadically through the week from about 3pm till 8 or 9pm and weekends I can usually spend longer too.
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey there! I've made note so I will try to catch you^^
Veloria Jones Omega [Chaos]
Hello, are you still recruiting? :)
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hello, Yes we are^^ What time are you normally online so I can try to get you in?
Ja Walkerie Louisoix [Chaos]
Hey can I get an invite please? On now until 9pm or so.
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey yeah sure. I've tried searching for you in-game but can't see to find you unless you are wandering on a different server.
Mystery Bowers Louisoix [Chaos]
Hey can I get an invite please if your still recruiting? I'll be online tomorrow from 10am but will usually play weekdays 16:00-21:00
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Yeah we are. I'll try to grab you.
Kitty Miouri Louisoix [Chaos]
Hi, can I get an invite? Im around all day today, thanks.
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey, yeah sure. I will try to get you in a couple of hours if you are online still.
Kitty Miouri Louisoix [Chaos]
Merlin Avalon Phantom [Chaos]
Hi I would like to join. Weekdays I play from 7:00pm to 10:00pm and weekend mostly on all day. Currently on Annual leave so I am on every day.
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey. I will try to grab you. I'll be online during the week at sometime between 3pm-8pm.
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hi, I haven't forgotten about you. Been looking to see if you are on whilst I'm on to inv you.
Membre du groupe Doom Lion Omega [Chaos]
If your still looking for members i'd like to join! Kinda difficult to give certain times when i'm online due to my work shifts being all over the place. If i'm not on backshift im usually online after 4pm ish. Not on backshift tomorrow so can be online then
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey. I will try to grab you when I am on^^
Yen Sa Phantom [Chaos]
Interested in Joining , live in newcastle now originally from hertfordshire , casual but am looking to spend most my evenings on ffxiv
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey. Not another Newcastle person. There's about 4-6 of us already =P. I will try to grab you when I am on.
Yen Sa Phantom [Chaos]
Lol taking over :P , no worries cheers
Yura Miracle Zodiark [Light]
heyy just started on this server (but not new to the game lol), i'd love to have an invite when you're available! on most days from 6-10pm :)
Aldous Nighthunter Lich [Light]
Hey nice to meet you I’m from the uk currently on the US servers thinking about moving back to the eu servers looking for a place that I’ll fit in before I do spend more money to transfer ?
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey. Yeah, if you make a character on the Chaos EU Data Centre I can inv you.
Aldous Nighthunter Lich [Light]
When is the best time to catch you? (Unfortunately I only just seen this reply) My alt char is Alicia stargazer from ragnarok
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
I'll be on later tonight between 8-12. I will keep looking for you when I can. If you can give me some times, I can try to get you.
Aldous Nighthunter Lich [Light]
I’ll log in between that time :) that’s no worries by me I’ll level up my alt for a bit :p haha
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
I'm online for another hour or so. Been trying to grab you.
Bry Aron Alpha [Light]
hi any room for a newbie i live in the uk and have a rl job etc iam on now and i be on tomoro i 10.30 am and i be back on in the evening
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey yeah we have room but I couldn't help but notice you are on the Light data centre and this CWLS is on Chaos. I don't know if it would work, I could be wrong but I did find this:
Cross-world linkshells can be joined, and membership data will be organized by data center.
Messages cannot be sent or received between cross-world linkshells of differing data centers.
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey, I'm opening up the Discord to Light player now since I forgot there is a DC Travel System now if you would still like to join to talk with other UK players and maybe play. I have created and alt and CWLS with the same name on Light but yet to get anyone in.
Maledict Strix Ragnarok [Chaos]
Hey, I'd love for an invite if there's room! On most evenings.
-- -- ----
Hello, I would like an invite please, this look like a wonderful community. I am currently on annual leave this week so i am on basically everyday so catch me when you on :)
Membre du groupe Reidryl Inazuma Phantom [Chaos]
I would love to join this CWLS! I am on most evenings! Looking to meet new friendly people.
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey. Sure I will try to grab you next I am on. Just having internet issues atm ; ;
Dominic Welsh Sagittarius [Chaos]
Could I join, I'm on most evenings! and on rn lol
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey. Yeah sure. I will try to grab you asap as I'm just having some internet issues atm ; ;
Atreyu Falcor Phoenix [Light]
I'd love to join, I'm on most afternoons (evenings are a bit iffy for me at the mo)
Sengo Muramasa Spriggan [Chaos]
I would be interested in joining, I am active most evenings. :)
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey sure. I will try to grab you when I am next on. Should be later tonight^^
Aino Onia Odin [Light]
yo i wouldn't mind an invite if they're still going. usually online in the afternoon/evening but if i'm not, shoot me a msg and i can log on whenever you have time
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey yeah we have room but I couldn't help but notice you are on the Light data centre and this CWLS is on Chaos. I don't know if it would work, I could be wrong but I did find this:
Cross-world linkshells can be joined, and membership data will be organized by data center.
Messages cannot be sent or received between cross-world linkshells of differing data centers.
Unless you have an alt on Chaos that I could inv?^^
Aino Onia Odin [Light]
oh sorry, i'm a sort-of-new player and haven't joined a linkshell before, didn't know they were locked to data centres. my bad :P
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
No problem. If you ever make a character on Chaos let me know^^
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey, I'm opening up the Discord to Light player now since I forgot there is a DC Travel System now if you would still like to join to talk with other UK players and maybe play. I have created and alt and CWLS with the same name on Light but yet to get anyone in.
Giel Inor Moogle [Chaos]
Hi, if you are still recruiting I would love to join :) im active most evenings
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey, yeah sure! I will try to grab you. I go off during the week around 8pm so I will try to find you before I log^^
Sanji Alba Ragnarok [Chaos]
Hiya! i am looking for a UK based linkshell if you are still recruiting? I am active most evenings
Zangan Valentine Spriggan [Chaos]
Heeyo! Still looking for new members? Jumping back into the game after two years and looking for a new group
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey, yeah we are. I'll try to grab you if you are online between 4-8. Or just let me know what time you'll roughly be on and I'll try to get on.
Zangan Valentine Spriggan [Chaos]
Sweet! I don’t have time to properly play tonight but I can hop on at 7 for a few minutes
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
I should be on still. Add me on Discord and let me know when you are on Crosly#4694
Knight Mare Cerberus [Chaos]
Hi, Can I join your Link shell please? I'm trying to be more social in game and my FC is quite quiet. This group sounds exactly what I'm looking for :-)
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey, yeah sure. I will try yo grab you between 4-8 if you are on. Or let me know when you are on.
Or you can also add me on Discord Crosly#4694.
Vai Aphelion Louisoix [Chaos]
I would like to chill with you guys. I will be online for most of the day but alternatively discord tag is Vaifal#2046
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey. I will try to grab you too between 4-8 today if you are on. I'll add you to discord friends to talk if I can't get you at this time.
Miska Draugnir Ragnarok [Chaos]
Hello! would be interested in joining the linkshell sounds great and need more people to speak to as well! If you cant catch me when im in game my discord is MikeZ#3342 Thanks :)
Athena Raines Louisoix [Chaos]
Hiya, I would love to join if you are still looking for new members? Discord tag is Athena Raines#0701 :)
Mordred Elstiarr Spriggan [Chaos]
Hi! Would love to join if your still looking for new members? I'm on most afternoons and after 8pm every night
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey, yeah! I will try to grab you.
Mordred Elstiarr Spriggan [Chaos]
Thanks bud! I'll be on from about 8.00pm onwrds
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
I caught you online and sent you and inv but I think you logged straight after.
Membre du groupe Jejegurgi Totogurgi Alpha [Light]
I'm a bit busy at the moment, but I've put a watch on this as I think I'd like to have a nose around and say hi someday soon. Xo)
Although I was mostly inspired to leave a comment just to let you know that your illustration has made me hungry, and now its all I want to eat!
(so... thanks for that }:o/ )
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey! Sorry about the hungry thing. I went for a pic that would scream UK xD
I can try to invite you in-game when you are on or you can send me a Discord friend request and I'll inv you to that for now if you wish.
Lucky Three Ragnarok [Chaos]
Kaedyr Silverwind Cerberus [Chaos]
Hey I would love an inv! I'm on most evenings :) Add me on discord @ Kaedyr#1958 to make arranging a time for inv easier, cheers.
Kensetsu Misochi Ifrit [Gaia]
Hi, Can I join your Link shell please
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey. I'm afraid your Data Center Gaia is a part of the Japanese Physical Data Center. Unless you have a character on Chaos/Light on the EU DC.
Akagi Alter-kaneuchi Cerberus [Chaos]
Hiya! can i have an invite please? also silly question but do you have a discord for this?
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey yeah! Add me on Discord Crosly#4694
Bridget Duskember Raiden [Light]
Hi this sound good. Newcastle, eh? I'm in Alnwick! Would like an invite! I'm a reasonably effective Black mage with a notoriously crap keyboard, so if you do invite, prepare for some horrendous typos!
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey. Another neighbour! Add me on Discord Crosly#4694 or I will try to get you either this evening or tomorrow on Light. What are your playtimes so I can try to grab you?
Alvar Swaggins Moogle [Chaos]
Hey, you got room for a Welsh guy? ;)
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Yeah sure. When are you online?
If you have Discord add me as it is the easiest way to get a hold of me Crosly#4694
Kuna Mashiro Zodiark [Light]
Send me an invite please
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey, I sent you an inv in-game^^ If you'd like to join the Discord channel please add me Crosly#4694
Nem Velox Phantom [Chaos]
Can I have an invite pls? New to FF. Sent you a request on Discord :)
Shion Sakura Raiden [Light]
Hey hey, would be great to join too if I could grab an invite.
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey, yeah sure. I will be online tomorrow between 4pm+ or earlier if I can so I will try to get you if you are online.
If not, then the easiest way to catch me is to add me on Discord if you use it. Crosly#4694
Isabelle Kui'na Phantom [Chaos]
Hello!! I was hoping I could maybe get an invite? Im mostly online between 6pm and 11pm most days!! Thank you for reading this!! ^-^ <3
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey. You certainly can. I will be online tomorrow during those times if you are online. If not, then the easiest way to catch me is to add me on Discord if you use it. Crosly#4694
Isabelle Kui'na Phantom [Chaos]
Thank you so much!!! I'll send you a /tell if you're on.. if thats okay with you ^-^
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Sure, I will be online between 4-midnight roughly. I will also try to send you a /tell too as I will be in and out of instances.
Ophelia Snowmist Spriggan [Chaos]
Hi, please could I get an invite? I’m online between 5-9pm most days. Thanks!
Membre du groupe Lennethz Valkyire Spriggan [Chaos]
Would love an invite! 35yr old, working too hard - so be nice to catch up with some people my timezone for some tea! On around 7pm to 12am most days, weekends on most the time.
Rai Yama-inu Spriggan [Chaos]
Would love an invite if possible! On weekends + Monday, I'm online from anywhere between 9am-10pm. On weekdays, I'm online from anywhere between 7pm-11pm. Nice to be able to chat with fellow UK people. Mostly casual and laid back. \o/
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey, yeah sure. One of us will try to get you. If you have Discord and send me a friend request it will be easier to catch one of us if we aren't online at the same time. Add Crosly#4694 if you do, if not we look for you.
Rai Yama-inu Spriggan [Chaos]
I've sent ya a friend request. My user is FFXIV-Riolyn#0104. \o/
Cristiel Telperion Ragnarok [Chaos]
Hello there. Please could I joint you? I'm online in the evenings and I would love to get to know you guys.
Valia Emeryn Phantom [Chaos]
Could you possibly invite me to the Linkshell, it would be greatly appreciated!
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Yeah sure, hopefully my friend can get you an invite out as I am on Light atm. If you have Discord add me and I'll invite you to the server^^ Crosly#4694
Maria Brink Sagittarius [Chaos]
hello i would like to join im on everyday im new level 72 reaper character name lee thebunnyviking or add me on discord l.stammers88#4697
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Added you on Discord.
Maria Brink Sagittarius [Chaos]
thanks bro
Sansa Rella Phantom [Chaos]
Hello, Can I get a invite?
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Yeah sure! I've logged for the day but I have alerted my friend who might be online to see if he can get you. If not then the easiest way to get in touch with us is to add me on Discord and I'll get you a server invite you and we can talk over that for availability in game. Add Crosly#4694.
Lara Delvigne Phantom [Chaos]
hello, can i join. thanks
Rapthorne Lightweaver Omega [Chaos]
Would love to get an invite to this and the cross world LS :) Always looking for social channels since losing my sprout
Membre du groupe Yama Alto Louisoix [Chaos]
Hi. Can i get an invite to the CWLS. im in the uk and play most evenings between 6pm -11pm. Many Thanks.
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey, I sent you an invite to the CWLS and a friend request in game to try and catch you if the CWLS invite expires.
The easiest way to get in touch with us is to add me on Discord if you use it. Add Crosly#4694.
Oswell Wayn Omega [Chaos]
Hello. Can I grab an invite? From the UK, play most evenings between 6-10pm and weekends around most times on Sat evening + Sunday. Cheers.
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey^^ Yeah sure, I have passed your name on to someone who might be online before I am.
If you have Discord, the easiest way to get a hold of us is through our server. Add me and I will send you an invite. Crosly#4694
Shade Shadows Omega [Chaos]
Hello there, i moved over from Lich to Omega this year after a long hiatus.
I just found this linkshell through searching around and i was wondering if i could get an invite to the discord or linkshell. I am online most evenings.
Ilove Pints Phantom [Chaos]
Hey new player just looking for some friends to play with. I'm around after 6-7pm most evenings, my disc is Shinxpoh#5647 :)
Joe' The'pro Cerberus [Chaos]
Hey Crosly! can I get an invite whenever you have time! I'm mainly on evenings or when fishing windows are up, trying to catch em' all and would love an active chat to be in!
Nix Everknowing Phantom [Chaos]
Can I get an invite please? I'm on most days from around 10am until 12am depending on work etc, Thank you
Membre du groupe Greydan Amabilior Louisoix [Chaos]
Hi, could i please get an invite? currently online till 9 pm on 12/07/2023
Type-two Model-b Spriggan [Chaos]
Hello, any chance of an invite? ill probably be on until 9pm or so. usually on around 5pm-9pm weekdays, bit longer on weekends
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey, sorry about late reply. I don't get notified when people post here so it's just pot luck when I check. When will you next be available?
And if you use Discord, feel free to use the link in the description above to join there and you can request an invite in game too. Discord is the easiest way to get in touch with us, otherwise I will try to catch you in game.
Danny Crofty Cerberus [Chaos]
Any chance of An invite?
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey, sorry about late reply. I don't get notified when people post here so it's just pot luck when I check. When will you next be available?
And if you use Discord, feel free to use the link in the description above to join there and you can request an invite in game too. Discord is the easiest way to get in touch with us, otherwise I will try to catch you in game.
Dino Afrid Ragnarok [Chaos]
Hii, could I have an invite to the FC? I'm online right now 21:50 16/07/2023
Dino Afrid Ragnarok [Chaos]
Hii, could I have an invite to the FC? I'm online right now 21:50 16/07/2023
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey, sorry about late reply. I don't get notified when people post here so it's just pot luck when I check. When will you next be available?
And if you use Discord, feel free to use the link in the description above to join there and you can request an invite in game too. Discord is the easiest way to get in touch with us, otherwise I will try to catch you in game.
Membre du groupe Arna Yaxin Phantom [Chaos]
Hey can i get an invite please im online atm 20:50
Membre du groupe Arna Yaxin Phantom [Chaos]
Hey can i get an invite please im online atm 20:50
Membre du groupe Arna Yaxin Phantom [Chaos]
Hey can i get an invite please im online atm 20:50
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey, sorry about late reply. I don't get notified when people post here so it's just pot luck when I check. When will you next be available?
And if you use Discord, feel free to use the link in the description above to join there and you can request an invite in game too. Discord is the easiest way to get in touch with us, otherwise I will try to catch you in game.
Natalia Blockly Ifrit [Gaia]
Hi, Can I join even though I am on a Japanese server?
Membre du groupe Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey. No it's not possible. You need to be on the EU, Chaos or Light.
Jamyu Cadarni Phoenix [Light]
Hi, Can i get a invite please. be online from 10am tomorrow
Kefkaroth Bizarro Omega [Chaos]
Hi, can I join ?
Sacada Kozuki Spriggan [Chaos]
Hey, can I join? In Chaos
Maximus Orus Cerberus [Chaos]
hey could i join? In chaos
Brjn Muscadet Ragnarok [Chaos]
Please can I join if you still have space? :)
Kal Fluora Tonberry [Elemental]
Hi, can I get an invite?
Membre du groupe Lady Liliwen Moogle [Chaos]
Hey there I'm Jamie, I would love to join the Linkshell if you have any space, it would be nice to get to know people that are also from the UK to play with, I'm from Cardiff, Wales. I'm a casual player and play a few times a week and have been playing for a few years now with a small group of friends but also would like to start reaching out!
Little Whitewitch Ragnarok [Chaos]
Hi! Came across your post and would like to join the CWLS if I may? ^^
Agnie Macherial Moogle [Chaos]
Hi would it be possible to join?
Denpa Daikichi Cerberus [Chaos]
I'm looking to try and be more social this year, if there is still potential to join I'd be interested in an invite.
Yennefer Vangerberg Lich [Light]
Hello, Can I get an invite please?
-- -- ----
Can I join?
How do I apply?
Drake Lockhart Louisoix [Chaos]
I would also like to join the link-shell, how do I apply?
-- -- ----
Heya, is it possible to still get an invite? I'm on pretty much all the time
Mdcii Ii Spriggan [Chaos]
hi is it still possible to get an invite im usually on from 4
Alexander Krivbass Spriggan [Chaos]
Hi can ijoin?ps 5 player newbie
Lilith Lycan Phantom [Chaos]
Please can I join
Lord Lancer Sagittarius [Chaos]
inv pls
Guts'berserk Behelit Ragnarok [Chaos]
can i get am invite please
Rain Hazeldew Lich [Light]
hi could i get an invite please? ^^
Althea Merun Phantom [Chaos]
Hello! I am interested in joining. Please could I get an invite?
Lionlock Heart Cerberus [Chaos]
I would love to join I’m from the uk :)
Taelle Xuldan Spriggan [Chaos]
Hello can I please get an invite? I am from the UK! :)
Coles Tie Sagittarius [Chaos]
Would like to join your free company please. how do i do that? lol
Conor Solace Spriggan [Chaos]
Hey there, I would love to join! Could I please get an invite?
Shalena Marquerite Omega [Chaos]
Hi Sir if there's space could i get an invite to please and thanks, just gave up on wow and started ff14
Nomms Nommed Phantom [Chaos]
Hello There! can i get an invite please ! :)
Komrade Kitty Sagittarius [Chaos]
Hey, Can you invite me Please :)
Membre du groupe Vaal Tsiverra Louisoix [Chaos]
I would like an invite if possible :). Im online tonight and most evenings!
Membre du groupe Foogle Kinoko Ragnarok [Chaos]
Heyo, would love to join if possible, enjoyed chatting in the Novice Network upon my return but after being back barely a week I've been auto-evicted from it haha, so would just be cool to have a way to chat with people and potentially ask questions / join up for group content.
Nytz Wildman Moogle [Chaos]
Hey! I'm a returning player and would love to join! Please can I have an invite :)
Isla Furia Phantom [Chaos]
Hi I'd love an invite to a linkshell please. I really want to get back into content but my current fc is lacking in both social and dungeon activity I seem to be soloing everything. I just want some fun people to talk to and a group of people to do things with
Raina Luna Sagittarius [Chaos]
Hi, can I get an inv please? ^^
Sofine Heuloix Twintania [Light]
Hello! Are you still recruiting? I'm on Light myself, but it would be nice to socialise and meet a few other UK players. x
Kuroki Kaze Ragnarok [Chaos]
Hello. I just moved to the UK and am getting back to the game was hoping to join a community to get involved with. May I please get an invite? Thank you
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