Trouvez le groupe de joueurs qui vous ressemble pour vivre pleinement
vos aventures dans FINAL FANTASY XIV !
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Les joueurs qui font partie d'une compagnie libre (CL) peuvent par exemple discuter tous ensemble sur un canal de discussion privé ou acheter une maison de compagnie libre. Ils peuvent aussi utiliser des "bienfaits", des actions spéciales qui leur sont réservées et permettent entre autres d'augmenter l'expérience reçue pour tous les membres pendant un certain temps.
Les compagnies libres sont chacune aussi différentes que les membres qui la composent. Choisissez celle qui s'aligne le mieux avec votre style de jeu !
On les appelle plus couramment LS et LSIM. Elles permettent de discuter sur un canal privé avec les autres membres. Contrairement aux compagnies libres, les joueurs peuvent rejoindre plusieurs linkshells. Vous pouvez donc par exemple faire partie d'une linkshell pour les contrats de chasse et d'une autre pour la pêche.
Rejoignez les linkshells en rapport avec vos activités préférées !
Trouvez l'équipe la plus adaptée pour vous, entraînez-vous ensemble et visez le haut du classement !
Mode JcJ : toutes missions où le but est de combattre d'autres joueurs.Banished Vanguard Recrutement de nouveaux membres
Shirogane, secteur 8, parcelle 58 [Moyen]
Guardians Wall
Prenez contact avec les membres de ce groupe en vue de le rejoindre !
Profil du recruteur
Mia Steelfury Brynhildr [Crystal]
If you want an invite leave a comment below, apply thought the page, join our Discord ( or request one in game to Pierce Steelfury or Mia Steelfury. See you soon!!!
?Felix Epocan Brynhildr [Crystal]
Hey! I would love an invite! I used to play a lot but I’m working on getting back in to the swing of things and am desperately missing the community of a free company!
Membre du groupe Pierce Steelfury Brynhildr [Crystal]
Hey Felix, sorry we missed you! We aren't notified of community finder messages. Hope it works out at your new FC and you can always reach us on discord!
Jubei Chichi Halicarnassus [Dynamis]
Hey guys could you send my an invite? I'd love to join
Membre du groupe Mia Steelfury Brynhildr [Crystal]
Hey Jubei, sorry we didn’t see your message! Unfortunately we don't get notified of community finder messages. Have fun at your new FC if not, you can always reach us on discord, or in game.
Membre du groupe Hyoma Baquerelle Brynhildr [Crystal]
Hello! I'm looking for an FC for the first time, definitely looking to meet some friends in game and do content together. Working my way through SB and on pretty consistently. I'll check out the disc and see if i can join! Ty :)
Membre du groupe Gyosei Kurogane Brynhildr [Crystal]
Hey, I'm interested in joining! Long time player recently coming back from a hiatus. Looking to make some new friends and thought this would be a good place to look
Membre du groupe Mia Steelfury Brynhildr [Crystal]
Hi! We would love to have you! I sent an invite since you were AFK in game. If you want to meet some of the fam you can always join our Discord ☺️
Membre du groupe Bennic Umberweald Brynhildr [Crystal]
Hey there! Your FC looks like a great fit for me if you'll have me. Would love an invite when you can. Let me know if you need to chat beforehand or anything. Thanks! =)
Membre du groupe Ethne Truthcleaver Brynhildr [Crystal]
Looking for a new, active FC! Still working my way through Endwalker MSQ, but wanting to be around folks running dungeons, raids and just being on!
Membre du groupe Mia Steelfury Brynhildr [Crystal]
Hi! Feel free to send an application if you wish. We would love to have you. ? We do roulettes all the time and have people in all different expansion stages. You can also join our Discord or message any member in game for an invite. Whatever is easiest for you. See you in Eorzea!!!
Odjin Darkfire Golem [Dynamis]
Looking for a new FC! Finished all game play working on making my jobs to level 90.
Membre du groupe Pierce Steelfury Brynhildr [Crystal]
We'd be happy to have you Odjin! You can submit an application or, let us know when you're online via discord and someone will send you an invite :D
Desteelo Idaho Gilgamesh [Aether]
Hey I would love an invite! I'm just starting out but I'll be on nearly daily. I played during original release but took a 10 year break from gaming
Enzo Matrix Brynhildr [Crystal]
Hello, I started with FF XIV back in 2010... or 2011. I have come back, periodically, but late last year I came back for good. WoW no longer resembles the game I loved in 2004 amd BC.
I would like to join a Free Company that is inclusive, which I read your are. I play most days of the week and more on weekends. I have Discord... but play on PS5 (for the moment) and not real sure how to use Discord on my phone while playing on PS5. Maybe someone can help me out with that? ? Please consider...
Membre du groupe Pierce Steelfury Brynhildr [Crystal]
Hi Enzo, sorry we missed you. We hope things work out in your new FC. You're still welcome to join our discord and hang out with us; member of not! We are always on discord so that's the fastest way to reach us and join the fun!
Membre du groupe J'samyn Lunaryn Brynhildr [Crystal]
Hello there! I would love to join your FC, it sounds like a blast!
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