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vos aventures dans FINAL FANTASY XIV !
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Les joueurs qui font partie d'une compagnie libre (CL) peuvent par exemple discuter tous ensemble sur un canal de discussion privé ou acheter une maison de compagnie libre. Ils peuvent aussi utiliser des "bienfaits", des actions spéciales qui leur sont réservées et permettent entre autres d'augmenter l'expérience reçue pour tous les membres pendant un certain temps.
Les compagnies libres sont chacune aussi différentes que les membres qui la composent. Choisissez celle qui s'aligne le mieux avec votre style de jeu !
On les appelle plus couramment LS et LSIM. Elles permettent de discuter sur un canal privé avec les autres membres. Contrairement aux compagnies libres, les joueurs peuvent rejoindre plusieurs linkshells. Vous pouvez donc par exemple faire partie d'une linkshell pour les contrats de chasse et d'une autre pour la pêche.
Rejoignez les linkshells en rapport avec vos activités préférées !
Trouvez l'équipe la plus adaptée pour vous, entraînez-vous ensemble et visez le haut du classement !
Mode JcJ : toutes missions où le but est de combattre d'autres joueurs.Echoes of Jeuno Recrutement de nouveaux membres
Brumée, secteur 25, parcelle 5 [Grand]
Echoes of Jeuno
Prenez contact avec les membres de ce groupe en vue de le rejoindre !
Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Free Company Monarch:
Asteria Terkeska - Discord: asteriatereska
?Hiro Sen Adamantoise [Aether]
Hi. Returning player looking for a friendly free company to explore content and end game challenges. I usually tank, but also taking the time to level the other jobs.
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Hey there! Were you still interested in joining?:)
Hiro Sen Adamantoise [Aether]
Yes , still interested. Trying to contact you when your online, but i never see you :)
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Hey hiro, I’m off today and tomorrow! I’ll keep a eye out for you! You can always put in a application in game as well:)
Conser Bartheo Adamantoise [Aether]
Hi. I put in an application a couple days ago and haven't heard anything back. I'm a returning player. I took a long break and when I came back, my previous FC was defunct (the leader hadn't been on in almost 2 weeks and the officers for almost 1 week).
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Hey there! We usually like to chat with our applicants before we accept. It shows you haven’t been online in 10 days so when you’re online we will reach out ASAP :)
Membre du groupe Freyja Frystdottir Adamantoise [Aether]
Good Morning! Newish player looking to find an active guild while working my way to 80.
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello! I’ll keep an eye out for you in game! Please feel free to reach out as well ^^
Membre du groupe Freyja Frystdottir Adamantoise [Aether]
Perfect, thank you!
Proxy Que Adamantoise [Aether]
This account was on the PS4 but I have switched it over to my PC. More comfortable for me to say the least. I am usually online after work during week days (MTN time zone) and most of the time on the weekends. I could say I am a returning player from a ways long time ago, but due to my former job schedule I had not the time to play as I wish. Now it feels new to me again with all the expansions now out. Looking now for a community to call my online home. :)
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Reaching out to you in game :)
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Hey Proxy; could you reach out to me in game? I haven’t seen you online
Rukoi Kasanui Adamantoise [Aether]
I am interested in joining this FC, I tried to whisper you but no one was on.
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Reaching out in game now :)
Chizuru Sakurajima Adamantoise [Aether]
Hey, I'm interested in joining this FC, not sure who to contact for an application.
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Reaching out in game :)
Aeryn Regalwind Shiva [Light]
hello! i’m interested in joining this FC? Who should
i contact? :)
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
It looks like you’re on shiva, we are located on adamantoise <3
Georg Primeslayer Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello how can I Join this FC?
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello there! Try reaching out to me in game or on discord! Asteria Tereska#9054 I’ll keep an eye out for you!
Bizzy Bazor Twintania [Light]
Hello im looking for a friendly community im still kinda new to the game but i use to play wow for a long time.
figured i give this a try!
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
We are located on admantoise :( it looks like you’re in a different data center
Azshuna Joralyn Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello I'm a returning player looking for a casual and fun FC to be a part of!
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello there :) reach out to me in game! I’ll keep an eye out for you.
Werk Complete Adamantoise [Aether]
Hi there. Veteran player looking for a new FC that is suits my timezone. What time do FC events usually happen?
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
They are usually around 7est :) best way to get ahold of me will be in game or on discord :)!
Asteria Tereska#9054
Lachelle Lesrekta Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello there. I'm currently looking to join this FC.
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Joined :)
Apolia Altera Goblin [Crystal]
Wondering if id be able to join? Just looking for something laid back (:
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
We are Adamantoise :) we are in a different data center then you :(
Yogo Musashi Lamia [Primal]
hi hi looking for a tight community of friends to play with while i'm working my way to 80 on adamantoise
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Joined :)
Aziru Uchiha Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello, im a new returning player looking for a place to call home for EW. Im currently MNK main and lvling up slowly till 80. Im looking for an FC to grow with and eventually be able to do EX Trials with. PST :)
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Joined :)
H'zula Sharpcaster Midgardsormr [Aether]
I('d love to join have been playing for a year have characters on all three world centers and looking to meet new players feeling kind of lonely as an mmo player willing toi learn any fight and do anything to help others just love playing the game and meeting new people
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Hey! we are a adamantoise FC and I see you’re on midgar :(
Astria Alet Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello, may I join? :D
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Hey there! Sorry for the late response :D reach out to me in game! Or on discord :) Asteria Tereska#9054
Gavyl Ayahn Famfrit [Primal]
Hi been playing for a minute and finally understand the game enough that I'm comfortable joining a Company and can pull my own weight. Looking for players to join or be with now that I'm comfortable with game since starting last year.
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Good morning :)! If you could Gavyl can you reach out to me on discord? Asteria Tereska#9054
Daren Azora Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello. Just reaching out to you about joining your FC. I have recently come back to the game and was looking to find a Company I could call home. I appreciate your time.
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Accepted in :)
Cai Cai Adamantoise [Aether]
Just got back into ff14 and looking for a FC to join. looking for a to home for knowledge of leveling and raiding. thank you
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Thank you for reaching out! If you can add me on discord :)
Asteria Tereska#9054 I will also look out for you being online :)
Brad Man Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello! I am coming back into FFXIV looking for a good home. Hope to join you! Thanks!
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Thank you for reaching out! If you can, add me on discord :)
Asteria Tereska#9054 I will also look out for you being online :)
Ishtar Vimba Adamantoise [Aether]
can I join?
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Thank you for reaching out! If you can, add me on discord :)
Asteria Tereska#9054 I will also look out for you being online :)
Laurentius Bellveil Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello! I'm a new player and looking for a free company to join!
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Thank you for reaching out! If you can, add me on discord :)
Asteria Tereska#9054 I will also look out for you being online :)
Ysira Gwyn Excalibur [Primal]
I am a returning player (just got Endwalker) and looking for a FC to join that enjoys running dungeons, raids, and just having fun playing the game.
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello there! Thank you for reaching out, our Fc is located on Arther - Adamntoise and I see you’re on Excalibur :o if you were transferring over then please feel free to reach out to me on discord :) Asteria Tereska#9054
Aya Minn Adamantoise [Aether]
Interested if you are still recruiting :)
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Thank you for reaching out! If you can, add me on discord :)
Asteria Tereska#9054 I will also look out for you being online :)
Al'gol Cain Brynhildr [Crystal]
I just started playing and have no friends to play with lol I am interested in joining
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Player joined the FC :)
Jade Harley Adamantoise [Aether]
Not looking for an FC, just curious since I see this FC around a lot, are y'all big FFXI fans?
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Some of us are! Yeah :) especially me :)
Ricci Dalanero Moogle [Chaos]
Hi all, I'd love to join up with you guys. I'm still working my way through the game content, but it'd be nice to hang out with people who are actually online. From what I read you guys are pretty cool. I main a Whm, and have to say that nothing compares to being a healer on this game.
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Thank you for reaching out! If you can, add me on discord :)
Asteria Tereska#9054 I will also look out for you being online :)
Verona Larunde Adamantoise [Aether]
Don't suppose there is room for a Sprout in the FC? Friend got me into game a little while ago, bit lonely when he isn't around.
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Thank you for reaching out! If you can, add me on discord :)
Asteria Tereska#9054 I will also look out for you being online :)
Raiden Dalashir Adamantoise [Aether]
Returning player looking for an active FC. Can i get an invite?
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Thank you for reaching out! If you can, add me on discord :)
Asteria Tereska#9054 I will also look out for you being online :)
Twilight Skies Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello! I just submitted an application to join Jeuno! I'm really hoping this FC can be a community home for me, as I love this game and really want to experience alongside others. Please consider my application! Thank you!
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Accepted :)
Or Ga Adamantoise [Aether]
Hi! I'm a returning player and I'd love to join!
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Thank you for reaching out! If you can, add me on discord :)
Asteria Tereska#9054 I will also look out for you being online :)
Membre du groupe Lisi Primerain Adamantoise [Aether]
I'd like to join! All classes 90, not quite casual but definitely not a hardcore player. Looking to find people to do dailies, the occasional treasure hunt, and to learn savages eventually!
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello there! I’m going to keep an eye out for you in game. If you don’t catch me please reach out via discord my name is asteriatereska. Chat with you soon :)
Sabatera Freewind Diabolos [Crystal]
Would love to join, I'm a returning player!
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Joined :)
Membre du groupe Aedrin Malqir Adamantoise [Aether]
Hey there! I just applied in game. Ill be AFK on and off all day so ill keep an eye out for a tell!
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Membre du groupe Mason Greywolf Adamantoise [Aether]
Hi I am interested in joining. I am just now about to finish the EW story and I play regularly. I just moved from Gilgamesh to be on the same server as my wife who is brand new.
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Joined :)
Maverick Clayworth Adamantoise [Aether]
Hi there, me and my partner are interested in joining. We have been looking for an FC to join for awhile now and your FC caught the attention from my partner due to her love for FFXI. I already sent a Friend Request to the recruiter on discord so they can reach out to me if I don't check back here.
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Joined :)
Elessar Elohirson Adamantoise [Aether]
Hi I am interested in joining an active free company that has player activities and good communication through chat. I am new to the game so can’t really say where my interests lie
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello there! I’m going to keep an eye out for you in game. If you don’t catch me please reach out via discord my name is asteriatereska. Chat with you soon :)
L'eon Tia Adamantoise [Aether]
Sent a friend request via Discord, wasn't sure how else to message you Asteria. From what I'm seeing, I'm down to join if you'll have me :-)
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Joined :)
Membre du groupe Elodine Roustebant Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello! I was wondering if I could join this fc? I just sent a friend request on discord :>
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Joined :)
Watan Hamytan Adamantoise [Aether]
Sprout here; just unlocked my MNK job, looking to be social and have a fun time, would like to join!
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello there! I’m going to keep an eye out for you in game. If you don’t catch me please reach out via discord my name is asteriatereska. Chat with you soon :)
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello there! I’m going to keep an eye out for you in game. If you don’t catch me please reach out via discord my name is asteriatereska. Chat with you soon :)
Tidal Carcass Shiva [Light]
hiya, i am interested to join your FC, I'm a friendly chilled player that been playing for many years, looking to make friends, and help out in any way i can.
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
You do have to be on Adamantoise to join the FC! Were you thinking of transferring?
Akira Bishop Kraken [Dynamis]
Hi there, my son just started playing FFXIV last night and I just transferred to Adamantoise to play with him, and we are searching for an FC. He is 13 and I'm hoping to find a group that would look out for him and help him when I'm not able to be online. A lot of FCs around are usually 18+ that I have seen. I am a veteran of the game and started when ARR launched with all jobs including crafters and gatherers to 90.
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Sparkle Fox Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello, I'm interested in joining
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Xonkette Lexonk Zalera [Crystal]
Hey. I have some questions about your FC. What is the best way to chat with you? If you can, please contact me online. Thanx!
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
You do have to be on Adamantoise to join the FC! Were you thinking of transferring? If you are please feel free to reach out to me on discord. It’s asteriatereska. :)
Baavgai Haragin Cerberus [Chaos]
Hi. Returning player looking for a friendly free company to explore content and end game challenges. I usually dps or archer, but also taking the time to level the other jobs.
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
You do have to be on Adamantoise to join the FC! Were you thinking of transferring? If you are please feel free to reach out to me on discord. It’s asteriatereska. :)
Membre du groupe Larcia Moonscar Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello I'm interested in joining this FC.
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Nemfer Fre'lye Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello! I was wondering if you were still recruiting, and if me and my girlfriend can join. Thanks!
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Membre du groupe Random Ghost Adamantoise [Aether]
New player here. May i join?
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
please feel free to reach out to me on discord. It’s asteriatereska. :)
Bish Tia Adamantoise [Aether]
hey looking to join would that be possible? ive returned from a long break
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Joined :)
God Bane Adamantoise [Aether]
like to join
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
please feel free to reach out to me on discord. It’s asteriatereska. :)
Yuki Minato Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello im new mostly been solo cant find anyone to like play with, im hoping to be able to join the FC if possible
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
please feel free to reach out to me on discord. It’s asteriatereska. :)
Marek Ussey Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello!! Hoping to have a chill time and join this FC :) Fairly new to the game but really enjoying my time so far, hoping to work my way up to endgame content with a likeminded group! Thanks, Marek
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Timetraced Panicgrim Siren [Aether]
Hi there i'd like to apply but im super new to the game (ish) so i dont understand how the social stuff works yet. can you somehow find me im online almost everyday right now getting ready for the next expansion
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello! Thank you for reaching out, so you do have to be on adamantoise to join the FC! If you do transfer over please reach out to me in discord asteriatereska
Membre du groupe Alexios Stormbringer Adamantoise [Aether]
I have two questions one may I join and two can someone help lvl push my rogue over at Castrum Occidens by wineport to lvl 50 at least if possible
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Membre du groupe Honeybees Eve Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello, I'm a new player interested in joining and doing group runs. Thanks.
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
please feel free to reach out to me on discord. It’s asteriatereska. :)
Alice Pleasence Adamantoise [Aether]
I would like to join
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
please feel free to reach out to me on discord. It’s asteriatereska. :)
Membre du groupe Strider Numenor Adamantoise [Aether]
Hey there, originally from Bastok, looking to join to do some endgame and crafting for Dawntrail. Heard about EoJ through friends "Murr IsaMurr" and "Nexys Nysais".
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
please feel free to reach out to me on discord. It’s asteriatereska. :)
Membre du groupe Tiny'tank Oopssorry Adamantoise [Aether]
I need a home! Lol kinda new, just over a year of off and on play. Mom, college student, and trying to learn to tank.
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Joined :)
Membre du groupe Halistia Le'fay Adamantoise [Aether]
Hiya! I'm looking for a new and active FC to call home and hit DT running with a lot of folks. Sent you a friend request via discord (beepy).
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Membre du groupe The Doobertnator Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello. I have a small FC, but we are looking to join a bigger one. There is 4 or 5 of us that would like to join. We are interested in all phases of the game and especially would like to join some Savage/Ultimate training runs in preperation for DT. You can message me in game or on Discord as Doobert55 (I have sent Asteria a friend request)
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
Uzay Talahoon Sagittarius [Chaos]
Hey im fairly new and im on the look for a company to join if yall still recruting
Aldrin Storm Adamantoise [Aether]
Hey! im a returning player looking for a FC to join and call home
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
please feel free to reach out to me on discord. It’s asteriatereska. :)
Membre du groupe Khan Lo Adamantoise [Aether]
I'm still going through the MSQs (about 10-15 quests from starting Endwalker), and would love an FC to join, if you'll have me :) Thanks in advance!
Membre du groupe Khan Lo Adamantoise [Aether]
With the help of Hoshino Puck in game, I was able to get an in-game application submitted this evening. Thanks Hoshino!
Big Yeast Adamantoise [Aether]
yoo id love to join
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
please feel free to reach out to me on discord. It’s asteriatereska. :)
Membre du groupe Cy Galaxy Adamantoise [Aether]
I would like to join o/
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
please feel free to reach out to me on discord. It’s asteriatereska. :)
Matt Banana Adamantoise [Aether]
Is there a age requirement to join
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
18+ =]
Senior Discount Adamantoise [Aether] current fc I've been in for years but has changed in recent months just wondering what's the culture of your fc. I'm looking for ppl of all skill levels events fun and good chit chat among members my discord name is truepain202 if you wanna answer these questions thank you
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
I reached out to you on discord =] im asteriatereska
Little Rat Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello, returning player. First time around I bought a tales, big mistake. This time around I'm actually enjoying the game with my Lala rat who will one day overthrow king Lala Spiffington. Would love to be a part of this free company as I've never been a part of one. Not even sure how I join, but maybe I could receive some guidance.
Membre du groupe Rikiberg Heismay Adamantoise [Aether]
Hi, im a returning player starting on a new character and who’s mostly played solo, and i was wondering if you guys were still recruiting? Wanted to find an fc to meet some people and this one seems chill :)
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
please feel free to reach out to me on discord. It’s asteriatereska. :)
Membre du groupe Anna Wright Adamantoise [Aether]
hi, i'm new and looking to join your free company. my brother is a member and he has told me that you are all very helpful.
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
please feel free to reach out to me on discord. It’s asteriatereska. :)
Membre du groupe Mandas Florina Adamantoise [Aether]
Hi My Boyfriend and I are looking for an FC to land into on ADA he is moving over currently. I am already on Ada and have been for a while.
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
please feel free to reach out to me on discord. It’s asteriatereska. :)
Lazarus Faerys Faerie [Aether]
I wanna join! Been looking for other cool people to play with!
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
please feel free to reach out to me on discord. It’s asteriatereska. :)
Illianaro Liabella Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello! Are you guys still recruiting? I’m interested in learning more about your community and possibly joining! Coming back after a loooong time away (Shadowbringers) after the large FC I was a part of before collapsed.
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
please feel free to reach out to me on discord. It’s asteriatereska. :)
Illianaro Liabella Adamantoise [Aether]
Thank you! I sent a friend request to your username
Shoddy Tanuki Gilgamesh [Aether]
Are you guys still looking for members?
Membre du groupe Asteria Tereska Adamantoise [Aether]
please feel free to reach out to me on discord. It’s asteriatereska. :)
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