<< Previous Entry /First Entry/ Next Entry >>What follows are entries into the diary of Jin Yoake, the last of her clan and a samurai of Doma.=================================================================================
With every passing day, the sun shines a little brighter over Namai. With each sunrise's arrival, more and more smiles greet me as I make my rounds through the countryside. With each beast slain, with each doman delivered from danger, the people rest easier.
Lord Hien is our rock, yes Yet he is but one man. He cannot be everywhere at once, but we can. We are his Blades. Through us, he protects Doma and its people.
I am starting to realize why I was placed at this post. This is no punishment, on the contrary. This is the greatest honor a ruler can bestow upon a subject;
Safeguard my people in my stead.I will, My Lord. Clan Yoake will.