Les classements suivants sont calculés en fonction de la quantité totale de crédits de compagnie obtenus par les compagnies libres.
1 | | LaLaLandIfrit [Gaia] | 945169 | |
2 | | GO!GO! PuukichiIfrit [Gaia] | 872364 | |
3 | | YokosukaNavalIfrit [Gaia] | 682362 | |
4 | | Shinra CompanyIfrit [Gaia] | 631946 | |
5 | | Carbo-naraIfrit [Gaia] | 574815 | |
6 | | Alice_in_WonderlandIfrit [Gaia] | 548274 | |
7 | | Duck hatIfrit [Gaia] | 536709 | |
8 | | Black LotusIfrit [Gaia] | 497979 | |
9 | | Team 151AIfrit [Gaia] | 457966 | |
10 | | Tea-TimeIfrit [Gaia] | 369903 | |
11 | | STRSIfrit [Gaia] | 363741 | |
12 | | oreato7Ifrit [Gaia] | 328575 | |
13 | | Triple AceIfrit [Gaia] | 315705 | |
14 | | WalhallaIfrit [Gaia] | 313608 | |
15 | | Room24Ifrit [Gaia] | 286134 | |
16 | | Heart to U'niteIfrit [Gaia] | 282162 | |
17 | | Unity in DiversityIfrit [Gaia] | 278082 | |
18 | | Kill on SightIfrit [Gaia] | 277806 | |
19 | | Proud companyIfrit [Gaia] | 274959 | |
20 | | Lumiere FamiliarIfrit [Gaia] | 273471 | |
21 | | PINK SPIDERIfrit [Gaia] | 273366 | |
22 | | ODIN SPHEREIfrit [Gaia] | 270450 | |
23 | | Blaze of EdgeIfrit [Gaia] | 266448 | |
24 | | Freedom Fellow11Ifrit [Gaia] | 265854 | |
25 | | Rarab Tail HostelryIfrit [Gaia] | 259536 | |
26 | | Curry & RiceIfrit [Gaia] | 255342 | |
27 | | AgraniIfrit [Gaia] | 255147 | |
28 | | Dragon EyesIfrit [Gaia] | 251076 | |
29 | | Wage SlaverysIfrit [Gaia] | 251058 | |
30 | | 7colorsIfrit [Gaia] | 235548 | |
31 | | Red DragonIfrit [Gaia] | 232965 | |
32 | | Light of HopeIfrit [Gaia] | 230634 | |
33 | | UNICORN'S PINKIfrit [Gaia] | 224685 | |
34 | | Lightning BrigateIfrit [Gaia] | 223689 | |
35 | | GatheringIfrit [Gaia] | 220524 | |
36 | | ReTReatIfrit [Gaia] | 217368 | |
37 | | DespotIfrit [Gaia] | 216909 | |
38 | | Secret TimeIfrit [Gaia] | 213411 | |
39 | | Knight RevolutionIfrit [Gaia] | 211209 | |
40 | | Quiet PotatoIfrit [Gaia] | 210120 | |
41 | | Forever FacilitiesIfrit [Gaia] | 207477 | |
42 | | mariage sorciereIfrit [Gaia] | 207069 | |
43 | | StarbowPaletteIfrit [Gaia] | 204777 | |
44 | | PersonalColorIfrit [Gaia] | 203682 | |
45 | | VerschwindeIfrit [Gaia] | 200829 | |
46 | | Iwagon'sIfrit [Gaia] | 200436 | |
47 | | HermitageIfrit [Gaia] | 200046 | |
48 | | GODSPEEDIfrit [Gaia] | 196779 | |
49 | | Lustige ClownsIfrit [Gaia] | 195561 | |
50 | | Iris FlastaIfrit [Gaia] | 194559 | |
51 | | AltairIfrit [Gaia] | 192447 | |
52 | | L'Oiseau bleuIfrit [Gaia] | 191289 | |
53 | | RAIDERSIfrit [Gaia] | 187212 | |
54 | | LowAwarenessIfrit [Gaia] | 186636 | |
55 | | Outer heavenIfrit [Gaia] | 186495 | |
56 | | It's MyGO!!!!!Ifrit [Gaia] | 185625 | |
57 | | AVABELIfrit [Gaia] | 178752 | |
58 | | CROSS G.A.YIfrit [Gaia] | 177987 | |
59 | | MILLENNIUMIfrit [Gaia] | 177768 | |
60 | | Pleasure BoatIfrit [Gaia] | 177315 | |
61 | | -Dragon Warrior-Ifrit [Gaia] | 175890 | |
62 | | Mousquetaire noirIfrit [Gaia] | 175125 | |
63 | | princessIfrit [Gaia] | 175047 | |
64 | | O.Y.A.T.S.U.3Ifrit [Gaia] | 174255 | |
65 | | LightEvenIfrit [Gaia] | 170844 | |
66 | | NeathDarkWatersIfrit [Gaia] | 170706 | |
67 | | OYASHOKUIfrit [Gaia] | 168411 | |
68 | | Pon de RingIfrit [Gaia] | 164205 | |
69 | | It's A Small WorldIfrit [Gaia] | 162621 | |
70 | | chocoboIfrit [Gaia] | 159528 | |
71 | | End WalkerIfrit [Gaia] | 158367 | |
72 | | Warriors of LightIfrit [Gaia] | 157629 | |
73 | | Knights of NightIfrit [Gaia] | 155319 | |
74 | | Vivid Eyes InTheDarkIfrit [Gaia] | 155019 | |
75 | | SylphyIfrit [Gaia] | 154773 | |
76 | | Da.CapoIfrit [Gaia] | 153690 | |
77 | | Sunshine GardenIfrit [Gaia] | 151953 | |
78 | | tomodatihakumasanIfrit [Gaia] | 151458 | |
79 | | Nine BestieIfrit [Gaia] | 150966 | |
80 | | KyanosIfrit [Gaia] | 150525 | |
81 | | Ray of every vows.Ifrit [Gaia] | 150270 | |
82 | | BlumeIfrit [Gaia] | 148641 | |
83 | | La petite l'orionIfrit [Gaia] | 148182 | |
84 | | Village of TakenokoIfrit [Gaia] | 146502 | |
85 | | Luna et SoleilIfrit [Gaia] | 142266 | |
86 | | -Don't Stop-Ifrit [Gaia] | 141969 | |
87 | | ICantAgreeMoreIfrit [Gaia] | 141894 | |
88 | | PapilloNIfrit [Gaia] | 140697 | |
89 | | DearIfrit [Gaia] | 139407 | |
90 | | Shock and AweIfrit [Gaia] | 137349 | |
91 | | Inuno KaiIfrit [Gaia] | 137319 | |
92 | | ElfriedeIfrit [Gaia] | 137103 | |
93 | | Liberal WindsIfrit [Gaia] | 136479 | |
94 | | Sokuho at GehaIfrit [Gaia] | 135090 | |
95 | | PhosphorIfrit [Gaia] | 134634 | |
96 | | Minstrel SongIfrit [Gaia] | 134580 | |
97 | | Echoes of EternityIfrit [Gaia] | 134433 | |
98 | | SUPER DRYIfrit [Gaia] | 132858 | |
99 | | HallelujahIfrit [Gaia] | 132495 | |
100 | | YAKITORIIfrit [Gaia] | 132315 |
* Affichage basé sur la liste des Mondes et centres de données au moment du dernier calcul.
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