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Les joueurs qui font partie d'une compagnie libre (CL) peuvent par exemple discuter tous ensemble sur un canal de discussion privé ou acheter une maison de compagnie libre. Ils peuvent aussi utiliser des "bienfaits", des actions spéciales qui leur sont réservées et permettent entre autres d'augmenter l'expérience reçue pour tous les membres pendant un certain temps.
Les compagnies libres sont chacune aussi différentes que les membres qui la composent. Choisissez celle qui s'aligne le mieux avec votre style de jeu !
On les appelle plus couramment LS et LSIM. Elles permettent de discuter sur un canal privé avec les autres membres. Contrairement aux compagnies libres, les joueurs peuvent rejoindre plusieurs linkshells. Vous pouvez donc par exemple faire partie d'une linkshell pour les contrats de chasse et d'une autre pour la pêche.
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Trouvez l'équipe la plus adaptée pour vous, entraînez-vous ensemble et visez le haut du classement !
Mode JcJ : toutes missions où le but est de combattre d'autres joueurs.Recrutement - Lionsguard
Japonais / Anglais
Empyrée, secteur 18, parcelle 42 [Grand]
Crystallis Manor
Prenez contact avec les membres de ce groupe en vue de le rejoindre !
Cidolfas Orlandu Siren [Aether]
Contact me @agriasoaks on Discord if you are interested in joining! I have 2 characters, this one and Agrias Oaks on Maduin. I spend time on both characters pretty much equally and am on Siren with either character 90% of the time. Technically Agrias is meant to be the leader of the FC and mascot of sorts but I had to move that character to Maduin to be able to claim that name without a symbol in it. I have a CWLS I run to stay in touch with the fc members when I am on that character as well people are welcome to join!
?Captain Traveler Siren [Aether]
I sent you a friend request on discord hope to hear from you soon.
Membre du groupe Cidolfas Orlandu Siren [Aether]
Oof I must have totally missed it! Sorry about that. Hopefully you found an FC to call home. If you haven't and are still interested let me know.
Captain Traveler Siren [Aether]
I am still available if you would like to contact me in game or I can try discord again. It wouldn't let me send you a dm because of no shared server.
Membre du groupe Dian Camdam Siren [Aether]
Hi, I would be interested in joining. Thanks!
Membre du groupe Cidolfas Orlandu Siren [Aether]
Domnu Nasaille Siren [Aether]
Are you still recruiting? I am looking to join with my niece
Draco Athena Siren [Aether]
Hi, I'm interested in joining your guild and sent you a friend request on discord as well
Membre du groupe Tanaya Makers Siren [Aether]
Hello, I sent a friend request on Discord (HeroMystic) out of interest of joining. I can't be on the game right now so hoping we could talk from there. But if time is permitted I'll send a /tell within the next couple of days.
Membre du groupe Cidolfas Orlandu Siren [Aether]
Welcome again!
Princess Ashe' Siren [Aether]
Just hit 40 and looking for a FC
Membre du groupe Cidolfas Orlandu Siren [Aether]
Open to have you join ours if you are interested!
Azazel Lich Gilgamesh [Aether]
I sent you a friend request on discord I am interested in joining.
Agrias Oaks Maduin [Dynamis]
Miss having you around. Best of luck on Primal!
Magni Gullfaxi Siren [Aether]
Hey, 34 year old here. Just started again a month ago and finished up 5.0 I'm still fairly newish when it comes to high end content raiding. Am interested in learning different savage raidings.
Membre du groupe Cidolfas Orlandu Siren [Aether]
You still looking for an fc or did you find one? This acts like you are already in one.
Magni Gullfaxi Siren [Aether]
I'm currently in an old FC from a year ago but it seems dead now ever since I came back a month ago.
Membre du groupe Cidolfas Orlandu Siren [Aether]
You're welcome to join ours if you end up wanting to leave your current one.
Restless Ocean Siren [Aether]
Interested in joining -application submitted!
Agrias Oaks Maduin [Dynamis]
Miss having you around!
Exava Rakdos Siren [Aether]
Interested in joining, I have submitted a friend request via Discord.
Phynnessa Wolfe Faerie [Aether]
Sent a Friend request on discord TheRevanchist. Tank main very interested in joining your FC.
Temu Nish Siren [Aether]
Hello, sent you a request on Discord, hope to join!
Azza Dub Siren [Aether]
Sent a Friend request on discord as Azadub. defenitly interested in joining. Thanks.
Alyxiae Godrow Siren [Aether]
Hello, I've send you a message in discord I do have the same name Alyxiae
Sigfred Strongfist Siren [Aether]
Howdy! Looking to join the FC!
Clueless Bungler Siren [Aether]
Hey, interested in joining the FC! Sent a friend request on Disc. Thanks tons!
Psychedelic Trance Siren [Aether]
Hello! I am looking for a new FC. May I join?
Altemus Highwind Siren [Aether]
Hi there, just started playing again after about a year and i'm looking for a FC to join. If you are still recruiting i'm interested.
Agrias Oaks Maduin [Dynamis]
Looks like you are already in an FC already. Were you thinking of leaving your current one?
Frost Evernarian Siren [Aether]
Hi, I am a new player. I have only just begun Heavensward. I want to go back to ARR and do older content like Coils and Extremes. I will be grateful if I can find a group to have fun with and experience all the content this game has to offer.
Membre du groupe Lolla Mcfarts Siren [Aether]
Hi, I started playing FFXIV earlier this summer and am interested in joining your FC. I feel I will be a good fit. I request you on Discord but not sure if it went through. LMK.
Agrias Oaks Maduin [Dynamis]
I guess I was a little too slow to reply to it; wasn't around on the weekend. Congrats on finding a new home though either way!
Nae'li Ethier Midgardsormr [Aether]
Hi, I'm interested in joining if you are still accepting? Been playing for about 2.5 years and looking for a new home for End Walker. Just sent a friend request in discord "Nebu375" Thanks.
Agrias Oaks Maduin [Dynamis]
Apologies for the delay - replied on discord!
Agrias Oaks Maduin [Dynamis]
Miss having you around; hopefully Midgardsormr is treating you well!
Vale Falren Siren [Aether]
Hey! My wife and I are looking to join a Free Company :) We're usually playing every night 7:30-12am est and longer on weekends. We hope to be raiding in the future, as we've transitioned from another game where we raided for many years. We also have a friend with us who would like to be apart of whatever FC we join.
We Like the sound of your FC and would be interested in joining if you would have us. :)
I've contacted you via Discord as "Silent Storm"
Agrias Oaks Maduin [Dynamis]
Didn't notice a friend request by anyone with that name if I'm being totally honest. Happy you were able to find a new home either way even though it wasn't our fc!
Miah Komu Siren [Aether]
Hi!! I am the friend of Vale above. I am interested in joining the FC and since I am online more, it may be easier to get ahold of me. I have friended both people on the community page. Just waiting to hear from ya.
Membre du groupe Vanille Bheklana Siren [Aether]
Hello! I'm a new FF14 player looking to join the FC. I sent a friend request under "Dustytuft#4502"
Agrias Oaks Maduin [Dynamis]
Agrias Oaks Maduin [Dynamis]
We want to get a few more end-game raiders to form a 2nd static in here! Especially melee dps.
Membre du groupe Jaidie Soroyan Siren [Aether]
Hello, I sent Agrias a friend request on discord...but i'm dumb and cant figure out how to message someone haha. I am a night shift nurse and would like to find a FC that also has some active members at night and early morning =) Nosferatu style!
Agrias Oaks Maduin [Dynamis]
Are you still looking to join or did you find another fc already? We have people on even at 4 in the morning xD so we might be a good fit.
Membre du groupe Jaidie Soroyan Siren [Aether]
I did not find one yet =) i would welcome joining yours. I would just like to have some people on when i am haha
Amalie Doome Siren [Aether]
Hello, I sent a friend request on Discord as ticklemykelmo.
Kipio Mipio Kraken [Dynamis]
Hello, I sent a friend request from discord as Big_Fun. If you guys are still recruiting I would love to join! :)
Terias Perianthin Siren [Aether]
Sent you both a friend request through Discord. My wife and I are both looking for a more mature group to play with. (Currently in a FC but the person that recruited us has moved on).
Agrias Oaks Maduin [Dynamis]
Looking for a healer for our fc savage static! E9S & E10S experience is required as we mainly want to finish off farming those and move on to e11-12S. Send me a message on discord.
Sakura Blssms Siren [Aether]
Hello I am a healer main looking for an FC to raid with since my current FC is mostly offline. I have a lvl 80 whm and I like doing extreme and savage content. Thou I have not unlocked the last 4 of eden. Thank you!
Captain Dax Siren [Aether]
I've sent Agrias and Pallando a friend request in discord. Name is Bruzer#1934. I'm still not super comfortable with discord yet so hopefully I did it right. I look forward to hearing back.
Gintoki Mizuhiki Siren [Aether]
Interested in joining your FC if you still have room. Sent a friend request (from talentlessclod) to Agrias Oaks#2731 on Discord to discuss.
Vasha Ditore Faerie [Aether]
Hi! I'm Mikki Miraj (they/she/he) 29 -- a professional drag queen performer and show producer! My hobbies are gaming/streaming (I'm a formal member of Team StreamQueens)!
I've been on and off into FFXIV but never stuck because I never had community to play with and understand the games many many many end game systems LOL. As far as role, I main DNC and WHM (I'm still working to max lvl). I wanted to request a chat to see if we get along!
Thank you for the consideration,
Membre du groupe Khiara Blackthorn Siren [Aether]
Hey there,
Interested in joining an active FC/raid team for EX, Savage and maybe a little Ultimate for Endwalker. Current FC is with friends who no longer play or play very sporadically and I'm looking for a nice community to join into and meet new people. I'm comfortable playing tanks, melee, or phys ranged. Sent a friend request on discord to Agrias Oaks but anyone else feel free to add me @ Atheran#1888.
Agrias Oaks Maduin [Dynamis]
Welcome again :)
Koreval Azi Siren [Aether]
Hello, semi-new FFXIV player here who has loved this game for the last 9 months, looking for an active FC going into Endwalker and want to tackle some of the high-end savage and ultimate eventually going forward. I am a WoW refugee but have fallen in love with the story. Was able to learn E8 savage w/ lights rampant and a few other encounters before EW but in pugs mostly. Still have a lot to learn and I am thirsty for some Prog.
Sent a friends request to meet you! Azi#2513 (Discord)
Agrias Oaks Maduin [Dynamis]
OMG sorry for the ridiculously slow reply but welcome!
Ixo Belle Siren [Aether]
Hi, have outgoing friend requests to you and Pallando via Discord. Level 35 Monk, coming back to the game after a break, looking for a chill group to chat with while I work towards endgame.
Asterin Marchal Siren [Aether]
Hello, sent a discord friend request to Agrias, interested in joining!
Agrias Oaks Maduin [Dynamis]
Looks like I might have been a little too slow getting back to you. Congrats on finding a home though! Hopefully that other fc will treat you well!
Omi Kurita Siren [Aether]
Good day, we are group of 4 coming over from previous MMO's most recently New World. We would be interested in joining. I can be reached at Saba#5313
Destran Kerden Siren [Aether]
Greetings sent friend request. Looking for free company to learn endgame content.
Ymira Darksworn Siren [Aether]
Sent friend request on discord
Avanti Windsor Siren [Aether]
Hi I’m new to ff14 can I join. My Twitter is the same as my name. My discord is Avanti Windsor#6062 Thanks bye
Asuka Esper Faerie [Aether]
Hey. I’m pretty interested in the FC. I sent a friend request over discord under “Aircalibur”.
Kaptain Caveman Siren [Aether]
Do you have a place for a paladin in one of your static groups?
Juliana Cross Brynhildr [Crystal]
I added both Agrias and Pallando on Discord a few minutes ago under the name Crit Fail. A buddy and I are new to FF14, but are looking for a chill community to become a part of and eventually do endgame content with.
Agrias Oaks Maduin [Dynamis]
Best of luck on Crystal data center!
Remi Serene Siren [Aether]
I just sent a friend request on discord and I am very interested in joining the FC if you are still recruiting
Elayne Venatura Lamia [Primal]
Sent friend request on discord (Kaorrii). I'm interested in joining if there are still spots open o:
Ahri Ga'toh Siren [Aether]
Is this FC still active? ive sent some friend requests over discord in hopes of checking out the FC Discord dynamic a bit before making a switch.
Agrias Oaks Maduin [Dynamis]
It is still extremely active with lots of the members on every single day. I've been kind of depressed lately so I haven't been really checking my friend invites or replying to them in a timely manner like I usually do. Are you still interested, or did you join another fc already?
Membre du groupe Beth Draconic Siren [Aether]
Been looking around for an active FC and haven't had much luck finding ones that do anything, I love FFT so maybe this could be my home? Sent a discord friend request
Agrias Oaks Maduin [Dynamis]
Are you still interested? No hard feelings if you already found another FC!
Agrias Oaks Maduin [Dynamis]
Welcome again Beth!
Aero Lightwalker Hyperion [Primal]
Still pretty new, just logged in after a few months break, looking for a fun laid back community. Hope to hear from you guys!
Thealin Matchesle Siren [Aether]
Just sent you a friend request (the_matches). I'm new to the endgame, but I'm very interested in finding a community to run high-end content with.
Jean Smart Siren [Aether]
sent you both a friend request on discord (mrboboto). very interested in finding a laid back FC to do endgame content with
Shevy Bonez Siren [Aether]
Hey I sent both of you guys a friend request on discord (richshev) I am looking for an FC of a more mature group that I can learn savage raids with and just have a chill time. (I have only cleared P1S)
Membre du groupe Adam Dredd Siren [Aether]
Would be very interested in joining. Discord - xDreddx#1552
Akiva Liadan Rafflesia [Dynamis]
Hello! I would like to apply for this FC; my discord is: Queen Xira#0562
Crest Warmane Marilith [Dynamis]
Just sent a request on dc! interested in joining! discord is d_not#6895
Agrias Oaks Maduin [Dynamis]
Arngeir Skalf Siren [Aether]
Hi I would like to apply for this free company my discord is carion#0097
Agrias Oaks Maduin [Dynamis]
Sorry for the slow response; I replied to your dm.
Membre du groupe Camiriel Nenharma Siren [Aether]
Hello, my husband and I were interested in your company :)
Draco Exiled Rafflesia [Dynamis]
Hello I’m super interested in joining but can’t dm you on discord unless you accept my friend request
Membre du groupe Elwing Sindarin Siren [Aether]
sent you a friend request on discord.
Agrias Oaks Maduin [Dynamis]
Welcome again o/
Jeet Kune Hyperion [Primal]
Hello! I'd like to join the FC. Just got back into the game. I could not message you in Discord.
Agrias Oaks Maduin [Dynamis]
Just for clarity - around 10 of the 77 members are people's alts in the fc. So don't be scared off by the 77 members; we mostly are a smaller close-knit community.
-- -- ----
Hello there, wondering if I could join? Took a 6-8 month break from the game. Starting over with a new character
Usun Saragon Siren [Aether]
Hey there! I'd love to hear more about this FC -- a laid-back, work/life-balance friendly FC with a lot of social interaction is exactly what I'm looking for. Message me in-game; I'll be happy chat there or to provide Discord info privately to find out more about y'all. Thanks!
Fade Pk Siren [Aether]
Hey, Sent a friend request on Discord. Can't wait to hear back if you're still recruiting!
Qoma Nariko Siren [Aether]
Hi, sent a discord friend request. When you have time I would love to talk to you.
Bella Fleur Excalibur [Primal]
Hello ^^. im very interested in joining. I Sent you a friend request on discord. I have PLD/WAR/RPR at 90. I was doing savage for tier 1 for a bit. I have been playing the game since 1.0 and i enjoy helping others and doing content with my FC.
Zarvuma Dorgarmi Siren [Aether]
Hey there! Would like to join the FC. Sent you a friend request on Discord.
Ryo Attollere Seraph [Dynamis]
Heya, sent a friend request. was hoping to join an fc that is active around the gmt time zones. Interested in raiding and but not essential for me. Have a few classes at 90 but primarily play SMN and WAR.
Sun Qiutian Seraph [Dynamis]
Sent a friend request on discord. Flaurosz.
Artheon Westknight Siren [Aether]
Attempted to send message but it was unable to be delivered. Sent friend request.
Artheon Westknight Siren [Aether]
Attempted to send message but it was unable to be delivered. Sent friend request.
Zavaketh Lavem Siren [Aether]
Sent a Friend request, I'd like to chat about joining the LionsGuard. Hope to hear from you soon. (GrundleGoblin)
Fenixis Elindus Siren [Aether]
Good afternoon Agrias, i added you on discord a few days ago, was hoping to reach out about a membership opportunity if this was still available. Hope you're doing well!
Wind-up Ranni Halicarnassus [Dynamis]
Hello, was curious if recruitment still going ?
Agrias Oaks Maduin [Dynamis]
We still are! This makes it look like you are already in an fc on another server though - were you thinking of transferring to Siren?
Sho Yazutake Siren [Aether]
Hello! I sent you a friend request and message on Discord about hopefully joining your FC. Hope to hear back from you and thanks for the considering me!
Tero Tekai Siren [Aether]
Id love to join if your still recruiting! I sent a friend request on discord. Contact me anytime. Love the Tactics theme btw!
Membre du groupe Gabriel Swaggins Siren [Aether]
I'm interested in joining. Sent you a friends request in Discord. Are you guys still recruiting?
Iridium Anima Brynhildr [Crystal]
Sent a Friend request on discord. Im most comfortable playing healer classes
Lyle John Faerie [Aether]
Hi there! Sent you a friend request on discord to get to get some more info on what you folks are all about!
Agrias Oaks Maduin [Dynamis]
Hanjikara Avalon Siren [Aether]
Hi I just want to let you know if youre available would you be able to invite me to your Discord by any chance. My name is Hanjikara on Discord, and I am interested in your guild. I'm currently in a guild but I'm looking forward to this guild!
Sahand Sadeghi Siren [Aether]
Hey I’d like to apply, I’m a new player, played thru arr, hw, and am playing thru stormblood right now. So obviously I am unable to do end game content at the moment. I started playing ffxiv like a month ago and I got thru all that content, and I didn’t skip the cutscenes lol. That’s to say I play this game a lot, and I’ll get to endgame content sooner then a normal person should lol, I’m 29 years old btw
Membre du groupe Cidolfas Orlandu Siren [Aether]
Hey there's no rush with that kind of stuff! You can only have one first time through the main scenario after all - so it's best to enjoy it at your own pace!
Wagisigu Stellhorn Siren [Aether]
Sent a friend request on discord as wagisigu
-- -- ----
I sent a friend request on Discord. Would love to hear more about the FC. Currently working through the MSQ and I have an interest in raiding once I get caught up.
Membre du groupe Cidolfas Orlandu Siren [Aether]
Welcome :)
Membre du groupe Torin Chisaka Siren [Aether]
Hello there! Just sent a friend request on discord (halfcoat), I'm very interested in joining!
Membre du groupe Cidolfas Orlandu Siren [Aether]
Welcome! I hope you'll like it here :)
Crimson Flamee Siren [Aether]
Hi! I sent a friend request on Discord! For some reason I cant find any of the members in the player search to apply, I must not be doing it right hahaha
Kisara Ebonheart Leviathan [Primal]
Heya! I just sent a friend request on Discord. I'm interested in joining the guild. Please let me know when you're available. Thanks!
Membre du groupe Cidolfas Orlandu Siren [Aether]
Going to be doing an All-FC member run of the new alliance raid on Patch Day most likely if you would like a good chance to meet a lot of us and experience the chaos of everyone experiencing the new raid blind! We plan on having most of us in VC for it.
Big Boat Siren [Aether]
Hello! Are you guys still recruiting?
Membre du groupe Cidolfas Orlandu Siren [Aether]
Membre du groupe Pyra Aegissworn Siren [Aether]
i'm interested in joining if you still are recruiting i sent a discord friend request
Kai Sunstrider Siren [Aether]
Sent you a DM on discord
Membre du groupe Cidolfas Orlandu Siren [Aether]
How long ago was this? because admittedly I am not seeing one.
-- -- ----
I sent a friend request on discord hope to hear from you this sounds like the place i need to be
Membre du groupe Cidolfas Orlandu Siren [Aether]
Awesome. Looking forward to getting you invited later this week.
Favored Soul Siren [Aether]
Good morning, sent a friend request via discord. Looking forward to hearing back from you.
-- -- ----
Hello! I sent you a friend request on discord :D
Estielle-von Luviette Leviathan [Primal]
Hi, I sent you a Friend Request on Discord @agriasoaks. I'm interested in the possibility of joining.
Membre du groupe Cidolfas Orlandu Siren [Aether]
Ok I replied! Hopefully we can get online at the same time to have a chat about joining.
Ophanim Noraeth Siren [Aether]
Hi I applied and sent a friend request on discord :)
Membre du groupe Cidolfas Orlandu Siren [Aether]
Danae Duskriver Siren [Aether]
Hi there! I'd love to join this FC, if possible. I sent you a friend request on discord =]
Membre du groupe Ziv Yov Siren [Aether]
Hello! I am interested to join your FC. Cannot find you on discord. You can send me a message zivyov on discord.
Kaslana Tenuviel Faerie [Aether]
Greetings! I am looking for an FC on Siren with my partner. I will try and find you on discord. =)
Membre du groupe Cidolfas Orlandu Siren [Aether]
Welcome on your alt! xD
Vyper Wolfe Siren [Aether]
Just send ya Discord friends request! Hoping to join!
Alehouse Wench Siren [Aether]
I'm interested in joining! I've sent you a discord friend request.
Seppo Ilmarinen Siren [Aether]
Hey there! I've sent you a friend request on discord. Would love to join!
Lady Hylia Siren [Aether]
Hey I'm interested in joining :p I sent a friend request to the discord listed here earlier today but it didn't get accepted lmk if you still have a spot open in your guild.
Sirk Valas Siren [Aether]
I'm interested in joining. I sent you a friend request on Discord :)
Fate Applewhyte Faerie [Aether]
Rhye Cordo Siren [Aether]
Would love to join, if you guys have space!
Exie Nightroad Siren [Aether]
I am also interested in joining! I'll send over a friend request on discord asap.
Cole World Siren [Aether]
Hey, sent a friend request on Discord. Let me know if you're still recruiting
Kaizer Kaz Siren [Aether]
Hi there....greetings from Canada! Tagged you on discord just now; hopefully, you are still recruiting. Cheers!
Findrach Necares Siren [Aether]
greetings, would love to join if there is a space and you guys are still recruiting
Gideon Kathaoir Siren [Aether]
Howdy! Sent you a friend request on discord and was hoping you are still recruiting. New player
Sammy Pee Siren [Aether]
are you guys still recruiting I tried reaching out on Discord and I haven't received a response
Feyre Moonflower Siren [Aether]
Hi there! I left you a comment on discord :) Me and my friend are interested in joining!
Baltair Elyot Siren [Aether]
Hi are you still recruiting, i would be interested in joining your FC if you are
Larza Brawlin Siren [Aether]
Hello are you still recruiting ? I would like to join.
Membre du groupe Cidolfas Orlandu Siren [Aether]
If anyone is looking to get into raiding we plan on having a fc casual learning static aimed towards helping people get into that kind of content and also a more midcore focused static as well. We have a lot of experienced raiders in here who are willing to help teach!
Wuitre Jr Halicarnassus [Dynamis]
Hi there, I sent you a friend request on discord if you are still recruiting.
Lathael Iradonis Siren [Aether]
Hi I sent you a friend request discord. @siatia. I am interested in joining if you are still recruiting.
Azura Sunveil Siren [Aether]
Hello! I am very interested in joining the Lionsguard. I would love to be part of this journey. Is FC still open for recruitment?
Tyver Nezmet Siren [Aether]
Hello, I am a returning player and would like to join your FC if you are still recruiting
Scrambled Legs Siren [Aether]
sent you a friend request and message in discord
Allain Lovairt Siren [Aether]
Hello! I’d like to join your FC. It seems like fu. Is there someone in game I can talk to?
Membre du groupe Cidolfas Orlandu Siren [Aether]
Yep! Message me here or on discord. @agriasoaks. Discord will be a lot easier since I typically try to interview would-be recruits!
Allain Lovairt Siren [Aether]
Sounds good. I sent you a FR. Thank you.
Membre du groupe Cidolfas Orlandu Siren [Aether]
Looking to join a guild and get into raiding? Our casual learning static for savage needs a 2nd melee (non-reaper) and a ranged player still! Really skilled and patient teachers in here. They are on m2s currently so someone with m1s clear experience would be preferred but this is all of course pending a tryout regardless to make sure you gel with the personalities involved!
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