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Les joueurs qui font partie d'une compagnie libre (CL) peuvent par exemple discuter tous ensemble sur un canal de discussion privé ou acheter une maison de compagnie libre. Ils peuvent aussi utiliser des "bienfaits", des actions spéciales qui leur sont réservées et permettent entre autres d'augmenter l'expérience reçue pour tous les membres pendant un certain temps.
Les compagnies libres sont chacune aussi différentes que les membres qui la composent. Choisissez celle qui s'aligne le mieux avec votre style de jeu !
On les appelle plus couramment LS et LSIM. Elles permettent de discuter sur un canal privé avec les autres membres. Contrairement aux compagnies libres, les joueurs peuvent rejoindre plusieurs linkshells. Vous pouvez donc par exemple faire partie d'une linkshell pour les contrats de chasse et d'une autre pour la pêche.
Rejoignez les linkshells en rapport avec vos activités préférées !
Trouvez l'équipe la plus adaptée pour vous, entraînez-vous ensemble et visez le haut du classement !
Mode JcJ : toutes missions où le but est de combattre d'autres joueurs.The Cookout Recrutement de nouveaux membres
Brumée, secteur 1, parcelle 15 [Grand]
Dead Lalafel Society
Prenez contact avec les membres de ce groupe en vue de le rejoindre !
Profil du recruteur
Benaerys Targaryen Diabolos [Crystal]
Please contact any of our officers (discord names included) or click on our FC house placard to apply.
If you submit an application in-game, please include your discord name
• Salrus Umbra (kingb00)
• Cobb Highwind (lime_rick)
• Allete Fay (allete)
• Katsu Ryuki (popesauce)
• Graceful Frost (picthebear)
• Thelonious Fray (kykw)
Note that we do not blindly accept applications while you are offline. For a quicker response, reach out to an officer via discord in addition to applying in-game.
(Small pull tanks and healers who don't dps are not welcome though)
?Tuckmein Papi Diabolos [Crystal]
I am interested in joining ESC. I have discord as well.
Membre du groupe Benaerys Targaryen Diabolos [Crystal]
Hit me up on discord!
Tuckmein Papi Diabolos [Crystal]
Mr.gutsy is me
Silva Silly Diabolos [Crystal]
I'm interested in joining!
Membre du groupe Canary Lightborn Diabolos [Crystal]
I would like to join ur FC if possible I have a discord.
Acaeos Legend Diabolos [Crystal]
I'm a returning player and my current FC is not active during afternoon hours. I'm eastern time and most are western so the 3 hour difference makes it hard to connect. I would love to see if ESC could be a good place for me to settle down.
Kai Particus Leviathan [Primal]
Are you guys still recruiting sprouts? :D
Smug Ascanio Diabolos [Crystal]
I'm a returning player looking for an FC to really enjoy the game with. I'm reachable on discord as well.
Erastos Resat Cerberus [Chaos]
Good day, i try to contact you on Discord my Name there is Erastos Resat. I play since 3 Years and the last months really active. The FC where im now is great but is not so active in Savage raid what i would like to learn and do. Contact me in Game or Discord :)
Membre du groupe Ya Wey Diabolos [Crystal]
Hello, I’m a new player who primarily has been running duty finder with a close friend. We both are looking for a good fc to help us progress through extremes and up. I’ll make sure to message y’all in game if your willing to help some sprouts become good guildies.
Membre du groupe Benaerys Targaryen Diabolos [Crystal]
Are you guys still looking for an FC?
Membre du groupe Ya Wey Diabolos [Crystal]
I am still yes
Tsuki Darkness Diabolos [Crystal]
Completely new looking for a good community to build with! So very interested!
Eriza Verde Diabolos [Crystal]
I'd like to join but I can't seem to find any of those officers on discord
Membre du groupe Brews Susingway Diabolos [Crystal]
If for some odd reason Discord dosn't want to cooperate, just look for me in game! Most times you can find me online crafting, or striking poses for Gpose! lol
Membre du groupe Dojo Tron Diabolos [Crystal]
Really its the name for me. Are you all still recruiting?
Membre du groupe Benaerys Targaryen Diabolos [Crystal]
welcome to the FC!
Ness Bound Diabolos [Crystal]
I'm interested in joining
Bigg Dealeo Diabolos [Crystal]
Heyas! Did you save a spot for me?
Membre du groupe Benaerys Targaryen Diabolos [Crystal]
welcome aboard :D
Gim Redbeard Seraph [Dynamis]
Hey there! I would like to join this cookout lol! I sent you a request via discord as well
Malatesto De'orvista Diabolos [Crystal]
Greeetings! Sent a friend request through discord.... would love to talk and see if I am a fit
Ezok Silverwind Diabolos [Crystal]
Hey there! I saw your post originally on Reddit and followed the link here to see more pictures of your FC. I am still really new to FF, I think I have been playing for about a month now, so I don't really know a whole lot of people. I am often quiet, but love to help out folks and think your FC would be a good fit for me if you are still taking on new players.
Membre du groupe Benaerys Targaryen Diabolos [Crystal]
yup! message any of us on discord or in game!
- Kiba Mac (soejimac#0404)
- Gj'ala Brews (Gj'ala Brews#8745)
- Khenbish Medekhgui (Poprop#1744)
-- -- ----
Saw your post on Reddit - newly returned to the game after a short break (i.e., I played for a few months during launch). Starting over and looking for a place to call home, if you're still taking new players. I admit, when I play my tank I have been doing single pulls but that's because I don't know what I'm doing - if I don't get better you can publicly shame me.
Membre du groupe Lyra Alftir Diabolos [Crystal]
Hey there! I wasn't sure what the protocol was but I was interested in joining your FC! Please let me know how to go about it. I am *technically* a returning player but I stopped playing a month after beta. I returned 3 months ago and have been enjoying it since. Hopefully there's still room :D
Membre du groupe Benaerys Targaryen Diabolos [Crystal]
Looks like you got in the FC just fine! Welcome aboard
Akna De'ville Omega [Chaos]
Definitely interested in moving from omega server over to diablos just to join yall.
Nickeli Stormcro Coeurl [Crystal]
Good evening! I'm interested in your FC. I'm currently on Mateus (not my fault lol) but am wanting a change. I was wondering if I could join your discord for a bit to get a feel before I x-fer? I also wanted to check out your late night activity, since that's my schedule (I game after my wife n kids go to bed). Are you still accepting people?
Membre du groupe Benaerys Targaryen Diabolos [Crystal]
yessir. we actually have a handful of members who switched from mateus to join our FC lol.
we definitely have a bunch of regulars who play all the way up to 4am PST so I'm sure you can easily make some late night homies in the FC.
I'm about to leave for vacation so just hit up one of my officers for a discord invite
- Kiba Mac (soejimac#0404)
- Khenbish Medekhgui (Poprop#1744)
Golden Nubian Ultros [Primal]
Hi! I'm a healer/ranged dps main whos been playing since the Heavensward expansion. I'm interested in joining. I'm looking for an FC thats very active and periodically does Savage content. I'm semi new to Savage raiding but I want to start off fresh with the new expansion. Also I love helping new players. Im also on discord
Membre du groupe Benaerys Targaryen Diabolos [Crystal]
Hello hello,
We do everything you mentioned and more. We have plenty of high end players who can coach you up, help get clears and prep you for savage.
I'm actually on vacation so just hit up one of my officers for a discord invite (or if you have more raid specific questions/concerns!)
- Kiba Mac (soejimac#0404)
- Khenbish Medekhgui (Poprop#1744)
Golden Nubian Ultros [Primal]
I sent a discord request to all the moderators. My name is Golden Nubian
Membre du groupe Bolormaa Dotharl Diabolos [Crystal]
Hey! I'm new to FF 14 (and MMOs in general) and have been looking for an FC to join that can help acclimate me into higher end content. I am finished with the main ARR content, and am currently boosting my Au Ra Paladin through side quests unlocking armor, weapons, etc. You guys seem like a tight knit group and I would love to learn the ropes with you. I have already preordered Endwalker so I even have the 30% exp boost to help speed up my growth,
Membre du groupe Benaerys Targaryen Diabolos [Crystal]
I see you joined earlier today, welcome! I hope we can help you out with your in-game goals :)
Membre du groupe Katsu Ryuki Diabolos [Crystal]
Yo! I'm a new-ish player to the game, started back in September and just finished Heavensward this month. I'm hooked on the game, and I'm looking for a tightly knit group to make friends in and have good times with, and this group definitely looks promising! I sent a couple friend requests to officers on Discord - Hoping to hear back soon!
Also, Merry Christmas!
Membre du groupe Benaerys Targaryen Diabolos [Crystal]
Merry Christmas! Yes we definitely should check that box :D
Mcpeepants Bubblegum Diabolos [Crystal]
Hello I have been playing 14 for a while now. I wouldn't say I'm great by any means lol, but I'm looking for a cool/chill group of people to enjoy end game content with.
Membre du groupe Benaerys Targaryen Diabolos [Crystal]
I promise you greatness and enjoyment both though! One of my officers saw your application. Hopefully see you soon
Oxnard Montalvo Seraph [Dynamis]
. . .sooo are there rasins in the potato salad?
Membre du groupe Benaerys Targaryen Diabolos [Crystal]
I sure hope not >_>
Kuroo Totleben Tonberry [Elemental]
hello! sprout here! are you guys still recruiting? :)
Membre du groupe Benaerys Targaryen Diabolos [Crystal]
yup! find us on discord (info above) or search up one of our officers later today in game
Kuroo Totleben Tonberry [Elemental]
ok sent discord req to you! aka kuroo :)
Katyusha Seachranach Diabolos [Crystal]
if you guys are still recruiting, would you be okay if i joined? i just got out of sprout criteria but im not exactly experienced at this game either
Arnea Ortonus Diabolos [Crystal]
Hello, Looking to join an active FC where I could possibly gain some exposure to some end content. I definitely fall into the WoW refugee camp. Been playing FF14 for a little over a year, casually plugging along. Currently playing BLM, have a WHM as well to to 90 as of yet. Over all just looking to meet new peeps. 18+ Canadian.
G'neryk Tia Diabolos [Crystal]
Are you guys still recruiting? Been trying to contact you guys via discord, but no ones answering
Chopped Cheese Diabolos [Crystal]
Hey, still recruiting? I tried contacting the officers in game but nobody is on atm.
Membre du groupe Benaerys Targaryen Diabolos [Crystal]
We are! your best shot is hitting one of us up in discord
- Khenbish Medekhgui (Poprop#1744)
- Brews Susingway (Gj'ala Brews#8745)
- Kiba Mac (soejimac#0404)
Lokee Ragnar Diabolos [Crystal]
Returning player looking to join.
Raine Rhyne Diabolos [Crystal]
interested in joining
Membre du groupe Casper Carter Diabolos [Crystal]
Sent request to your discord! - CSPR
Membre du groupe Rubedox Lioncourt Diabolos [Crystal]
Interested in joining, about a year into the game, and want to experience more group content.
Chromatic Llama Diabolos [Crystal]
I'm interested in joining. I just finished the EW MSQ and am looking to do more fun things.
Membre du groupe Benaerys Targaryen Diabolos [Crystal]
come by the FC house and drop an application with your discord name! or hit any of us up on discord. (details in the post!)
Mari Jane Raiden [Light]
I’m interested in joining, I added a few of you on discord :)
Gentleman Tilly Diabolos [Crystal]
Hello! I am interested in joining your community. My discord is Rock The Dragon#0564
Top Difference Diabolos [Crystal]
Greetings gamers, I'd like to join.
Hypno Zo-kalar Diabolos [Crystal]
Yo newbie here. My discord is Hypno Zo-Kalar#0519
Little Thistle Diabolos [Crystal]
Hello, it seems like discord is required?
Membre du groupe Benaerys Targaryen Diabolos [Crystal]
Heyo, yes it is. It's the main way we communicate FC happenings and it's also where new members will see & accept our house rules.
Bradwr Whisperwind Diabolos [Crystal]
Hello. You more or less had me at the group fishing photo. I'm newish to FFXIV. I came from WoW, where I have the Salty title from the fishing meta-achievement. That's my main flex, and it's mostly downhill after that, but I am looking for a medium to larger FC that I can socialize in while I get used to the FFXIV way of doing things. Eventually, I'd like to raid seriously, but for now, I'm just enjoying the MSQ and the 10,000 distractions along the way. bradwr#5746
Membre du groupe Benaerys Targaryen Diabolos [Crystal]
Sent over a discord request :D
Mike Dixerekt Diabolos [Crystal]
Sent a discord friend request.
Sagan Belrok Diabolos [Crystal]
I’m interested in joining. Your FC seems exactly what I was hoping to find. Long time WoW player but
ready for something different. Very much a sprout here. Are you still recruiting? My discord name is phober#3461
Michelle Cross Diabolos [Crystal]
Hi! Name is Michelle Cross in game, and Grimlocks844 on discord. I saw this post for recruiting. I had been currently with my fc for about three years. But the amount of people that play have dwindled down. The few who do play mostly only do maps and not much else. I wish to get into savage raiding as I’ve done some solo extremes and highly enjoy it. I main mostly tank and healer. My world is Diabolos crystal as well. I would love to grow more as a ffxiv player. Thank you for reading this.
Taaka Gin Diabolos [Crystal]
Id like to join! Im an active returning player, looking for an fc to try some more difficult content. my discord is PacheckYoself, and I like weed. :)
Yoichi Hakodate Diabolos [Crystal]
I'm looking for a medium to large FC to join, one that's active pretty regularly with a chaotic retail schedule. I like the sound of this group doing a mix of things. I've been progressing through EW normal raids solo and would like to try savage at some point, keep getting distracted with leveling other jobs but who isn't if everything isn't 90. Hope I can get added to this FC! Discord: yoichi_hakodate
Membre du groupe Benaerys Targaryen Diabolos [Crystal]
Thanks for the comment, we'll have someone reach out to you
Membre du groupe Gilli Mesh Diabolos [Crystal]
hello, my old fc has died and I'm interested in joining a new one. I'm not the most social but if i have a chocobo stable and I'm allowed to garden I'll be content and I'm happy to help out if I can.
Membre du groupe Benaerys Targaryen Diabolos [Crystal]
Reach out to our officers in discord or in game!
Morn Hyland Diabolos [Crystal]
I am interested in joining. I sent you a fried request in discord
Moon Stone Sargatanas [Aether]
Hi, I'm returning after a break and new to Diabolos, transferring over from Aether and this guild looks really interesting and might be a good fit for me. My discord is sherissu.
Membre du groupe Benaerys Targaryen Diabolos [Crystal]
Hi, we've tried to reach out to your discord but your privacy settings are preventing us. Please reach out to an officer in game or in discord and we'll get you sorted out.
Butts Mctooty Leviathan [Primal]
Love an invite, FC sounds like fun and looking for people to run content with!
Membre du groupe Nike Hope Diabolos [Crystal]
I am interested in joining. I sent you a friend request in Discord. Discord won't let me message anyone unless in the same server. I also submitted an application in game.
Membre du groupe Benaerys Targaryen Diabolos [Crystal]
Sounds good! I've notified the officers in case no one has reached out yet
Thedude Isokay Diabolos [Crystal]
Hey can i join? I just got the game, im a new player
Madame La'ministre Diabolos [Crystal]
I used to play FFV and I left for a year but came back. I have a paladin level 45 (Senpai Samurai). But I like to try all classes to get a feel for every playstyle. I don't play much during the week, just the weekends. I am in the medical field and tired lol. Servers are down today but let me know if you are still accepting applications. I have discord, just haven't used it in a long time since Black Desert. :)
Membre du groupe Benaerys Targaryen Diabolos [Crystal]
Yup applications are still open if you want to drop by the FC house to apply or reach out to any officer listed above!
Membre du groupe Musty Muffin Diabolos [Crystal]
Hello! I'm interested in applying to the FC. I am a returning player with a good amount of mmo experience. I tried to message the officers listed above for a discord link. It told me the message couldn't be sent so I'm assuming everyone was offline. My discord name is mustymuffin. with the period at the end of it. Hope to hear back soon! Also just applied at the FC house :)
Madame La'ministre Diabolos [Crystal]
Me and Musty are loitering outside the mansion lol. We applied. :) My Discord is Senpai Samurai#0171
Membre du groupe Coyote Zen Diabolos [Crystal]
Watched the youtube vids and am excited to share the vibes! I applied in-game and my Discord is occakooky
Therin Vai Diabolos [Crystal]
In-game application sent. Discord name is joshiebot3
Membre du groupe Barca Ackerman Diabolos [Crystal]
Hey! I'm starting to get into extremes (want to move to savages), and looking for some friendly people who might want to do some extreme/savages' sometimes. I would love to join your FC. Discord won't let me send messages to people not on the friends list or in the same sever. So I just sent a discord friend request to the officers, khenbish, picthebear, and soejimac. My discord is barca24
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