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Les joueurs qui font partie d'une compagnie libre (CL) peuvent par exemple discuter tous ensemble sur un canal de discussion privé ou acheter une maison de compagnie libre. Ils peuvent aussi utiliser des "bienfaits", des actions spéciales qui leur sont réservées et permettent entre autres d'augmenter l'expérience reçue pour tous les membres pendant un certain temps.
Les compagnies libres sont chacune aussi différentes que les membres qui la composent. Choisissez celle qui s'aligne le mieux avec votre style de jeu !
On les appelle plus couramment LS et LSIM. Elles permettent de discuter sur un canal privé avec les autres membres. Contrairement aux compagnies libres, les joueurs peuvent rejoindre plusieurs linkshells. Vous pouvez donc par exemple faire partie d'une linkshell pour les contrats de chasse et d'une autre pour la pêche.
Rejoignez les linkshells en rapport avec vos activités préférées !
Trouvez l'équipe la plus adaptée pour vous, entraînez-vous ensemble et visez le haut du classement !
Mode JcJ : toutes missions où le but est de combattre d'autres joueurs.Eternal Knights Recrutement de nouveaux membres
Brumée, secteur 3, parcelle 5 [Grand]
Blade's Promise
Prenez contact avec les membres de ce groupe en vue de le rejoindre !
Maera Winsome Siren [Aether]
Nice to meet you! I've been a member of EK for about 8 years, and was even maid of honor at another members wedding. I'm passionate about growing and improving our community, and making it a place of support and good vibes for all our members. If you're interested in joining us, send me a message on discord! Maejoh#3178
?Safudah Ronso Siren [Aether]
This sounds like an FC I want to be a part of
Membre du groupe Grendon Ashtvight Siren [Aether]
We would love to have you Safudah! How would you like to chat?
Safudah Ronso Siren [Aether]
I'll be around in gridina today
Athya Sorin Siren [Aether]
Will forever be my favorite fc I've been a part of. You guys are still my family ???? and the biggest inspiration for my own FC! I hope you are doing well!
Membre du groupe Grendon Ashtvight Siren [Aether]
Athya!!! :D We miss you and Seriph! It was and always will be an honor to have met you both and to have been an inspiration :). I know we haven't been around as much, but I hope you both are doing well and keeping the fun in-game!
Seren Storm Moogle [Chaos]
Hi I'm a new player, and this definitely looks like my kind of FC , how do I go about applying ^.^
Membre du groupe Grendon Ashtvight Siren [Aether]
Hi Seren Storm! Do you have access to discord? If not, we can come in contact in game. I'm available after 4pm weekdays and mostly all day weekends. If by chance i'm not online, look for any <BLADE> member around and apply when you click Examine - Company Info - Apply.
Seren Storm Moogle [Chaos]
I do have access to discord yes :D :)
Ayuni Aki Midgardsormr [Aether]
Hello~! I just recently left a small guild my real friends and I have made to venture out and play with other people as many of them don’t come online often for us to do anything together, but I’m interested in your group! Yet since it’s such a big fc I do have a few questions since I would like to find a place to meet friends and not pull a skip mcdip! My discord is Ky#8281, thanks!
Membre du groupe Grendon Ashtvight Siren [Aether]
Hi Itai! Sorry for such a late reply! RL got busy and had to break away from the game for a while. Just now put up the page again and if you're still interested please reach out to me anytime. I will reach out to you via discord soon since your kindly provided it for me :D. Take care and have fun with Endwalker!
Membre du groupe Deenzie Foxpaw Siren [Aether]
Hiya! My husband and I recently returned and are looking for a Free Company and this one seems nice :3 I sent you a friend request on discord (Deenzie#9334) and would be very interested in recruitment for my husband and me.
Membre du groupe Grendon Ashtvight Siren [Aether]
Hi Clara! I don't believe we've met yet and sorry for being so late. I see now that you've joined us after being away from the game a while. Glad to have you and I hope you're having fun! Feel free to reach out if you ever need anything!
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Hello! I'm a new player, and I'm impressed by the sense of community your FC seems to have, and I would like to join.
Membre du groupe Grendon Ashtvight Siren [Aether]
Hi Mikoto! We would love to have you! What times do you log on so we can lookout for you?
Membre du groupe Kaori Althea Siren [Aether]
Hello! I'd like to join if you guys are still accepting new members :)
Membre du groupe Grendon Ashtvight Siren [Aether]
Hi Kaori! Just saw this, welcome to our FC!!
Graeldon Suzerain Ramuh [Meteor]
Hello! If you're still recruiting I'd love to have a chat to learn more about the FC!
Membre du groupe Grendon Ashtvight Siren [Aether]
Hi Graeldon! It was nice chatting with you on discord, I hope you find what you are looking for and again, our doors are always open! Be safe and have fun.
Orca Stormbreaker Siren [Aether]
Hey! I was wondering if I could talk to you about your experience with this FC?
Membre du groupe Grendon Ashtvight Siren [Aether]
Hi Orca! Thanks for reaching out to me directly on discord! From our chat I think you'd be a good fit and we'd be more than happy to have you :)
Emry Pendragon Siren [Aether]
Hi, My name is Emry. I'm currently FC browsing. I was wondering if we could chat so I can know a little bit more about the FC. My discord name is Emry Pendragon[S]#7205
Membre du groupe Grendon Ashtvight Siren [Aether]
Hi Emry! So sorry I just now saw this and put the page back up for recruitment. I had to recover my system to be able to log on after moving to a new place and thought it was still up. Anyway.. I hope this reaches you. I will reach you over discord also.
Artheon Westknight Siren [Aether]
Checking to see if you all are recruiting for new members. Thank you
Membre du groupe Grendon Ashtvight Siren [Aether]
Hi Artheon! We certainly are :D. Send me a /tell if you find me online or hit apply :)
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Hey I've just sent a discord friend request! Interested in joining :)
Membre du groupe Grendon Ashtvight Siren [Aether]
Hi! Welcome to the FC!!
Nicki Crimes Siren [Aether]
Hello Id be interested in joining if you guys are looking for new members.
Membre du groupe Grendon Ashtvight Siren [Aether]
Hi Nicki! Sorry I just saw this. Are you still interested in joining?
Membre du groupe Grendon Ashtvight Siren [Aether]
I see your in our friends Athya's FC instead. Good choice! She's amazing :)
Membre du groupe C'raha Rahz Siren [Aether]
I just popped into your Mansion and its amazing. I was hoping to leave my request to join in your message book but its full so itll have to be here
Membre du groupe Maera Winsome Siren [Aether]
Hi C'raha, thanks for stopping by! I think you might be able to apply through this listing, but otherwise feel free to send me a DM on discord (username maejoh) and/or send me a tell when you're online and I'll send an invite!
Membre du groupe Zeke Uchiha Siren [Aether]
Hey was wondering if y’all are still recruiting?
Membre du groupe Maera Winsome Siren [Aether]
Always, and we're so glad you joined us!!
Solo Bags Siren [Aether]
Hi, just started my FFXIV journey. This looks like a great place to be!
Thanks guys. I have joined another FC. Take care!!
Membre du groupe Grendon Ashtvight Siren [Aether]
Thank you for the interest and I hope you have a safe journey!
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Interested in joining! Sent a message to Maejoh on discord :)
Adrasteia Mortem Behemoth [Primal]
Hello! I am not going to type everything here, but I was in the FC YEARS ago! (I even still have Clare on FB!) But I just run a RANDOM dungeon and she was there!!! I didn't realize until the very end, as I was in tank mode lol. But I would like to possibly reconnect with you guys! ?
Membre du groupe Grendon Ashtvight Siren [Aether]
Welcome back home Adrasteia!! :)
G'kar Dax Gilgamesh [Aether]
Good evening, returning player. Looking for new friends, and a new forever home. Found your profile online, and lead me here. You guys sound like fun, just wondering what your schedule is like for event availability. Any info would be great. Thanks!
Membre du groupe Grendon Ashtvight Siren [Aether]
Hi there G'kar!! Our schedule is pretty up and down, but we're mostly active on weekends and evening workdays. We have members from many different timezones, but we mostly operate under EST.
Membre du groupe Grendon Ashtvight Siren [Aether]
Feel free to send me a DM: SavvyToli#0278
G'kar Dax Gilgamesh [Aether]
Ok, awesome to know. Looking for something with more weekend schedule mainly due to work schedule. Availability is open on Fri-Sun, and I've found that's not easy to find.
Membre du groupe Grendon Ashtvight Siren [Aether]
Looking forward to getting to meet you!
Membre du groupe Ras Nightsong Siren [Aether]
Hello. I am a new transfer to Siren looking for an FC home. I found your FC on the Community Finder and wanted to approach about joining.
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