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Les joueurs qui font partie d'une compagnie libre (CL) peuvent par exemple discuter tous ensemble sur un canal de discussion privé ou acheter une maison de compagnie libre. Ils peuvent aussi utiliser des "bienfaits", des actions spéciales qui leur sont réservées et permettent entre autres d'augmenter l'expérience reçue pour tous les membres pendant un certain temps.
Les compagnies libres sont chacune aussi différentes que les membres qui la composent. Choisissez celle qui s'aligne le mieux avec votre style de jeu !
On les appelle plus couramment LS et LSIM. Elles permettent de discuter sur un canal privé avec les autres membres. Contrairement aux compagnies libres, les joueurs peuvent rejoindre plusieurs linkshells. Vous pouvez donc par exemple faire partie d'une linkshell pour les contrats de chasse et d'une autre pour la pêche.
Rejoignez les linkshells en rapport avec vos activités préférées !
Trouvez l'équipe la plus adaptée pour vous, entraînez-vous ensemble et visez le haut du classement !
Mode JcJ : toutes missions où le but est de combattre d'autres joueurs.Personhood of People Recrutement de nouveaux membres
-Recrutement de nouveaux membres
Prenez contact avec les membres de ce groupe en vue de le rejoindre !
Profil du recruteur
W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
Some dork nerd on an alt seeking to make friends, do content, and grow as a person.
?Membre du groupe K'mela Fhey Midgardsormr [Aether]
I'd love to join. I too am a loner looking for someone to chat with. <3
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
Okedoke! We'd love to have you! Once you're online, I can send over an invite!
I try and check daily. There is a Fellowship by the same name, which makes it a bit easier to invite from!
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
Membre du groupe Eggy Scramblini Faerie [Aether]
I don't know if you're still recruiting people but I'd want to join :)
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
Membre du groupe Naru Momose Faerie [Aether]
I love chatting IN-GAME <3 Invite please!
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
Once you're online, I can send over an invite!
I try and check daily. There is a Fellowship by the same name, which makes it a bit easier to invite from!
Membre du groupe Naru Momose Faerie [Aether]
I don't see a Fellowship by that name... I'm often on in the evening (EST time zone) or you can let me know when you're often online.
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
We have a Fellowship by the same name ('Personhood of People') that you may join freely. Kinda using it as the front-facing in-game ad for the CWLS. If I spot a new name on there, I'll try and invite you each day I'm on. Else, definitely shoot me a message here, or in-game!
Membre du groupe Vargas Vul Siren [Aether]
I'd love to join as well and chat with yall in-game! <3
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
Hey there!
I will try and invite you later!
Membre du groupe Vargas Vul Siren [Aether]
I was trying to look for the Fellowship, but I don't see one with the same name. If it helps, I'm usually online around the late evenings. Or I could try to find ya when I get home from work lol xD
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
Misty Boop Sargatanas [Aether]
Do you have discord? Can I join?
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
Hey there!
I do not have a Discord. My original intention was purely an in-game chat, so unless there was overwhelming support for a Discord, I won't set one up just yet!
Membre du groupe Anya Vasilyev Siren [Aether]
I am applying not because I fit any of the above criteria (okay maybe a little...or a lot...ssssh). I would love to join if you have any room :3
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
Membre du groupe Seiko Ayase-chan Sargatanas [Aether]
Hi! umm so yeah. I am in a FC of two people. A whole two people and we have always played like this for years, but I have always wanted to be part of a community of more than just two folks. This group sounds like it would be the place since I may or may not fit the vibe above <.<;
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
Membre du groupe Son Ofmejai Midgardsormr [Aether]
yo, lookin for more ff friends if you got some room :)
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
Delta Nate Midgardsormr [Aether]
I am in very very urgent need of a free company for one reason. I need black chocobo companion because if im going to grind zodiac weapon then god forbid I have to look at a basic bitch chocobo. Why you should invite me? I will be a black mage with a black chocobo and zodiac weapon so who wouldnt want me. Respond before its too late
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
Ahhhh omg! Invited!
Membre du groupe Nyx Skotadi Jenova [Aether]
Omg! I feel the same way!! Please add me so we can start chatting, treasure hunting, explore, dungeons, etc....
Thank you!
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
Membre du groupe Lucia Rotarl Midgardsormr [Aether]
This resonates with me, I'd like to join ^^
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
Raemha Pahli Louisoix [Chaos]
hi if your still recruiting i would love for more people to chat with and or hangout and just craft or do dungeons
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
Hey Raemha!
I'm not sure if people who are *not* on the North American data center are able to join the CWLS. We can certainly try it, though! First, I'd have you try and join the Fellowship 'Personhood of People'. If that works, then we can try the CWLS!
Raemha Pahli Louisoix [Chaos]
oh right i always forget im on an eu center but its worth a shot how do i join the fellowship?
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
I looked into this a bit further. According to the wiki, only people on the same data center (North America, Aether) can join this CWLS.
Raemha Pahli Louisoix [Chaos]
i have an alt on aether i could join with
Membre du groupe Zansei Shirogane Gilgamesh [Aether]
Hey, if there's still space, could I get an invite?
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
Mimi Muffintin Mateus [Crystal]
Hello! If you're still open to new friends I'd love to join! :) Thank you.
OH! I'm not sure I'm able to because I'm in Crystal? I have no idea how this works but let me know. Thank youuuuuuu!
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
According to the wiki, it looks like only people on the same datacenter (North America, Aether) can join the CWLS.
Xola Zikthama Siren [Aether]
Hello! If you're still open to new people, I'm looking for some new friends to talk and do content with! I see you're on Faerie, that's where I started before moving to Siren with some friends. Unfortunately, things never work out for me to hop in with that friend group anymore and doing dungeons with NPCs and randoms is pretty boring, so hoping to find a group who I can have fun with as new content is rolling out again.
Xola Zikthama Siren [Aether]
Saw your edit, I just joined the fellowship and I'll try to get on more so you have better luck sending me an invite!
Membre du groupe Rose Alora Faerie [Aether]
Hello, I'd love to join.
Membre du groupe Io Anemoia Adamantoise [Aether]
heyhey! Joined the fellowship and would love to get in the linkshell whenever you have a chance :D
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
Lexi Buttons Behemoth [Primal]
I'd be interested in joining!
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
I'm not certain whether someone on Primal can join a CWLS originating on Aether. Can you join the Fellowship by the same name (Personhood of People)? Let's see if that works!
Membre du groupe Nott Osk Cactuar [Aether]
Heya! Would love to join if there's still room, joined the Fellowship as well~ I'm usually on every afternoon
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
Maddie Cafe Sargatanas [Aether]
Hello! I'd be interested in joining the CWLS! I've been running solo with my partner for the last few years of game time, but it would be nice to have a group of people to chat with and do things together again!
I tried looking for the fellowship but didn't see it listed. You can usually catch me weekday evenings EST or at random times on weekends!
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
Bhi'ra Lokhmi Faerie [Aether]
I'd love to join!
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
Membre du groupe Kitsu Tsurugi Cactuar [Aether]
I'd love to join if you are still recruiting.
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
Membre du groupe Calista Crystallis Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello, Id like to join. Usually on late afternoons/ evenings EST but I'll join the fellowship when I log later so it's easier to check if I'm online.
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
Aranea Bluewater Cactuar [Aether]
Hello are you still recruiting for this? I usually play evenings PST for weekdays and would be interested in more people to chat with
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
Hello there!
We sure are! We do have a Fellowship by the same name. If you like, feel free to join that, too!
Aranea Bluewater Cactuar [Aether]
I don't see the fellowship on the list :/ I'm not sure if it only shows up when you're online or what, not very familiar with them.
I'll keep trying now and then
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
Should be up now!
Syl Blackthorn Famfrit [Primal]
Hi! I would love to join. I'm brand new (level 14), and looking for folks to talk to. I plan on eventually getting into high-level raiding, although I know that is farrrrr off
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
Heyyyy welcome to FFXIV!
I'm not certain whether someone on Primal (your datacenter) can join a CWLS originating on Aether. Can you join the Fellowship by the same name (Personhood of People)? Let's see if that works!
Membre du groupe Papa Dusk Faerie [Aether]
Hey, I'd be interested in joining if you don't mind a queer guy in his 30's.
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
Lyss Lawless Cactuar [Aether]
Hi hi, if you’re still recruiting I’d love to join! I’ll be online most of the day but I play mostly evenings EST!
Membre du groupe Orrick Heeler Faerie [Aether]
Hi! I would like to join when you got time. I play at night central time if that helps.
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
Ninja Sushi Midgardsormr [Aether]
I'd like to join as well!
Rascle Fallings Gilgamesh [Aether]
Im interested in joining!
Bomb Bastic Raiden [Light]
if you are still looking for people :) i would like to join. C:
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
I believe only people on the Aether data center can join, sorry! It's a system restriction within FFXIV.
Membre du groupe Sesse Bysh Siren [Aether]
Heyya, another loner here that would love to join!
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
Chiyu Fujinaga Jenova [Aether]
I'd love to join as a veteran of standing around in Limsa doing nothing but people watch. I'm regularly on late evenings PST till early morning PST.
Membre du groupe Not Batman Siren [Aether]
Need more friends who play this game. I'm on every day for like 8h at a time, pls let me in
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
Epsilon Null Midgardsormr [Aether]
Hello, I would like to join!
Membre du groupe Maximum Danger Jenova [Aether]
I'd join if this is still active, always nice to be social in a social game :)
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
Marina Eirlys Siren [Aether]
I'd love to join! I need some more people to talk with c:
Yuri Numrau Siren [Aether]
Hi! Any chance I could join? I’d love to have more people to talk to as a fellow loner in this game
Ark Dragsmire Siren [Aether]
Are you guys still accepting? I would love to join, more people to chat with!
Daverian Ryujin Sargatanas [Aether]
I'd love to join! I've been looking for other ppl to socialize with!
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
Alendi Mandragoran Siren [Aether]
Hi! I'd also like to join if you're still looking for people!
Alendi Mandragoran Siren [Aether]
Ok, so I'm still pretty new to all of this but I'm beginning to see that adding people is actually really difficult, lol.
Unfortunately, I can't find the Fellowship to join that and make it easier.
Denito Kandrick Faerie [Aether]
I would like to join if you are still looking for people.
Membre du groupe Beryx Shadowblade Siren [Aether]
Been feeling pretty lonely in game lately, would love to join!
Membre du groupe W'yndia Nahmli Faerie [Aether]
Falulu Falu Adamantoise [Aether]
I would love to join. Looking for more LGBTQ community members in game to hangout and game with.
Sachiko Fujinuma Sargatanas [Aether]
I would love to join. I’ve been looking for people to talk while i aimlessly go through the world.
Maiev Zorya Faerie [Aether]
I'd like to join!
Ember Surefell Cactuar [Aether]
okay ill bite, can i have an invite?
Membre du groupe Aurora Azurys Jenova [Aether]
I'd really like to join and interact as well. May I get an invite?
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