Bienvenue sur la page de recherche d'aventuriers !

Trouvez le groupe de joueurs qui vous ressemble pour vivre pleinement
vos aventures dans FINAL FANTASY XIV !

Utilisation de la recherche d'aventuriers

  • Étape 1

    Chercher un groupe

  • Étape 2

    Prendre contact via la page de recrutement

  • Étape 3

    Faire connaissance et rejoindre

  • Qu'est-ce qu'une compagnie libre ?

    Les compagnies libres sont des groupes que les joueurs d'un même Monde peuvent rejoindre.

    Les joueurs qui font partie d'une compagnie libre (CL) peuvent par exemple discuter tous ensemble sur un canal de discussion privé ou acheter une maison de compagnie libre. Ils peuvent aussi utiliser des "bienfaits", des actions spéciales qui leur sont réservées et permettent entre autres d'augmenter l'expérience reçue pour tous les membres pendant un certain temps.

    Les compagnies libres sont chacune aussi différentes que les membres qui la composent. Choisissez celle qui s'aligne le mieux avec votre style de jeu !

  • Que sont les linkshells et les linkshells inter-Monde ?

    Les linkshells sont des canaux de discussion privés destinés aux joueurs qui partagent le même objectif.

    On les appelle plus couramment LS et LSIM. Elles permettent de discuter sur un canal privé avec les autres membres. Contrairement aux compagnies libres, les joueurs peuvent rejoindre plusieurs linkshells. Vous pouvez donc par exemple faire partie d'une linkshell pour les contrats de chasse et d'une autre pour la pêche.

    Rejoignez les linkshells en rapport avec vos activités préférées !

    Linkshells (LS) : seuls les joueurs d'un même Monde peuvent les rejoindre.
    Linkshells inter-Monde (LSIM) : tous les joueurs d'un même centre de traitement de données peuvent les rejoindre, peu importe leur Monde d'origine.
  • Qu'est-ce qu'une équipe JcJ ?

    Les équipes JcJ (Joueur contre Joueur) sont des équipes spécialement formées pour des affrontements entre joueurs.

    Trouvez l'équipe la plus adaptée pour vous, entraînez-vous ensemble et visez le haut du classement !

    Mode JcJ : toutes missions où le but est de combattre d'autres joueurs.
Compagnie libre

TeamNoSleep Recrutement de nouveaux membres



Recrutement de nouveaux membres

Zalera [Crystal]

Télécharger la carte du groupe


Heures d'activité
En semaine
14:00 1:00
0:00 23:00
Membres actifs


Centre de données


Monde d'origine


Places à pourvoir




#Débutants bienvenus
#Jeu détendu
#Carte aux trésors
#Amateurs de mirage

Find yourself without friends to help you through this expansion? Or maybe your current FC is looking a little lifeless? We can help you with that!

TeamNoSleep is looking to expand its roster with new members! We're a friendly and social FC that's active in some of the odder hours of the day/night. We have glamour enthusiasts, dungeon runners, omnicrafters, raiders, PvPers...we even have a few Australians. (Don't touch them, they bite.)

We like to be a second home for people. We've had members be absent for a year or more, only to come back and find themselves welcomed by the same people who were here when they last logged in. We're not hardcore raiders, and we're not going to expect you to be perfect at your gameplay.

We're open to all types of content, whether it's ultimate raids or just clearing out older EX and savage content to help someone see things they haven't experienced before. We also schedule a lot of activity outside of game content, such as poker nights, cards against humanity, lethal company, etc! Currently we're doing interviews with FC volunteers that we're uploading to YouTube to give everyone a chance to know each other better, and weekly maps, EX runs, and Eureka!

If you're new or returning after a long hiatus and you just want to go through MSQ and normal raids/trials, several of us are proficient in all roles and can help you if you have questions or just need a friend to bypass those awful DPS queue times.

We also have a discord, a large FC house stocked with food, and 24/7 buffs to help out with leveling and saving money on those teleport fees.

If any of this sounds appealing to you, come send me a tell in-game, find one of our members and apply through them, or if you have discord, join our discord at and post there in the #Join-requests room. We'll get with you to get your FC invite set up.* We'd be happy to add you to our family!

*Note: You won't have access to most of the discord until you post to the join requests room and one of us sets your permissions. We do it this way to avoid spam and bots. We don't want to be inundated with spam offers to buy monkey .jpgs.

Profil du groupe








Shirogane, secteur 10, parcelle 16 [Grand]

Description du logement



Prenez contact avec les membres de ce groupe en vue de le rejoindre !

Profil du recruteur

Membre du groupe

Synnestral Volitarius Zalera [Crystal]

Joindre par X

Been playing the game for around 10 years. I remember when you had to level a second class to 15 in order to unlock your main job.

I once did Thornmarch EX successfully through Duty Finder. Sometimes at night, I can still hear the screams.



Membre du groupe Synnestral Volitarius Zalera [Crystal]

Come for the comraderie. Stay to make fun of Sheun.

Also we have weekly raid nights, discord, buffs, etc.

But mostly make fun of Sheun.


Membre du groupe Sheun Kakadami Zalera [Crystal]

Can confirm, am Sheun.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Membre du groupe Synnestral Volitarius Zalera [Crystal]

Look at him. You know you want to make fun of him. It's the eyes.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Membre du groupe Potato Soupman Zalera [Crystal]



Luna Noctilucae Adamantoise [Aether]

u = not cool

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Membre du groupe Potato Soupman Zalera [Crystal]


Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Membre du groupe Sin Laris Zalera [Crystal]

Join us and meet Papa Pizza. Have you had food made by Papa Pizza? You haven't. It's time to correct that.


Membre du groupe Luna Chiba Zalera [Crystal]



Membre du groupe Elaina Crysallis Zalera [Crystal]

Join us... We have regular pt doing roulletes except MSQ roullete...leveling alt classes no longer an issue when we always have pt doing roullete...


Oichi Nobunaga Zalera [Crystal]

Id like to join. Newbie XD


Membre du groupe Synnestral Volitarius Zalera [Crystal]

We'll be happy to have ya. You can join by finding one of our FC members online and applying through them or you can send me or any of these people you see commenting here a message and we can send you an invite then, assuming you're not in an FC already.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Vera Schnee Zalera [Crystal]

Hi! I'd like to join up. I'm usually on late hours if not most of the day.


Membre du groupe Synnestral Volitarius Zalera [Crystal]

We'd be glad to have you. I'll keep doing intermittent searches for your name in player search til I see you on next to invite you. In the meantime, if you see one of our members on somewhere, feel free to apply through them. There's a decent chance you'll find some of them in our housing area: Shirogane - 10th ward, plot 16

Hopefully one day they'll allow applications from the community finder site directly.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500

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Eji Iriq Sophia [Materia]

Would love to join your FC!
Been playing for about two years but never really joined one..


Membre du groupe Synnestral Volitarius Zalera [Crystal]

I gotcha. I played the game solo for years myself before joining up with one. In my experience, it's more fun with others around. I'm not seeing you in my player search results yet, but I'll keep trying throughout the day until work starts to see if I can catch you.

In the meantime, if you see any players with the <<SLEEP>> tag, feel free to apply through them.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Eleanor Ludwig Behemoth [Primal]

hELLO! i Would love to join your FC!
Im new to the game but im already enjoying a lot! but i think its better when you have people around you can count on and vise-versa :)


Membre du groupe Synnestral Volitarius Zalera [Crystal]

We'd be glad to have you. We can't invite anyone through the website directly, but I'll keep doing player searches for you in-game until I see you online to invite you. In the meantime, if you see anyone wandering around with the <<SLEEP>> tag behind their name, feel free to apply through them.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Maria O'moraine Zalera [Crystal]

Hello, would love to join the FC. Played for a couple years and took a break after 5.0 launched. Eager to get back in and do activities and talk to people!


Membre du groupe Synnestral Volitarius Zalera [Crystal]

Hey hey. Sorry it took so long to get back to you. My work hours took a sharp increase this week and next. I haven't found you yet with player search in-game, but if you have access to the Shirogane housing area, you can find us in Ward 10, Plot 16. We usually have people hanging out in or around the house. In the meantime I'll put the word out to keep looking for you so we can get you set up with an invite. We'll be glad to have you join.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500

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-- -- ----

hello, are you still looking for new members? I am looking for a new place to call home and to improve my skills. I am looking for a warm and welcoming environment that is more welcoming to inexperienced players and just likes to have fun. I am always am willing to learn and I am just looking to hangout with a fun group of people and and enjoy each others company.


Membre du groupe Synnestral Volitarius Zalera [Crystal]

Yeah, we're always welcoming new people, and we'd be happy to have you! If you're interested, the easiest way for us to get you in is through discord, where you can send one of us that's online a message to invite you. Or you can find our housing plot in Shirogane at Ward 10, Plot 16, and there's a good chance you'll run into one of us there.

Otherwise, I can do random player searches for you when I'm online, but I'm on at weird hours and have work each week, so it may take a while to find ya.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Membre du groupe Sasaba Saba Zalera [Crystal]

Nice page!


Membre du groupe Synnestral Volitarius Zalera [Crystal]

Thanks, I worked hard on it. lol.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Off Hermeds Zalera [Crystal]

Would like to join if still accepting new / old players.


Membre du groupe Synnestral Volitarius Zalera [Crystal]

Always! Just shoot me a message whenever you're online, or you can join our discord and post there, where someone should see you and set up an invite for you.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Zidanez Runningwolf Zalera [Crystal]

Hey I am interested in joining your FC. I am a returning player who’s highest level is 42 so still kinda new


Membre du groupe Synnestral Volitarius Zalera [Crystal]

Hey, we'll be happy to have you. Next time I'm in-game, I'll check if you're online and send you an FC invite. Or if you have discord, you can hit us up there and one of our officers can get your permissions added and get an invite sent out to you as well.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Zidanez Runningwolf Zalera [Crystal]

I am online now

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Ronathan Ragnvindr Zalera [Crystal]

Hey! I may want to join :)


Membre du groupe Synnestral Volitarius Zalera [Crystal]

Hey there! I'll keep a lookout for you in-game. In the meantime, if you have discord and want an invite before I can get to you, head to and post there and one of our officers can get you in.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Sam Tompson Zalera [Crystal]

It seems to be that your a guild that does a lot of the stuff I’m looking to do! Been looking to get in an active FC that’s laid back. Looking forward to hearing back! I’m a returning/newer player.


Integra Wingates Zalera [Crystal]

Hey there! Looking to take a chance with your FC! Lots of options but decided to apply here first.~

I'm just another guy that basically drifted over to FF14 from WoW. Was once in (what I thought) a great guild, but drama happened and I've been wondering solo ever since. Would be nice to be involved in something tight knit again, just without the drama this time. Haha. Still new to the game (Level 60 WHM) and normally up at odd hours due to working nights. Would love to join if you'd have me :)


Kazraq Dorne Zalera [Crystal]

Looking to join a more social FC. I'm fairly new but I'm looking for an inclusive group of people to play with! Love to join if you're still recruiting!


Titz Mageee Zalera [Crystal]

Been playing for a little over a month now. Still consider myself a newbie. Looking for a social FC that has patience for newer, more casual player. I work full-time, but am usually on in the evenings and weekends. :)


Membre du groupe Holly Hood Zalera [Crystal]

Would like to join your FC if you are still inviting. I am a new'ish player looking for a FC that is more active during later hours.

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Membre du groupe Synnestral Volitarius Zalera [Crystal]

Hey we've opened up for applications again! Everybody feel free to join us if you feel like it, or can get through the queue in the first place!

(modifié)  -

Versa Chi Zalera [Crystal]

hey im looking to join your FC


Membre du groupe Synnestral Volitarius Zalera [Crystal]

Glad to see you joined up! I hope you enjoy your time here.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Thank Unext Zalera [Crystal]

I wanna join


Toast Smack Zalera [Crystal]

I would like to join please!


Membre du groupe Synnestral Volitarius Zalera [Crystal]

Glad to see that you made it!

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0 / 500


Elu Yukari Halicarnassus [Dynamis]

What's the fc tag? I'm interested in joining :)

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Ixplixit Spellbreaker Midgardsormr [Aether]

hello i would like to join your FC im new to the server looking for friends my name in game is the same as here thanks

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Membre du groupe Icy Kotta Zalera [Crystal]

Hi im looking for more people to have fun with and become friends. and i would love to join <3


Cinder Hellfury Zalera [Crystal]

I would love to join this FC! I'm free whenever on the weekends and on weekdays I'm on until 3:45 PM to midnight. (CST is my time zone.)


Membre du groupe Synnestral Volitarius Zalera [Crystal]

Just updated this page again and would like to note that I probably won't see the comments that get left here in a timely manner, since I don't check this page daily. So if you want to join, please use one of the methods I listed above. The easiest and most surefire way is by joining our discord server and posting in our Join-requests room.


Lord Bohner Zalera [Crystal]

Hey level 33 tank here. Would love to join. I"m active on twitter and discord.


Membre du groupe Shin Kang Zalera [Crystal]

hello i would like to join


Membre du groupe Synnestral Volitarius Zalera [Crystal]

Glad to see you made it! Welcome to the club!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Genesis Aryah Coeurl [Crystal]

Hey I would love to join you guys!


Membre du groupe Synnestral Volitarius Zalera [Crystal]

Glad to see you made it as well! Welcome!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Vrana Kyri Brynhildr [Crystal]

Would like to join o/


Membre du groupe Synnestral Volitarius Zalera [Crystal]

Hey there. You're welcome to join us whenever you want! The site doesn't really tell me when I get a new comment here, but if you can find one of us in-game you can apply through them or you can post in our discord here: - that one will actually send me a notification then one of us can send you a quick invite in-game.

Looking forward to seeing you!

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Zakatia Zukuto Zalera [Crystal]

I recently started playing and would love to join you guys


Fenny Ravensgard Kraken [Dynamis]

Can i join?????


Membre du groupe Synnestral Volitarius Zalera [Crystal]

Anyone can join, but you have to read the instructions in the post. lol

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500


Lililah Lilah Zalera [Crystal]

Hello! I am a newbie interested in joining your FC. The discord link was expired if you wouldnt mind adding me @MOARCOOKIEZ


Membre du groupe Synnestral Volitarius Zalera [Crystal]

Sorry about that, the link is now fixed. That'll teach me to use the custom links ever again.

Les sauts de ligne comptent comme un caractère.

0 / 500

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