

Cayaya Caya

Exploratrice d'Eurêka

Lamia [Primal]

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Caya's Class of Novice Adventurers Grows...

Cayaya Caya, renowned adventurer had previously taken on a small band of novice adventurers as a mentor of sorts... and now her "class" of adventurers has grown!

As I previously discussed, I am a teacher, and I have a band of students who are passionate about visiting other worlds who I invited to the realm of Eorzea. Caya, my point of contact in the world of Eorzea, is thrilled to share her adventuring expertise with fresh faces.

As each of them has progressed on their individual journeys, Caya guides them through dungeons, explains proper technique for evading attacks, discusses the finer points of each class and Job.

Caya's enthusiasm for teaching these new adventurers matches my own! I am thrilled that some of my former and current students are already planning to extend their time in Eorzea beyond the first adventure they've had thus far.

For myself and Caya, we are delighted to share the wonders of Eorzea with others!
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