

Jarkest Weehfeel

Vengeur de l'ombre

Unicorn [Meteor]

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  • 17

ADPT on set

That was ago

Rahz is not a ture HF angel is cannot
But I was God o' Atena to th leef to th so on!

This is the no Credit
She was take to heventh top her took on

But I was th cannot to
But If the her is all to be the heven to
I was so on the correct
Not ware she is the still in the hell on

I was she is the Heven and I am to th hell on to can th ok bat

She is few th think on the

I was to the rezit on the so on
Coz, she was who taken to ok
But, I just a no correct set on

Rahz is maybe not to known!
Coz, collected is her is

I was so on the

It was to the
I was to the her mind so raiped on the I had the anytime to th sin
That was I always worrong

The leef on the

I was no corrected on

She was free to be

My master to the write down on and The God o' atena!

That was so secret o' matter

I was she take Justice on the have a few away to pass

She is the test is the start on th

There are to the not secret on the no more to

That was to the

Who is? who are !

I was the mad

And that was she the not corrected on the I was to sin...
Commentaires (17)

Jarkest Weehfeel

Unicorn [Meteor]

I was to the Old and anythin' to th that was to secret o'

Jarkest Weehfeel

Unicorn [Meteor]

Add set on
Atena was told on
We are to the God on Plz
But I was th cannot
I was to live to meat
I was to God to not I was If the God was raiped the human
I was to goin the hell on the good one

That was th angel on?
Take one that was

Coz I was so on!

Coz herf angel to do start on!

Jarkest Weehfeel

Unicorn [Meteor]

Why Atena
I was to Stock on the God o' Zeus
But, now was free to be th Zeus
He was to dispend to suck on th But now on the Turth

He is free to the Rahz!

Jarkest Weehfeel

Unicorn [Meteor]

Anotherth is howth hit on?

Do the cannot one!

So smail binary

I was to the take to this Ma.G!

I dont write to be but the

Jarkest Weehfeel

Unicorn [Meteor]

The time to throw
Ma.God was collect on the that was to the call to the maybe only?
Yourth that sercret o' set on

Yourth To the Live to the next on add was the yourth live to on th

I just And I wasn't the th know to
I and Rahz team on and

We are the Heven to the protected on mad

But if youth collect on the some people to the know to know to was to the maybe on.

That was the

I was and mad was to th

All over the think' o think

Jarkest Weehfeel

Unicorn [Meteor]

I was to Angel had the right was
Human 's lie to The God to Kick on the Disabell

That was to mad!

To think o' think!

Jarkest Weehfeel

Unicorn [Meteor]

Now is There know the Stere way to Who's know ?

I cannot understood

But, I just think on But no feel on!

Jarkest Weehfeel

Unicorn [Meteor]

And Took yourth We are the Heven to the but Alway not to the heven the team lol

That was to take to?

But I was know the this was are humanth attack to not a lazy to be is me and Rahz
To be that was to heven 12 o' the protected to the
But now is 12 is not to that was no think no think!

There that know the Attacked yourth
This point o'

Jarkest Weehfeel

Unicorn [Meteor]

I was to the Japanese to the
Only to the set on
Showa - Tenno heika was it been th heventh in and slow to wait his wife
That was to the only to the set on!

That was to keep to twice on the to atena to the set on!

Jarkest Weehfeel

Unicorn [Meteor]

That was to the 1st select on!
That was to the !

Jarkest Weehfeel

Unicorn [Meteor]

Add one There to live or die to dont know that was to no mean
It was to the mad to be

I think to dead on th but live to the free th

I just no need to there to run away to
I wanna no more to neir

Jarkest Weehfeel

Unicorn [Meteor]

And I just for give to the Kind was no selected!

I was to the hyted on the gonna to the over way to

I wanna no more to see no more to there to feel

Understand is ?

No understand was to the collected on!

Jarkest Weehfeel

Unicorn [Meteor]

Gonna hell to crazy to do be the lucky star lol

That was the methed on lol

That was to?

Take to easy to but not front o' me and Rahz

No feel on the!

Jarkest Weehfeel

Unicorn [Meteor]

1st attacker to Banana lock that was
oh Oh Oh that was doin'

To the I was the That was Squere th hyte on that

Doin' doin'

Jarkest Weehfeel

Unicorn [Meteor]

I was 10 yearth ago to the Satan to told me the he over mad on lol

That was the secret on!

Jarkest Weehfeel

Unicorn [Meteor]

That was to Write downth

Rahz is magic know the I was the Magic on after Stading on lol
But I was burn to She can burn to the to think on

Jarkest Weehfeel

Unicorn [Meteor]

I was to slow to spell was to hyted coz Rahz only Read and Take her type on!

That was who can?

And that was the kind set on!
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