

Annabel Ashcroft

Faerie [Aether]

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Video 2: Shut up Selene!

In this next video, I am going to show how Voiceattack can do different things along with the keystroke activation, specifically voice effects.

When building a command, if you click on the 'other' tab, you will get a list of things you can make the command do such as sound effects, opening applications, dictation, and the advanced programming stuff.
This can be put before or after the keystroke along with an amount of time before or after the other goes off.

For example, this is the command to summon Selene:

Press left Ctrl+2 keys and hold for 01 seconds and release
Pause 7 seconds
Play random sound (6 items-suppress repeat)

This tells the program when I speak to: press control/2, wait 7 seconds, then play one of 6 voice samples and not repeat them until all have been eventually cycled through.

I also have some commands set up to play the sound before the keystroke goes off. as with this command for Resurrection

Play random sound (5 items-suppress repeat)
Pause 1 second
Press left Ctrl+6 keys and hold for 01 seconds and release

Something like this is obviously NOT needed for the command to work, but it gives it some embellishment and allows noises and other things if needed.

Note; of course no one can hear the sound effects but the user since they are going through the computer and not ff14 itself. So sorry, can’t bug people with annoying sounds. 😛

So here is the video showing that mouthy fairy Selene protesting Annabel's commands every step of the way. Please excuse the voices. Selene's is mostly my own using a voice changer and I also used it to try and make my voice younger sounding to represent Annabel. I think it sounds TOO young though, oh well.

If you think this is neat, you should see the software in action in the hands of someone who REALLY knows what to do with it. For examples, look up HCS voice packs for Elite Dangerous.

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