

Joe Schmoe

Hyperion [Primal]

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Joe's Stream, 10/8/2019

A pretty good, if a bit boring, stream today. I skipped the GC turn-ins this time, as there were so many (4 of them!), and at least half of them were level 80 ones which would've been a bitch to do anyway. But on the other hand, I did manage to do what I said I was going to do yesterday, upgrade all my crafting weapons and off-hands to level 77 gear.

So now I'll have a much easier time with the level 80 stuff. Which, I'll probably end up doing in the near future, as a couple of my crafting classes - blacksmithing and weaving I think - just reached level 79, so they're creeping up there. But not until I start doing some more scrip farming, as my supply of Hi-Cordials is definitely running low! I was going to go back and work on those GC turn-ins, but I was too out of it from bad sleep for the past 2 days to continue on, so I just called it off.

And for the vinyls I played this session they were:

Ted Nugent's Amboy Dukes - Tooth, Fang, and Claw
The Golden Era of Dixieland Jazz, 1887-1937
Fugazi - In on the Kill Taker
Tchaikovsky - Violin Concerto in D. Opus #35
Bill Cosby - 200 M.P.H.
Butthole Surfers - Independent Worm Saloon (most of it)

Aaaaaand that'll do 'er. <Take care.> everybody, and thanks for watching/reading. And have a good day/evening/night, peeps! ;)>

Why I Stream. and 20 Streamer Rules I Always/Don't Always/Never Follow.
Joe's Workout Videos
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My Youtube Channel.
Playing records and the usual GC turn-ins and then gearing up crafting weapons & off-hands. Mucho busy! (and/or scrip farm as well)
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